Fri, 03/30/2012 - 13:53
I really need to play the first one, this one looks good too!
She is looking a lot better then the first. the first was all right. Lacked imagination when it came to transformers. 3 classes with not really any variation just didn't seem like transformers when you compared it to the myriad of characters and their abilities from the cartoons. The level designs were all very similar ass well with a couple exceptions. this looks like it might capture something from the shows of our youth. I am now interested in transformers again.
You sure you are talking about War for Cybertron and not the Dark of the Moon movie tie-in? War for Cybertron was aweome. There were 4 classes, not 3. And the maps were nothing alike... crazy talk! ;)
Yes, you do, especially if you are a transformers fan!
I think I still have my copy, so if you get it, I'd be up for some co-op. Not sure how useful I will be at remembering where all the autobot/decepticon logos were hidden though (you know, for your cheeve hunting) ;)
I'm definitely getting this new game when it launches, I hope the MP is better and longer lasting this time around! (wait, does it have MP?)