Need BF3 players....
Thu, 04/19/2012 - 09:15
Need BF3 players....
...for a clan battle on Tuesday, April 24th @ 8pm CST (9pm EST) against OntheFritz and his buds over at The Mad Hatchets
If anyone is interested, post up in here. C'mon 2o2p, let's do this!
Big Kahuner
Lost Cannibal
Hooked on the dew
I could be able to help you out Yem.
I'll play
Im in.
out.. i leave for Hawaii that day. Bringing my xbox with - so i can play whilest out there for 2 weeks.
I should be available. Count me in.
A sticky...?? Sweet. I hope that there are enough people to actually get a battle going, and not just a practice scrim. I am looking forward to some game time with/against you guys.
In, as a backup, if you guys need a body to fill a squad because I'll have to get up petty early the next morning.
I will try to make it. Not sure I will be home in time. I have to referee at 7 EST and probably will not be home until after 9.
Then you'll be home just in time, buddy.
Lookin forward to Tuesday night.
I fucking hate core, but i love Battlefield! If you guys come up short , I will play also! Only if needed ...
Looks like we are going to be short.....
And kid please! You love playing core when you play with me
Toofat is the PPC Pied Piper. If he plays, you should have plenty.
Hey fritz, how many of your guys are planning on showing up? I need a rough Idea of how many more guys to bing in. Are you thinking 12v12, 8v8, or 6v6?
Our head count is 10-11, maybe 12 if MikeE decides to be a turncoat on you guys and play with us. LOL
I'm guessing that I should join up on you and then invite all of my team into the server; meaning you're gonna lock it down?
See you guys on the Battlefield tonight......
If you see me on hit me up I will play, most of the 2old2pwners will be in cod, our cod night or halo over 40, but maybe able to swing a few players our way.
If you need another YEM I'll play. It is core?
Yeah, it's core
Well if you end up needing one Lost has me on his FL. Might be playing Fallout 3 but I'll jump over
Yeah, I'll lock the server down so randoms can't join.
And we should defintely be able to rock a 12v12
Sweet. The MADH will be on fairly aerly, so we can get organized. I'm hoping to get into you server (& party for a few minutes) about 10 minutes before 8 pm CST or so. I know it's no big deal, but it shows respect.
See you guys there.
Any idea when you will be able to tell you've got a full team? I will probably be on from 8:15/8:30 ET as usual and I would appreciate if it's necessary to wait or if I can hit the bed early, yeah I'm that exhausted
If you need me let me know I'll help.
Forgot: To keep it somewhat simple with no marathon gaming; would a best of 5 suit you guys?
Doodi, be there.... you know you want to
And yeah, best of 5 sounds good
It's really up to you if you want to play or go to bed
Everyone that posts in here gets a spot. If we have less than 12, we'll just pull in some friends online at the time or have 2fat call on the services of a few more PPC guys.
If you're too exhausted, don't worry about it, we'll fill the spot. If you want to play, just pop in the server a little before 9pm EST
Seems I'll be around, count me in.
My ass hurts.
What he said......
Sorry I couldnt make it last night, how did it go?
Not real well.... we lost all the games lol
We were down a man or 2 most of the night. We also had a few quit due to some "unsportsmanlike conduct"