Community Bounty Hunter 4/18 - Suzuka Sportsbacks

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#1 Wed, 04/18/2012 - 15:16
M3Rocket's picture
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Community Bounty Hunter 4/18 - Suzuka Sportsbacks

ABGRAPHICS is the painter that is this weeks Community Bounty Hunter. Another Bimmer to win--woo hoo!



Current time to beat: 1.25.4xx (He just threw up a "garbage" time to start)

DirtT already has tunes prepped for this.

Wed, 04/18/2012 - 15:45
SpinningHat's picture
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Totally down for this one, mostly because I love Suzuka.. I know my 1:44 I have now is BS.. so hopefully I can beat this one.

Wed, 04/18/2012 - 21:51
psybertech's picture
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quote=kraiger I had a lot of fun tonight and posted a 1.23.2xx. Tune is in my storefront. Just search Atlantic LS

Not saying there isn't any competition inside 2old but.....................

angel (<-- that's an angel?!?!? wtf!!) lmaodevil

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 00:22
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Did a quickie A600 tune on the Mini. Ran a 1:25.432 but the car is a bit of a handful. AB ran a 1:25.461 so I'm ahead of him but I may do some tune shopping.

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 02:12
M3Rocket's picture
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The Sports Clio v6 tune by psybertech is up on my SF for free. Please download, try it and rate it. Fastest time with this tune is 1:21.614. So should be quite a safe bet unless ABGRAPHICS decides to drive like he really can.

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 05:02
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Downloaded both tunes and put about 20 laps on each alternating between setups every 10 laps.
I use the good ole' MS Wireless wheel.  No Assists.  Braking Line. Manual shift w/o clutch.
Here are the stats.

 Atlantic LSPsybertech


The best word I could use to describe Psyber's tune is precise.
Handling was very neutral, good turn-in and very little if any oversteer or wheelspin coming out of the slow corners.
I also liked the gearing. Once I was up to speed I only used gears 3-6.
It just didn't seem to like being driven aggressively over the curbs while turning.

The ALS tune is a touch heavier but has more HP.  The gearing was also different.  I don't think I ever used 6th gear and pretty much only used 2-5 once I was up to speed.
Handling wise there was a hint of push but the extra 21 hp made up for it but I did need to be a bit more careful on the throttle coming out of the slow corners.
It was also a bit more forgiving over the curbs.  I could be a little more aggressive with this car than Psyber's.

The ALS tune is probably the more user friendly of the two but I don't know if it's faster.
The fact that there was only a tenth between my best laps is probably more indicative of where my talent ends than what their potential is.

I'd say download them both and see which one suits you best.


Thu, 04/19/2012 - 08:31
SpinningHat's picture
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Thanks for the analysis Shaggy!

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 17:17 (Reply to #7)
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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SpinningHat wrote:

Thanks for the analysis Shaggy!

You're welcome.

What I found interesting was even though they each went a different direction on the setup, it netted me pretty much the same result.

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 14:39
Antz2ndxbox360's picture
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i cant find him, is there an easier way to find them to add as fav's


Thu, 04/19/2012 - 15:05
SpinningHat's picture
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Did you search for his SF? I usually look at Rocket's favorites, as he usually already has them marked as a favorite, then make them my fav.

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 15:17
Antz2ndxbox360's picture
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yes found it, for sum strange reason i was searching for abr graphics.


Thu, 04/19/2012 - 18:21
psybertech's picture
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Thanks for the comparison.

Murph ran an a fast 1.21.6 or something like that in it, but he's an alien. Best I managed was a 1.22.60x.

I whipped up another tune last nite that is based off the build and tune M3 put up but the build was changed to add a bunch more HP and some weight.

I ran a few laps in it and pulled a few 1.22.6s and 1.22.7s but had to sign off. Interesting to note is in the tune we posted and you tested, I couldn't get better than a 1.22.9 in it the past few days. I was/am sooooo off my lap times and basically have missed nearly every turn lately but the first few laps in the new build it just went and either I started to break out of my funk or that tune has way more in it than I can give it at the moment.

