NO Flood to Fight in Halo 4! (Not so Fast!)
NO Flood to Fight in Halo 4! (Not so Fast!)
HBO gave a heads up to this. They had gotten it from someone else.
You won't be fighting Flood in Halo 4.
Update: 9.21.12 is reporting the French speaking OXM contains pictures and text indicating a new multiplayer mode called Flood Mode. An update to Infection where the players are actually infected character models. The picture shows an infected looking armour skin.
That's all I got.
On one hand I am happy because it was something I always thought should have been in the game starting with Halo 3.
On the other hand, on a day when I've been defending my choice to believe whatever 343i says, I find out the very least they have done is stretch the truth into a Mobius loop about 5 months ago. I am disappoint.
This okay with me.
I expect the flood will reappear someday.
I wont miss the Flood at all, this is good news.
More Library!
That doesnt hurt my feeling one bit. Im excited to see some new bad guys.
Thank Moses
I'm really happy to hear this. Having the flood in the game would really have given pause about it.
They didn't say the flood weren't in the game just that you wouldn't be fighting them so its probably just like the flood of old except when they go to attack Master Chief, they look around and there's an even bigger flood. And the flood has to team up with Master chief to fight Bigger Flood. The secret new enemy of Halo 4 is The Big Flood.
The first result, if you Google images of "the big flood", is a drawing of Noah's Ark. Clearly, religion plays a role and is here to destroy the galaxy yet again, and Master Chief is here to stop it.
Dammit! I still want Flood/Covenant hybrid enemies!!
I want a Flood/Wam hybrid. It shouts nonsense and shoots spam, complete with an auto-post trigger finger.
I just spit coffee all over my desk!

We'll just be fighting the Foreunner equivilent! Big drones, little drones, fat drones that carry tiny drones, drone/covenant hybrids, etc
Was the OP a lie?
[spoiler]I think we will be fighting to keep Cortana. Wasn't it said she was a much OLDER AI than Dot? I think this story is about Cortana, and not John.[/spoiler]
Would be nice if instead of Firefight, and instead of Firefight Versus, there was a new gametype, similar to infection, except you play as varying forms of flood trying to infect the surviving spartans.
[spoiler]I would totally play as those slow big-headed flood that burst into ungodly amounts of infection forms[/spoiler]
They made that game. It's called Left 4 Dead.
Kinda like how Headhunter was Greed in Unreal Tournament? :)
they should have mad a game type where you fight each other for kills like it is now and also have the flood atacking both teams.
See OP.