The Avengers

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#1 Tue, 05/01/2012 - 12:52
RogueRedneck's picture
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The Avengers

I can't believe there's been no talk about this here.  Surely there has to be some interest?  Personally, I'm really looking forward to it.  They've been building up for this movie since they release Iron Man.  I won't get to see it until sometime next weekend when I can take my son.

Wed, 05/02/2012 - 09:14
ekattan's picture
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Want to see it but level of excitement is none existent. 



Thu, 05/03/2012 - 08:46
jdluxe's picture
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i wanna see it aswell.. But got to wait a little longer due to release date in the netherlands. But it got my curiousity on how all these characters stand towards eachother since some arent as experienced as others in acting. Like marvel movies anyway even tho some arent that good.

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 10:40
wamam87's picture
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i'm pumped to see this.


i'm not sure when though. between my son's and my schedule, finding time to see it together is next to impossible.

it looks like it's going to be awesome!

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 13:32 (Reply to #4)
RogueRedneck's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

i'm pumped to see this.


i'm not sure when though. between my son's and my schedule, finding time to see it together is next to impossible.

it looks like it's going to be awesome!


I'm in the same boat.  With little league games on Friday night and Saturday morning, a birthday party Saturday night, and the in-laws coming into town, there was no way to carve out time to see it this weekend.  Next weekend is looking good though.

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 14:10 (Reply to #5)
wamam87's picture
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RogueRedneck wrote:

wamam87 wrote:

i'm pumped to see this.


i'm not sure when though. between my son's and my schedule, finding time to see it together is next to impossible.

it looks like it's going to be awesome!


I'm in the same boat.  With little league games on Friday night and Saturday morning, a birthday party Saturday night, and the in-laws coming into town, there was no way to carve out time to see it this weekend.  Next weekend is looking good though.


lol. his is lacrosse and the science fair.

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 16:38
alabama_old_fart's picture
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I will be seeing it tomorrow afternoon.  I'm avoiding any reviews or comments until then.  I realize I'm running the risk of exposing my geekdom to the world, but "AVENGERS ASSEMBLE!!"

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 17:58
Jedi_Kez's picture
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I told my friend we'd go see it together... looks like our schedules won't jive until the 26th though :( :( :(  I may just have to go see this movie twice, once now and again at the end of the month :)

Totally think this movie is going to kick ass. I had high hopes it would be character-driven and not just all CGI battles and flashy shit on the screen when I heard Joss Whedon was behind the writing.... and, judging by the reviews I looked at, that seems to be the case! Right-on! I'm a Joss Whedon fan, and I'm stoked that it sounds like he did realy good on this one!

Also, in case you didn't know, or didn't expect to:


Thu, 05/03/2012 - 21:07
OutcastB's picture
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I'll wait til I can find a screener copy and enjoy it in my home instead of a packed theater. 

Thu, 05/03/2012 - 21:12 (Reply to #9)
wamam87's picture
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OutcastB wrote:

I'll wait til I can find a screener copy and enjoy it in my home instead of a packed theater. 



Fri, 05/04/2012 - 10:40 (Reply to #10)
OutcastB's picture
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wamam87 wrote:

OutcastB wrote:

I'll wait til I can find a screener copy and enjoy it in my home instead of a packed theater. 




LOL... now batman Ill go seein the theater.

Fri, 05/04/2012 - 13:19
beefynutcase's picture
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I just saw it.  Absolutely loved it, really nothing bad to say about it.  Maybe a few too many laughs for my tastes, missed some dialogue from the audience laughing and clapping so much.  The action was all amazing, every hero really had a moment to shine and had a role to play.  Hulk really kind of steals the show whens he's on screen.


Like Jedi Kez said, stay through the credits, all the way to the very end, for a little extra.  There's actually two bits, one early in the credits then another at the end.

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 02:45 (Reply to #12)
Bowlringer's picture
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beefynutcase wrote:

Maybe a few too many laughs for my tastes, missed some dialogue from the audience laughing and clapping so much.  

I think "the audience was laughing and clapping too much," is a complaint the creators can live with.

For me it's pretty much the last comic book movie they have to make, it would take a cosmic event to come up with a better one. That said, Marvel comics have their fair share of cosmic events.

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 09:44 (Reply to #13)
Lou_Keymia's picture
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Bowlringer]<p>[quote=beefynutcase wrote:

For me it's pretty much the last comic book movie they have to make, it would take a cosmic event to come up with a better one.

