Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Thu, 03/08/2012 - 12:06
Medal of Honor: Warfighter
Oct 23
Operating directly under the National Command Authority, a relatively unknown entity of handpicked warfighters are called on when the mission must not fail. They are the Tier 1 Operators. They are real, living, breathing, precision instruments of war. They are experts in the application of violence. And they exist on an international level for various nations around the globe. In the U.S., their exact numbers, while classified, hover in the low hundreds.
The new Medal of Honor Warfighter game is inspired by and has been developed with Tier 1 Operators from this elite, international community. This personal story was written by actual Tier 1 Operators while deployed overseas. In it, players will step into the boots of these elite warfighters and apply their unique skill sets to track down a real global threat, in real international locations, sponsored by real enemies. It doesn’t get any more authentic then Medal of Honor Warfighter, coming October 23, 2012.
Cause the last one was so awesome.
The last MP sucked balls and we know now that DICE was using that platform to test stuff for BF3.....
but the SP had some of the best mechanics on the market.
I will buy this game just for the SP
Sounds like a game designed for Redbox.
I really enjoyed the last Medal of Honor single player game. It was way to short but while I was playing it was fun. I just pre-ordered this one last night and I'm hoping they coan brinf the awesome Teir-1/special forces gameplay of the single player to the multi-player. This would be something new and would allow them to stand out from BF and CoD.
I liked the last SP a lot. MP was poorly tested, excessively unbalanced, and totally unsupported post launch. It had potential though. Might be interesting to see what Danger Close does with it. I’ll pick this up for SP for sure, maybe just not for full price.
It looks like EA has set up a BFBC-BF-MoH launch cycle.
Nothing to see here...BF3 and COD bed down together ..AGAIN.
I'm playing the Ghost Recon Online Beta, and if future soldier is the same style MP, EA will never see another penny from me until they change their tune.
THis will be MOH 1.2 like BF3 was Bad Company 1.3 minus the fun destruction.
They're fuclking you, don't lie down and take it, at least ask for dinner, or a kiss before they work it up you.
Yeah, the campaign could be good. But the MP is likely to just be BF3 scaled down even further with even less destruction.
I liked the SP in the last one as well. I felt that the MP was slapped together by someone while they were taking a dump. I'll get this one if I have the time to play it.
Very interested in this but and its a big but PLEASE PLEASE not another CODAFIELD 3. I play B3 and MW3 if I'm in a tactical gaming mood B3 if all I want is to gun and run MW3 so to have them both in the same game is a big negative SO get some balls and give us a Medal Of Honor we can associate with like the old titles not some mix-matched piece of throw away crap ...
new trailer (different than the OP).
I like the game - including MP. I hope this game starts the more realistic game play for FPS games!
Not at a dig at you Mr Lunch, but *yawn* ,looks like every battlefield trailer for the last three titles with a smattering of COD.
This recipe of " globe trotting " SEAL / SAS mission shit has been played to death.( Well, not quite as much as WW II before, but not far off )
I truly belive that the genre has run its course. I put some faith ( and $$$ ), into the Takedown project because it seems different in principle, but shooting people, and EA's take on shooting people has turned stale for me.
Not at a dig at you Mr Lunch, but *yawn* ,looks like every battlefield trailer for the last three titles with a smattering of COD.
This recipe of " globe trotting " SEAL / SAS mission shit has been played to death.( Well, not quite as much as WW II before, but not far off )
I truly belive that the genre has run its course. I put some faith ( and $$$ ), into the Takedown project because it seems different in principle, but shooting people, and EA's take on shooting people has turned stale for me.
I agree. Except Danger Close does it pretty well. Maybe better than anyone else.
I'm not excited about this title. I really think this is just EA's place holder in the MoH/BFBC/BD release cycle. Still I am curious to see what they do with it.
Be a lot more excited if they'd just skip this and go straight to Bad Company 3. Maybe just release the campaign for this as an arcade game, I'd buy that.
visually it looks even better than BF3. I love to see the progression of these games. I dont play halo or mass effect - so these games are right up my alley.
i know everyone hated the MP of MOH but i didnt mind it at all... to each their own!
I'm sorry but unless there is some kind of major, and original, additions, this will be a pass for me. The MP was unforgivable in my opinion. The fact that they put out a game where you could spawn, zoom in, and start shooting at the enemy spawn was sloppy, broken, and greedy. I say greedy because greed is the only reason I can think of that they shoved it out the door like that.
