Anyone for Insane co-op tonight?
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 15:22
Anyone for Insane co-op tonight?
Hey all I was just wondering if anyone was up for some Gears 3 insane co-op tonight. I could also do either Horde or Beast afterwards but I'd like to make some progress in that insane campaign. If you're interested hit me up GT: Disneynut68 I should be online by 8 p.m. eastern
Sorry, missed you last night, but I'm up for it if I'm on, I've done it in the past and would be glad to help again. Although, the key (if you're having trouble) is to get someone with super reload available...
Will send FR tonight. I've finished Co-op insane, but will be happy to help out whenever possible.
I'm looking for Insane CoOp partners too. Multiplayer partners as well as horde modes. I work second shift, so I generally get on around midnight though.. Anyone play that late?
Anti - are you west coast or east coast? If east coast, after midnight is only 9pm here on the west. Now if you're on the west...that's a different story :)
I'm east coast!
Sounds like you need some West Coasters on your list then. You'll get in a few hours of play before ppl putter out.