Don't worry, it'll come. [spoiler]The dude at the end of the credits is Thanos. It'll be fucking epic.[/spoiler]
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 14:55
wamam87's picture
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cool. i appreciate the spoiler free review.
Fri, 05/04/2012 - 21:44
alabama_old_fart's picture
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Just got home from seeing it.  No complaints at all, really struck the right tone for me.  However, the geek factor was really high at the theater.  I'm one of them but I keep it under wraps, these people were guffawing at every single little thing.  And, applause for Stan Lee.  Really?  Is he not in every Marvel movie?  Weren't you expecting it?  At one point, a youngish woman a row below me actually stood halfway up.  I won't spoil it, but it was a good moment, but not standing ovation in a movie theater good.

Definitely worth the money to see it in the theater

Sat, 05/05/2012 - 16:47
LocGaw's picture
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Thanks for the write ups!

Sun, 05/06/2012 - 01:12
TANK's picture
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Saw it... loved it.  Hulk made me laugh many times ..... unexpected.  It's fucking long though, 2 1/2 hours.  They could have trimmed 30 mins off the beginning of the movie and gotten to the 'fighting' a little faster.  Was a bit too dragging int he build up section of the movie, i assume it was to re-explain a lot of things for the 2 people who don't know whothe individuals are that make up the Avengers or Shield.


Sun, 05/06/2012 - 12:43
Blimey's picture
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Wow good movie. Funnier than I expected but Robert Downey Jr .doing the typical Stark swagger the humour just had to be there. Hulk humour was good also.I liked that Black Widow and Hawkeye were a big part and just as important as the "guys". One of my favorite super hero movies. Good balance all around. Stay for both credit "easter eggs". Most left after the one mid credits. The last one was subtle but got a good reaction from the few of us that stayed.

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 00:19
AZTical's picture
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Great movie... entire family loved it.  We did a week long marathon and watched a marvel movie each night this past week to catch up on all the cross references and back stories.  We each picked our favorite... My Daughter and I Said Iron Man, my son picked Capt. America and the wife oddly liked the Incredible Hulk the best... Thor was a close second for most of us.  Once we came out of the theater though we all had a new favorite, definitely has a little something for everyone and each character has their moments.  I like that Black Widow and Hawkeye were as prominent as they were... the trailers led me to believe they would be more muted characters.

Mon, 05/07/2012 - 09:39
onthefritz's picture
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I saw it this weekend.  I thought it was good.  My boys thought it was great.  My only real complaint is the same complaint I have with most movies in the theater; the audience wa stoo noisy for me, and I missed out on a couple of things said. 

I loved Tony Startk's/Ironman's snark.  I think each Character had at least one good 'one liner'. 

Yes, stay until they turn the lights on.  My oldest boy had to explain it to me.  I have been out of the comic book world for a long time...... 


Mon, 05/07/2012 - 13:57 (Reply to #21)
AZTical's picture
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For those that interested in the details that tie all these movies together, here is a great article and Inforgraphic on the timeline

and another one here

Tue, 05/08/2012 - 07:39
sfw555's picture
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slow clap.........pitch perfect,  after his astonishing x-men run and this film the mouse would be foolish not to give whedon the keys to the whole marvel machine. He has written the defenitive team comic of our generation and the best damn super hero movie i've ever seen. Betcha Nolan wishes he'd stopped at two!!

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 09:34
anotherdae's picture
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I saw Avengers opening night with a buddy for his bday. Waiting in line, saving seats, the whole thing. Huge comic fan but I just couldn't believe this was going to be a good movie. Very low expectations and was pleasently surprized. They really fired all their guns here. Thor was better in this than this movie than his own, Iron was on par even Cap was decent (which has gotta be one of the tougher roles). As said above, Mark Ruffalo really stands out and for the first time I think the Hollywood machine has actually captured the Hulk.

I ended up seeing it again that Sunday which sadly turned into a 20 dollar, 3D nap for me but only because I was tired. Highly recommended movie, just get ready for your non comic friends to start asking you who everyone is.

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 06:26
KamakazeTaco's picture
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I actually heard the guy sitting next to me at the end after the credits ask his buddy why Hellboy was in the movie. When the showed the Infinity Guantlet at Comic Con it was pretty obvious who was gonna be in the movie, I really hope the next one covers the events from those comics.

Mon, 05/14/2012 - 12:06
TANK's picture
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Hellboy.... lolz...


Avengers keeps printing money !!  Now over a Billion in ticket sales, tied with Avatar and the last Harry Potter for raking in that much coin in 19 days.

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 12:36
HadOne2Many's picture
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Just saw it this weekend in IMAX.  Really liked it.  Would agree it started off too slow, but the last hour made up for it all.

Thu, 05/31/2012 - 07:47
Lala Calamari's picture
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Took the boys to see it this weekend.  We all liked it.  What surprised me the most was that their favorite hero was Hawkeye.  I guess they just liked all the gadgets.  Capt. America and Iron Man were right up there though.

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 08:51
OutcastB's picture
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Pumped as hell when I saw Thanos. It was good and enjoyable. I wasn't blown away but it didn't let me down either.

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