Hi Folks - I'm still here
Hi Folks - I'm still here
Hiya folks, I just wanted to let you all know I havn't vanished completely
I've just had some mad sundays (and weekdays) these last few weeks (actually month), and it will continue a bit like this a bit further into time.
I've had the joys of "re-finding" my Jyhad(VTES) cards again as well, and formed a play group with some friends, it's been massive to play a multiplayer feel TCG (and the theme is awesome as I've played the RPG as well)
In anycase I'm more or less backll try to catch you all on Sundays fourth, but you might have more luck catching me on other days though, as sundays are rticular harsh on my time.
- if anyone are up for a EDH/Commander game I'm always ready to play if I'm onlin! :D
We knew you weren't really gone (I think). Cya online.
I just stumbled backward into the forums again too. Not active much but lurking. Playing eve online and diablo3 and a few betas but hihi
Nice of you to stop by and say hi. We all have other things that distract us from time to time, but still nice to hear from old friends!