I guess what I am trying to say is I think the new build will be better.

I just need to get my Suzuka-groove back and run some laps and see. It is not 100% tuned... its probably 85-92.5% tuned but I can send it to you if you want to give it a whirl for kicks.

If it doesn't seem right, then just delete it until we can sort it out if it is capable of being better than the last one (I know it is... ok I want to BELIEVE it is, hehe).


Side note... so far out of all the tunes I worked on for this (13+ and counting) the stable, grippy tune was what we dicided on over any loose/speed builds. The speed tunes were tough to run and not for the faint of heart. This new one might be the best in betweener of them all.

If I can't get this one sorted out tointe, I think I am Clio'd out. I don't think there is a combo I haven't tried or considered.

I want a 1.21 badly in it so I will keep at it a bit more and see where she lands.


Thu, 04/19/2012 - 18:37
M3Rocket's picture
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And it was the opposite for me and Murph. Both of us ran faster in the released build and tune than any of the other ones. psyber and I were going back and forth quite a bit on the tune and the gear ratios, et al.

The new build does indeed seem to handle the warning strips better, but it also seemed to understeer and turn slower. We tried, but couldn't get better lap times. So I chose to release the tune that our best times were set with rather than delay the launch. Haven't been able to check yet, but when I looked late morning, it already had 200+ downloads and 4+ star ratings. I'm hoping to see it on Most Downloaded later today or if not tomorrow.

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 07:46 (Reply to #13)
emezmer's picture
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I'm gonna have to check out your guys' tunes later today.  I sitting at 1:22.7, but I'd like to take another .5->1 sec off that time.

BTW In case anyone is wondering what AB is aiming for, I just checked his thread and he said "ps: Im hunting for a 1.23xxx so keep going chaps", 

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 08:41
SpinningHat's picture
Last seen: 11 years 6 months ago
Joined: 01/03/2012 - 00:00 Fuck I might as well quit now.. I chased OldSchool last night for 15 laps, and couldn't get to 1:25.405... I'm at now, down from 1:44. :) It's amazing how much a good tune makes a difference. I'm running the Clio tune right now.. May have to try with TCS on and see if I can get any speed out of it, I seem to be spinning tires a lot coming out of the two really slow corners. 

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 08:55 (Reply to #15)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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SpinningHat wrote: Fuck I might as well quit now.. I chased OldSchool last night for 15 laps, and couldn't get to 1:25.405... I'm at now, down from 1:44. :) It's amazing how much a good tune makes a difference. I'm running the Clio tune right now.. May have to try with TCS on and see if I can get any speed out of it, I seem to be spinning tires a lot coming out of the two really slow corners. 

Someone was chasing ME? I'm not used to that statement. What was I driving? I think it was an '03 Seat maybe? I just ran that to get an entry, guess I need to get a tune and take a serious shot at it.

What are we using? v-6 Clio?

Shame the Pinto's excluded...

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 08:51
psybertech's picture
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My only advice about the wheel spin in some of the corners is don't go down to 2nd. Keep it in 3rd if possible or if you need to downshift to enter the turn upshift into 3rd as soon as you are comfortably turning in so when you get back on the power, you are low in the RPMs and that will definitely keep them tame. TI do that especially when I come into one of them too hot and need to re-tame the car.

That's really only for the slow turns like Turn2 and that 135+ degree goofy turn. The rest of them you should be pointed much straighter on exit so the spin shouldn't affect you too much. 

Other than that, sllloooowly get back on the gas. This track to me really keeps me on my toes and I have to repeat in my head 'slow is fast, slow is fast' over and over. heheh


Oh and Rocket... the tune was in the most downloaded last nite around 8PM eastern. Not sure if it fell off by the time you logged in, but it was there around the 8th or 9th spot with 270 downloads when I saw it. (I check that section now... I never did until the drag tune.)cool

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 08:59
SpinningHat's picture
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I'll have to try to remember to stay in 3rd. On turn 1 I stopped downshifting to 5th, and just used a little brake, and found I make it through that corner about 10MPH faster (110-115) than I otherwise would. I think that corner is what makes that track for me. I love hitting that thing at 100+ and just moving fast down the track. Kind of like the left onto the Rahal Straight at Laguna Seca.. :)

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 10:42
psybertech's picture
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My sweet spot I try to hit is 118 (or better 1 out of 100 tries) on turn 1. A light, even squeeze of the brakes to start scrubbing speed, let the car balance out and coast while entering the turn and back on throttle. It is a tought turn and yeah, it makes or brakes my fastest laps as well. Well, that and the last section. I screw that up and my next lap is slow. Its a vicious cycle.