And this is coming from a person who is almost always positive about new games, nearly to a fault. "Glass is half full" kind of guy. But for the first game, I'm pretty sure they used the same cup from the 2 Girls video, and didn't even bother to wash it out first.
I liked the MOH 2010 SP as well but this is a "wait and see" because long term playability lies on the quality of the MultiPlayer and how much support DC will give it.
Like BF3, MOH 2010 was rushed by EA to be released before the annual November COD release.
because it was half Danger Close and half DICE experimenting with Frostbite pre-BF3 it was a pretty bad release with two different cooks making the pot.
Unfortunately from the trailer it appears like a Codafield clone so I really hope Danger Close tries to do something different than MOH 2010 with the Frostbite 2 engine but same game mechanics.
I actually think Treyarchs Black Ops 2 will might be innovative than MOH 2012.
the good thing is that EA did release a MOH 2010 BETA I think about 3 months before release so If they repeat then expect a PC Beta for moh 2012 in July.
If you do NOT see a beta for MOH 2012, then that is a bad sign.
That sounds like a closed BETA and IF DC doesn't announce an OPEN beta at E3 than that's a BAD sign.
I will NOT pre-order without a Beta. Definitely wait and see.
If it turns out to be really bad, wait 2 months and get it after Xmas for 1/2 price just for the SP.
Meanwhile hear is some new MOH advertising/PR: part 1 of 3
again - If they don't release any good details about the Multiplayer and only focus on guns and graphics - caveat emptor.
What is the status of the Beta?
The Medal of Honor Beta has concluded! We would like to thank all of you for participating. Please visit the forums and leave us your beta feedback. "
If you go to that web page, it is actually for the MOH 2010 beta, not the 2012 version - so there is still hope for an open beta.
Danger CLose is supposed to demo some multiplayer at E3 next week so we'll get a brief look.
My guess is I'll be playing Dust 514 on PS3 and skip MOH 2012 if EA pushes Danger CLose to make it a COD clone like they made DICE turn BF3 into.
Then there's always hope for Halo 4 and whatever Respawn (the REAL infinity ward) comes out with.
That webpage is goofy. I had to stare at it a while to figure out it was old news about MOH, NOT about MOH [i]Warfighter[/i]. Doesn’t help that people have recently posted in the old MOH beta thread. . . . .
If they’re going to do a Warfighter beta (they should), E3 would be a good time to announce one.
FWIW, the rumors from Respawn say no announcements at E3 this year. Plus the lawsuit between Activision and the former Infinity Ward heads is scheduled to begin in court on Friday and last about 20 days. I don’t think those dudes are spending a lot of time working on video games ATM.
Imagine this to be an rental for just the SP alone, unless they put more effort into the MP this time around.
After watching the E3 trailers I gotta say its looking very much like BF3 with a few tweaks (same FB2 engine and all).
Hopefully there is a Beta so we can try out the MP before we buy.
Visually it looks BETTER than BF3 but I really don't want another CODafield FPS clone.
Hands on MP info:
•Teams are broken into fire teams composed of two special operators. Once you choose a buddy to fight alongside, his position will always be visible on the battlefield.
•You and your fellow fire team member can respawn behind each other if you're out of the line of fire, or you can respawn at the fall back point. If your buddy is downed and you shoot his killer, he can automatically respawn instead of waiting for the countdown.
•Before the match starts, you can choose between several special operators from the various international Tier 1 groups.
•Thus far, Warfighter has six types of soldier classes: Demolitions, Assaulter, Sniper, Point Man, Heavy Gunner, and Spec Ops
•Each operator fits under one of these classes and each has unique weapons and special abilities. For instance, the Polish GROM are equipped with an assault rifle that has a grenade launcher undersling, and the Canadian JTF2 rock an M249 with suppression capabilities. The varied special abilities include calling in mortar rounds, using armor piercing rounds that do 20-percent more damage, a UAV for spotting soldiers, and a mobile spawn point.
•EA says there are 72 operators to unlock. For the purpose of the demo, we could choose between six.
•The game has a wealth of unlockables and customization options, including optics, stocks, underbarrels, and camo.
•As the second shooter to use the Frostbite 2 engine, Warfighter looks just as good (if not better) than Battlefield 3.
•The PC controls were very smooth and responsive, as you would expect from a modern multiplayer game using such a high-end engine.
Dev interview and Multiplayer clips
I predict with Moh 2012, the Multiplayer will outshine the Single Player campaign.
so things look hopeful.
New trailer out:
MOH WF tungawan jungle Multiplayer
Still no word on a beta though.