Endurance Race ***POSTPONED***
Tue, 04/17/2012 - 02:56
Endurance Race ***POSTPONED***
Endurance Event.
Aussie V8 - Lemans @ 26 MAY 22:00 GMT
Multi-Class - Nurburg GP @ 30th June 22:00GMT - 1:30 approx.
BMW E30 (GRIP B496)
Sport Air
Race Zorst
Race Every thing in suspension apart from Sport Weight.
Race Diff
Race Tyre
+1 Fr Width
+2 Rr Width
ATS Classic
Race FR + RR Aero
RUF RGT-8 (Grip S688)
Race Suspension
Race ARB Fr + Rr
Race Diff
Race Tyre
+3 Fr Width
+1 Rr Width
Konig After Burner
Race Fr + Rr Aero
Radical (R1 906)
Race Zorst
Race Brakes
RAce Diff
+5 Fr Width
+6 Rr Width
Konig After Burner
Aliens = TCS OFF
Sim damage
Lapped drivers must yeild, Faster driver to call the side they are passing on "99, passing right side"
Hmmm. Interested as long as it doesn't fall on a day I'm out of town.
Yes, definetly interested in an endurance type race.
I suppose we should point out that the teams will be mixed skills - So a Alien + mid + novice will do it. Dont want anyone feeling left out!
Had another thought - we could have 3 seperate groups with in the race set up and launch the novices first, some 2 minutes ahead of mids who are 1 minutes ahead of aliens or some thing :D
should make for a interesting mid race :D
Subject to family commitments then i would be interested provide you can make a sub group for Numpty's...
There is already a Numpty group, feel free to contact Gizzie who is its leader.
look fitz i told you cant get the top slot so stop bitchin
I suggest that given the opening part of your post you already have mate
Just take the night shift ones haha :D
so how are you planning on working this? is it really going to be a 6 hour session? or can I just show up for my hour, put in my laps and bug out?
2 Sessions for each driver, 3 Drivers per team. Each session is 1hr.
So for example it would be:
Stint 1 : Tourni6
Stint 2 : Pap
Stint 3 : Gizzie
Stint 4 : Pap
Stint 5 : Tourni
Stint 6 : Gizzie
Depending on the amount of people signed up, you could put stints 1 & 2 & 3 in 1 race then leave it for 3 hours or so and then run the next lot again. The plan is to run it all on 1 day so there is minimal messing about.
WOW!! Thats not a stacked team!
haha no way - now thats a stacked team hahah :D
I hope more people are interested in this because it was just about the most fun i've had on forza :)
Looking at Saturday 26th May. - 19:00 GMT onwards Sign up sheet to following shortly.
Aussie car builds are easy - Full tyre + Race brakes.
Mmmm, Aussie V8s!
Thats exactly what i want to see!
Talk to TDiamond. Tony's got a bunch of tunes from the Saturday Night drop in R races. I think the build you are talking about is the same thing that we run on the second Saturday of the month.
And a couple more for good measure.
Yeah i know the build, i tuned it :)
I'm quite suprised how little interest there is in events now :)
Warm weather...and a bunch of events ongoing...but mostly warm weather....
i live in glasgow we dont get warm weather unless your a penquin
Okay there is a sign up sheet - proper details to follow later.
Hmm, not my favorite classes but I like the idea...And I think I have a nice Audi that would fit the bill...Question being can I commit to another series. For the moment a definite maybe.
OP updated with the proposed layout.... :)
Signed up, but may have to bail if for some reason I don't have interwebs (shouldn't be an issue, but I just wanted to put it out there now). I'll likely be closing on the house around the 15th and probably moving over the following week and a half or so...pending any immediate repairs that need to be done (electrical service).
Now, even writing this, I know this is a stupid question (!), buuuut...
how do the driver changes work?
My guess is that the race actually stops and restarts (with the next group of drivers) after each stint? Or is there some way of pitting and changing drivers mid-race in-game? That would be cool.......
Anyway, definitely interested in this (presuming I am still allowed to take part in a series race after my "performance" in last Sunday's STCC race!)
Yeah it would require restarts between stints. Mark down distance travelled for each driver and total them up.
I think the realism of each driver driving a more and more beat up car can be overlooked :D
No no, all us english guys have to fly over to the US guys :)
Yeah another room gets started :) Bascially when your team in announced you get together and work out whom is running which stint. the first race starts at 22:00 GMT then the next 23:00GMT.
Would be wicked to do real driver changes thouhg haha :D
I'm in. Signed up and everything :-)
Holy shit i must have been under a rock and missed this thanks Helio for the heads up... i'm in !!!!!!!!!!
i'll try and pull my team together.... Hell i'll drive all 6 hrs i dont give a damn lol!!!!!!!
I wondered how long it would be until you noticed these. :) The great thing about endurance is that it realy doesn't matter how fast you are because its all about consistency and not smashing your car up. These events are pretty good fun to do!
I had a quick go last night at the tuning and painting - The car is almost there