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:28
SpinningHat's picture
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Yeah, the last section looks simple but is pretty tricky. The driving line is so add shaped, and I think the second left is tighter than the first, at least it feels that way, as I usually have to brake to get around that bastard. Hopefully I'll get some more time this weekend to run this thing again. Still want to work on my ALMS Round 3 laps..

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 12:54
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Ran the DirtT tune and chased M3 around last night.

Couldn't beat him, but I did learn a few things.
Set at a 1:23.243. Currently 1 second ahead of AB.  Probably could find another tenth or two by manually clutching.

I may select a slow or no ghost rival and see if I can break 1:23.


Fri, 04/20/2012 - 14:55 (Reply to #21)
emezmer's picture
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Definetely do not downshift on turn 1.  I seem to carry about 122-123 mph through there without too many headaches.

I take turns 2&3 in third gear, up to 4th for turn 4, down to third for turn 5(although you can probably keep it in 4th).  That nasty hairpain (<-that was a typo, but it fits) feels like it should require 2nd, but I got too much wheelspin so had to keep it 3rd.  Then 4th gear through the last 2 turns.

I'm still losing a bunch of time in the very last turn, but I'm just getting frustrated with it, so my 1:22.5 might stand

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 17:01
M3Rocket's picture
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@Shaggy: I've seen what you can do with the Squire in Autocross. surprise You should be able to crack 1:23 with psyber/DirtT's Sport Clio V6 tune.

I always chase a ghost that's 1 to 1.5 seconds faster than me so that they're not in the way, but I can still see where I'm losing or gaining.

@emezmer: Spot on about turn 1--no need to downshift or it'll slow you down. At least with our tune. Will be different for other tunes. I see you used a Clio RS. Was that Atlantic LS' tune or your own?

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 02:22 (Reply to #23)
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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M3Rocket wrote:
I always chase a ghost that's 1 to 1.5 seconds faster than me so that they're not in the way, but I can still see where I'm losing or gaining.

The only problem with that is they're not 1.5 seconds ahead for Turn 1.  :-)

After lowering my time to a 1:23.050 I switched stratgies and set myself as my rival.
Within a few laps I finall broke into the 22's with a 1:22.933.  Not the prettiest lap, but it'll work for now.


Fri, 04/20/2012 - 18:57
psybertech's picture
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You said our tune is now about 1 second better than the other one. Just curious... is that based on the last time you ran in theirs or did you re-run it after you learned a few things. Just curious to see of our can still cut the mustard there from someone who tested other tunes (and tested thoroughly by the way!!!).



Fri, 04/20/2012 - 20:25
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Thank you for the vote of confidence. smiley



I've only improved my time in your tune by roughly 2 tenths.
I was one second faster than ABGraphics' time.  1:23.243 to his 1:24.243 before he went back out and ran a 1:24.046.

Haven't jumped back in the ALS car yet.  I tend to prefer cars that are neutral or have a slight oversteer, so I chose your tune to set my rival lap.

Seeing as how AB built a new mini and ran a 1:23.598 in freerun, I think I might run a few more laps tonight.
I can jump back in the ALS tune and see if I can wrest any more time out of it.

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 04:29
emezmer's picture
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 I'm using TPR b0x's tune right now.  I'll try to give Atlantic LS's tune a go here shortly.  I've only been a member here for a couple days, so I'm still getting my bearings on who's got what around here, so I've only been to PTR paparazzi's storefront to pick up a Fairlady tune.


