Tuesday Night Racing 10pm EST
Tue, 05/01/2012 - 14:01
Tuesday Night Racing 10pm EST
Looking for participants to race with (need to race more )
(A copy of the ProAM but on Tuesdays with different cars and tracks and maybe rules)
One car per month (spec build)
No Class higher than B will be used
New track every Tuesday
Time: 10pm practice 10:30 race
Same handicap
If there is interest I'll creat an event in Racing Events & Series Information forum
But everytime I get in a room with you, you're right there on my ass! Goes all the way back to that damn orange Pontiac Trans Am you drove...
Sounds pretty good though...
Isn't that what you wanted, I guy riding you till you finished !!
(Had to beat JCotter to it, lol )
Which 10pm would that be?
Doh !!
Eastern Time Zone (North America)
Ah too late for me...
interested, give me an invite
If i'm on send me an invite
Ran the Hennessy's last night and there was Kochino, right on my ass again! Consistently! Booyah!
This keeps up, people will start talking, and i'll have to get a tattoo...
I can race if it can be earlier. I have spaz car at 11.00 pm est.
There is a small # but let see if we get any of the new guys in
Race event created [url=http://www.2old2play.com/forum/group-forums/2old4forza/racing-events-ser...
Sign up if interested
The last 10:00 pm race I was in started at 11:00. Can't do that through the week...
10:30 no matter what
I was hoping for an early start time. I wont be able to join in on this.
If Anubis is racing, then I am in. Looking forward to it!!!!
there goes the neighborhood
Oh........... I mean welcome to the series