VXR Stu's logo cars
VXR Stu's logo cars
I started this on the old forum so thought I'd kick start it again on here.
Every now and again I will create a logo car for members of 2O4F, I had made 2 previously and have just finished a third. The purpose of these cars are to help painters new to painting with thier designs, but the logo cars are open to anyone on 2O4F :)
Pictures of each logo car are below. There are logos on the sides and roof of the car. The car you need to put the design on is th Ford KA.
[b]To get the logo cars send me a message saying which cars you want. I will then send you a FR and once accepted I will gift across the logo car designs you requested. All you need to do then is load the design onto the car and save the logos individually.[/b]
So here's the logo cars:
[b]LOGO CAR 1[/b]
[b]LOGO CAR 2[/b]
[b]LOGO CAR 3[/b]
Gonna sticky this one Stu.
What a great idea, as a new painter I can just about manage quite simple logos, but to have these would really help me, I will message you I'd like all three cars if possible, and of course I will credit you on cars that I use them on.
thanks for the sticky Cotter :)
shadders, don't worry about any credit, I'm just glad to be able to help new painters on here. I kow I would of found something like this really helpful when I first started painting.
Hey Stu, I'll clear out some room in my FR and shoot you a msg tonight (hopefully). This will come in handy for trying to put together a couple EUSL paints.
Those are awesome! FR and message sent, thanks!
(remember you can send FR and messages from your account at Xbox.com.. )
Shadders, SpinningHat the 3 logo cars have been gifted across :)
Me me me!!
I think I have car #1, but could you fire over the three again to PTR_Paparazzi? Thanks mate!!
Thanks for the cars, some great logo's on them, now I spoiled for choice.
Sorry, I'll try again today. Ended up getting a call from my bank rep and had to go sign a stack of loan papers for the house I'm trying to purchase. I've got an inspection I need to go to, but it's a little later in the afternoon.
gifted all 3 logo car designs to Pap and Church and logo car #3 to Naked
I think I have car 1, can I get 2 and 3 please?
logo cars 2 and 3 sent oldschool, just let me know if you need #1
Thanks a ton Stu!
@Stu: Could you send those to me aswell, numbers 1, 2 and 3, please. Thank you!
all 3 logo car designs sent Teme :)
Thank you my friend! This is highly appreciated!!!
Thank you Stu!
Hey Stu, could I trouble you to resend #3? #1 came through fine and I was able to find #2 that I had received from someone else. But #3 was acting like it was corupted (bunch of pixelated blocks on the car, but no logos). Thanks, sorry for the trouble.
#3 has been resent Sherb, let me kow if you still have problems mate and I'll try gifting across a car with the logos on rather than just the design.
If anyone else has had issues with the logo cars I've sent let me know and I'll resend them :)
Thanks Stu. Hopefully I'll fire it up for a bit tomorrow to verify.
in your copious spare time could you pleae send me all three logo cars? You're still on my friends list.
Thank You!!!
gifted across Shaggy.
Thank you, kind sir.
yeah mate, they're always available :) Send me a FR and when I get on next I'll gift across copies of the 3 logo cars
Thanks STU!!!!
Can I extend my begging bowl and ask for all 3 cars as well.
I have been trying to create my own logo bank but they look as if I have oused crayons on my monitor....
Will send you a FR.
logo cars sent to Snappy and CyberDawg.
If anyone else want's copies just send me a message and FR on xbox live. I will be releasing a 4th logo car in the next couple of weeks, so watch this space as they say