Edit:  I ran the tune from your storefront last night and was running consistent 1:23 flat.  Very stable, almost had to work to get it to spin the wheels, but I did have to slow down just a touch more in turn 1 compared to b0x's tune.  117mph seemed to be my limit there.  Very good tune overall, and is very user friendly

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 01:59
kurupt's picture
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@ Psyber I was reading this and noticed u guys changed the tune and added more HP....have u guys tried the opposite and gone with an all out grip tune on the clio? Reason I asked was cause today I did a 2 sec tune on an mk2 and ran 5 ugly laps in an untuned car and got a 1.23.2 in it with lots more in it...that car only had 260 HP in it....any ways me personally I've found grip tunes on this track work really well u would be surprised how much time u lose in corners on this track. Not sure if the clio is maxed out in handling I haven't looked at the tune yours a v6 clio or the new one?
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 10:08
emezmer's picture
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Final Time to beat: 1:23.921

Also, I couldn't find Atlantic LS's tune in the storefront for this event last night, so if anyone can point me in the right direction...

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 11:16 (Reply to #29)
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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emezmer wrote:

Final Time to beat: 1:23.921

Also, I couldn't find Atlantic LS's tune in the storefront for this event last night, so if anyone can point me in the right direction...

Is this confirmed as I'm sitting at 1:23.867 as of last night...

I did have to go looking for a tune, I was too loose in the Dirrt car, I'm sure it's me though. Ran the other CLio, '10 model? And not the most downloaded either it was loose as well and recommended Traction Control, I went with the one below it (RSC Kamykaz) (?), was only at 9 DL's or so, was a tad heavier, a tad more HP and way more stable, but same rated grip (?).


Edit: Okay, it says " Final time to beat", so cool!!!

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 14:50 (Reply to #30)
M3Rocket's picture
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Shaggy_SoCal wrote:

M3Rocket wrote:
I always chase a ghost that's 1 to 1.5 seconds faster than me so that they're not in the way, but I can still see where I'm losing or gaining.

The only problem with that is they're not 1.5 seconds ahead for Turn 1.  :-)

After lowering my time to a 1:23.050 I switched stratgies and set myself as my rival.
Within a few laps I finall broke into the 22's with a 1:22.933.  Not the prettiest lap, but it'll work for now.

Nice job man! I knew you'd do it!



emezmer wrote:


 I'm using TPR b0x's tune right now.  I'll try to give Atlantic LS's tune a go here shortly.  I've only been a member here for a couple days, so I'm still getting my bearings on who's got what around here, so I've only been to PTR paparazzi's storefront to pick up a Fairlady tune.


Edit:  I ran the tune from your storefront last night and was running consistent 1:23 flat.  Very stable, almost had to work to get it to spin the wheels, but I did have to slow down just a touch more in turn 1 compared to b0x's tune.  117mph seemed to be my limit there.  Very good tune overall, and is very user friendly

No question that the Clio '10 is faster. But even with TCS, I feel that the car is too loose for most people, and throttle management was not for the faint of heart. If the average driver spends some time learning and has the patience to learn to drive that tune, it is no doubt faster.

We went in a different direction on our release. And I do think that our tune will also double much better as a lobby tune. So a 2-in-1 so to speak. But not everyone is going to like the compromises in our tune.


oldschoolsmart wrote:

Is this confirmed as I'm sitting at 1:23.867 as of last night...

I did have to go looking for a tune, I was too loose in the Dirrt car, I'm sure it's me though. Ran the other CLio, '10 model? And not the most downloaded either it was loose as well and recommended Traction Control, I went with the one below it (RSC Kamykaz) (?), was only at 9 DL's or so, was a tad heavier, a tad more HP and way more stable, but same rated grip (?).


Edit: Okay, it says " Final time to beat", so cool!!!

pysber does have a v6 tune that is heavier with more HP that is probably identical to the tune you descibed. When Murph and I test drove that tune, we felt it handled the strips better, and felt more solid. But it was slower for the both of us than the lower HP, lighter tune. Also, the heavier build understeered more than the lighter one. I can send that build/tune to you if you want to try it.

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