Horde Group?
Mon, 04/23/2012 - 12:59
Horde Group?
I was wondering if anyone was interested in getting a Horde (or Beast) group together? I have been playing ME3 MP so much lately I was thinking about giving this a spin again. It has been forever since I played. Feel free to hit me up or whatever. Is there a FOF group? I am not interested in the versus modes. I'm not competitive like that.
We have a few of us planning on doing this over at 2old2play West this Saturday evening at around 8 - 9 PM PST and you're welcome to join in as this isn't a 2o2p West exclusive event. I've been playing a lot of ME3 MP as well that I need to get back to working on my Gears 3 medals. (FR Sent)
@loki619, thanks for the invite. I'll be gone this weekend, but maybe I can catch up with you next time y'all get together. I'm on the east coast so I'm not sure how much playing I can get in before bedtime, lol. Looking forward to it!
No worries man. I sent an FR. I'll send you an invite if I see you playing Gears or ME3.
currently playing the heck out of Gears 3 Horde and beast, going for all the onyx medals. Please send an invite if you have room, badad117. I'm usually on most nights after 8PM EDT.
I'll see about putting up a new Friends of Friends Tag as I am not sure how valid any of the other FoF tags are.
That would be great. I'm wanting to get back going in Gears and Horde mode is great way for me. I enjoy the mode and don' t have to worry about getting crushed by timmies that play all the time.
If I"m on, hit me up for hordes. I'll be looking for you this weekend loki!
Sounds good Hammer... I should be on this weekend with the only execption being that I will be playing Gears 3 with Honorbound and a few other people this Saturday evening to help them with some achievements. It isn't my session but if we need another gun or something, I"ll let you know.
@loki: Did you ever find out if there was a FOF tag for the GOW series? If so I would like to add it to my list. I see some folks are interested in Horde and that would be an easy way for us to connect. Thanks!
Sorry to ressurrect a thread that's getting kinda old, (doesn't help that this is my first post here), but include me in on the Gears 3 Horde and Beast stuff. I'm up for getting back into Gears 3 online with some decent folks.
Chubby - Send an FR to the new FoF tag a2o2pGears. Also, Fridays evening looks like it's going to be a regular time for folks to start getting together again to play Gears.
I just started playing Gears again. If there's a spot available I'll join. Sadly though, the beer part will not be an option for me as I had to quit that a couple years ago :)
All FRs to date have been accepted for the FoF tag.
Good show last nght. Sorry i was tired and cranky by the end of it! I think I was running on about 22 hours awake. At least I have all the dlc downloaded now so no more waiting
Got on last night but it looked like it was a full horde party going so I ended up finishing a couple of movies on Netflix. Maybe next time then.
I've been playing Horde lately when the MP groups are full or the connection is crap. I still have some cheevo/medal grinding to do so send me an invite if you ever need another person.
GT: Pwnu2noob
I check the FOF tag quite a bit make sure you add it!