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Thu, 04/19/2012 - 12:29
Disneynut68's picture
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My god the Rangers are KILLING me right now.  This series for all purposes should be over but now it's going 6 at the very least.  The 1st goal Ottawa scored on a failed chance by the Rangers competely changed the momentum of the game.

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 15:10
BlowMonkey's picture
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Rags fuck the Senaturds up jesus - killing me.

Thu, 04/19/2012 - 17:00
Full_Tilt_Panic's picture
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I was bummed that LA didn't finish off Van. Bobby Lou is a joke at this point. They should just figure out what they need to do to get rid of him and keep Schnieder. I'm not even gonna talk about my feelings towards the Flyers game last night. I'll just say that last night's loss is just as embarassing as anything the Pens have felt so far.

Fri, 04/20/2012 - 22:10
Lou_Keymia's picture
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I'm not worried about the Flyers shitting the bed the other night, it obvious they didn't give a shit about the game. Its about fucking time Pittsburg started playing some hockey, game six is going to be awesome.
Sat, 04/21/2012 - 18:41
Rascal83's picture
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If the Rangers lose again tonight I don't know if I'll physically be able to sit through game 6.  I just can't understand how they can sit back so much in every third period.  Not to take anything away from the Sens, they're in the playoffs for a reason, but, even when the Rangers have won, they just seem to nap for the 3rd per.

Sat, 04/21/2012 - 21:01
Rascal83's picture
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Fuck em.  right in the ass they're going to do the same thing this year that they do every other year.  Only difference is that they gave the fans actual hope this year.  Just fuck em.  They shouldn't even bother getting in the plane for Canadia.  I think I know what the problem is, any time the game is important and really means something, they just don't feel like winning.  That's pretty consistant with NY teams anyway so why shake things up?  HEY GABBY!!!!!  SCORE A FUCKING GOAL WHY DONT YA?  Maybe Lundqvuist has to score the goals as well as stop them.  Fuck it, put a pair of skates on Jeremy Lin and push his ass out onto the ice.  Anyone know if any of the Rangers were taught how to shoot the puck on the powerplay?  Holy shit.  On the bright side, they're probably the best team in the NHL, if goals didn't win games.  Goaltending?  They have one of the best in the game right now.  Defense?  One of the best at blocking shots and on the powerplay.  They even have a gorgeous arena.  Who gives a shit about goals.  Maybe Ottawa will put a few in their own net in game 6.  

Sun, 04/22/2012 - 13:24
AgentCheezsteak's picture
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Sun, 04/22/2012 - 23:21 (Reply to #38)
Lou_Keymia's picture
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AgentCheezsteak wrote:






I agree.
Mon, 04/23/2012 - 14:32 (Reply to #39)
Kiko's picture
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Lou_Keymia wrote:
AgentCheezsteak wrote:






I agree.



Mon, 04/23/2012 - 14:26
zedarchitect's picture
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The Rangers problem all season has been scoring. You can't go far w/o that even if your goalie and D are top notch. I am irritated at the whole offense but guys like Dubinsky are really pissing me off.  Big stink about his last contract and what has he done since? I hope they move him at the next opportunity. He's not the only one, but it stands out.

Hagelen is back but Boyle is out. I just don't feel good about this game tonight. 

Congrats to the Flyers (never thought I'd say that)...you've salvaged some joy for me by eliminating the teacher's pet from the playoffs.

Mon, 04/23/2012 - 14:26
zedarchitect's picture
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The Rangers problem all season has been scoring. You can't go far w/o that even if your goalie and D are top notch. I am irritated at the whole offense but guys like Dubinsky are really pissing me off.  Big stink about his last contract and what has he done since? I hope they move him at the next opportunity. He's not the only one, but it stands out.

Hagelen is back but Boyle is out. I just don't feel good about this game tonight. 

Congrats to the Flyers (never thought I'd say that)...you've salvaged some joy for me by eliminating the teacher's pet from the playoffs.

Mon, 04/23/2012 - 14:48
BlowMonkey's picture
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I hate Ottawa.  I hope the jumbotron drops from the ceiling and wipes out the whole pole smoking team.

Mon, 04/23/2012 - 20:10 (Reply to #43)
Rascal83's picture
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BlowMonkey wrote:

I hate Ottawa.  I hope the jumbotron drops from the ceiling and wipes out the whole pole smoking team.



Mon, 04/23/2012 - 21:23
BlowMonkey's picture
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Now that's a hockey game.  Suck it Ottawa.

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 11:50 (Reply to #45)
Rascal83's picture
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BlowMonkey wrote:

Now that's a hockey game.  Suck it Ottawa.


That was pretty impressive.  Hopefully they have that balls to the wall, attack mode, mentality for game 7.  I am a little scared though when one of the most talked about players in the game is only in his 4th game in the NHL.  Gabby has to start producing some goals. 

Also, fuck ESPN for not having any of Lundqvist's saves in the top 10. 

Tue, 04/24/2012 - 15:34
zedarchitect's picture
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If someone could figure out why this team turns the intensity off so often I would like to know. Last night is the team we had for the better part of the season. Hagelan made a big impact. Hank was stellar as usual. Kreiger was the talk of the town because it's his 3rd game and he's getting better with every shift. Who got the B-way hat? Am I the only one that thinks Dubinsky is horrible?

Wed, 04/25/2012 - 09:06 (Reply to #47)
Rascal83's picture
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zedarchitect wrote:

Am I the only one that thinks Dubinsky is horrible?


I don't think he's horrible.  He just hasn't been able to find the back off the net this season.  I think he needs to work on that for next season or we may see the end of his run with the Rangers.  He's a very good two way player.  Maybe not the best but, he's always part of the play when he's on the ice. 

Thu, 04/26/2012 - 09:23
TaxiSquad27's picture
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Game 7, 10:23 AM and I'm already fired up.  I want to go to the bar - like 5 minutes ago.


Go Blue.

Thu, 04/26/2012 - 09:30
TaxiSquad27's picture
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And my .02 in a few places:


Dubinsky needs to screw his head on straight.  He's powerful, agressive, great with puck possession/ protection.  But sometimes, I wonder where his brain wanders off to.

Kreider will be an animal.  Nash size, Hagelin wheels and he's still a baby yet. I'm excited to see him grow up and I'm very happy they brought him along with this team so he understands what it means to be a professional on a blue collar team.


Stepan lost his game end of regular season and now has found it again.  He went from playing chess to checkers and back to chess again.  With Boyle out from that scumbag Neil, he'll have to raise his game even higher in order for that top 6 to be really effective.


Callahan, Hank, well....you can just watch them.  They say it better by playing than I could ever type.

Thu, 04/26/2012 - 20:50
BlowMonkey's picture
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Thank fucking God.  Fuck off Senaturds.  Good job Rags!

Thu, 04/26/2012 - 20:54
wamam87's picture
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sooooo not what i expected with the upsets.

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 08:12
Disneynut68's picture
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Omg thank God the Rangers won that game and the series last night but Jesus they were giving me major heart palpitations during that 3rd period!  There was a point in time where Ottawa had the puck in our zone for almost 5 minutes straight!  Goes to show how valuable Lundqvist is to this team any other goalie and I think they would have lost.  Now on to the Capitols and that series!

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 13:42
BlowMonkey's picture
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The Hart and Vezna should go to the King :D

Fri, 04/27/2012 - 14:56
zedarchitect's picture
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@Taxi, I agree with your points. I'm just frustrated watching Dubinsky. He's better than he has been playing. Seems like he's better in our end of the ice.

That game last night was classic Rangers. God forbid they win an important game with a cushion. There was a point in the third that it seemed Prust was stuck on the ice for a good 5 minutes. Could barely skate.

They need to put that series behind them and focus on the Caps. They should be harder than the Sens. I think the Flyers will roll through NJ.

Tue, 05/01/2012 - 13:53
itsbillykiller's picture
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Great two games so far. Last night was the better of the two of course. :)  Not sure what Hunter is doing but it seems the team is all in including Ovie. As long as we keep winning no one will bitch.

Del Zotto hitting the crossbar at the end of the game made my heart stop. I think Backstrom tipped it or it might have gone through the net and stuck in the end boards. Damn that kid can put some ass behind his shot.

Now it comes to DC. The Verizon Center will be red and LOUD. Can't wait for Wednesday.

Wed, 05/02/2012 - 14:25
zedarchitect's picture
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The Rangers have a few posts to thank in game one so I think they're even. That second Cap goal in game two sucked (for us). Henrick is an awesome goalie, but I crap my pants every time he leaves the crease. He's even admitted in the Real Sports interview that he sucks at leaving the crease and controlling the puck. Just stay home please.

This should be an awesome rest of the series. Devils/Flyers has been fun to watch as well.

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 10:56
TaxiSquad27's picture
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I just today (Friday) caught up from lost sleep and hangover damage from Game 3.  No more OT's, please.

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 15:42 (Reply to #58)
wamam87's picture
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TaxiSquad27 wrote:

I just today (Friday) caught up from lost sleep and hangover damage from Game 3.  No more OT's, please.



lol. get tough man...you got a long way to go yet.

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 13:37 (Reply to #59)
TaxiSquad27's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

TaxiSquad27 wrote:

I just today (Friday) caught up from lost sleep and hangover damage from Game 3.  No more OT's, please.



lol. get tough man...you got a long way to go yet.


See? Early minutes of first OT. VERY reasonable. What was not reasonable was what that goal with 6 seconds did to my heart.  Good thing there was beer.

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 15:26 (Reply to #60)
wamam87's picture
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TaxiSquad27 wrote:

wamam87 wrote:

TaxiSquad27 wrote:

I just today (Friday) caught up from lost sleep and hangover damage from Game 3.  No more OT's, please.



lol. get tough man...you got a long way to go yet.


See? Early minutes of first OT. VERY reasonable. What was not reasonable was what that goal with 6 seconds did to my heart.  Good thing there was beer.


yeah, i'll bet that was a bit of a heart stopper for you. you can always count on our good friend Beer...

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