2old2plays Public BF3 Server is up: Info inside
2old2plays Public BF3 Server is up: Info inside
First, thanks to YEM and the other division leaders for helping me set things up!
Now, if you would like to play on the 2o2p server, search for:
This should come up with the public server and from there you can add it to your friends list. Now please keep in mind, this is public and that means anyone can join. If you don't have a 2o2p tag of some sort, there is no way for admin to tell if you are from the site or not and you may risk being accidently team swaped or booted for another 2o2p member!
If any donating admins wish they can make it private, but make sure you leave a password in the forums here so EVERYONE from 2o2p can use it. I would only recommend doing so for 2o2p events and tournaments however as keep it public will only server to build the BF3 community here on 2o2p.
Also, for clans running on other servers please try your best to be on the 2o2p server as much as you can. The best way to grow this community is to be out there in the public and playing with new people. You can change this servers settings at will in order for it to serve you interests.
Becoming a donating admin
I've been trying to work out a way for you to donate for the server, but at the same time test out the SCC stuff for V3. Below is the store I've been working on
Right now I have it set at $10 just to test things out, but if you need me to make it cheaper let me know. I think the plan is to allow SCC people the following perks
*Admin to any 2o2p game servers
*Change your 2o2p username at will
*Mass PM
*Remove all ads from the site
*Custom forum title
*Feature your blog on home page
*Custom forum badge
*Access to SCC forum
*Entry into any 2o2p give-a-way contest
I'm hoping the coding all works since I've been building it all week. The idea is to use this as a test bed to make sure things function correctly before I take it live. If things are fucked up, let me know. If you don't want to donate $10 for the server just let me know and I'll knock it down. I'll be using this store for other things in the future like the Chicago LAN so I figure testing it on something small like the BF3 server donation is perfect.
Also, you will be able to cancel at any time right from your 2o2p account. I'll need to make sure all this works with the testing as well so if I could have some volunteers that would be great! Once you sign up just post your XBL gamer tag below so I can add you to the admin of the server. If we get enough people we can probably get more servers and open it up to a wider community. Thanks for the support and the help with testing!
what do we do if we are an SCC member from V2?
^ ^ ^ ^
Im going reset the subs on past V2 so we can roll them all over to V3. I probably wont do a teir system like we had in V2 since I feel like everyone should be getting the same thing. That's why for this test I thought 10 would make the most sense, but that might be too much for some.
Tag: JustStew
Added to admin list!
I have a question for Fattlunch and mnvikes. Did the order complete on the site after you used paypal? Did it direct you back here? For some reason the site has no record of the order buy paypal does. Trying to see where it got lost.
Also, let me know if you guys can see the SCC forum at the top and are able to post in there. You should also not see the ad on the right hand side of the site anymore. I'm still figuring out what to do with the top ad since I also have the little editorial pic there as well. Not sure how to use that space.
one order didnt complete (15) the other order did (16).
I have an email confirmation from Paypal: Invoice Number: 16-15507
*note* that it says we will be charged $10/month.
Question: I'm down with kicking in, but the checkout says this is a recurring charge, is there a non recurring way to pitch in?
I had it set up monthly for a site/server support thing, but I can easily set up a one time thing as well. I'll get it up later this week. Thanks to anyway looking to support the server and 2o2p.
Im not a fan of recuring charges, but as soon as you get this option setup I'll chip in.
what the big guy said
Understood, but since the server has to be paid for every month I figured this was the best option at the time. I should have another option up this weekend though.
Ok, so, I sucked it up and signed up ... I'll keep it up until my wife gives me too much grief for paying monthly dues to hang out with "my imaginary nerd friends" as she refers to 2o2p.
I get that exact grief all the time.
Doodi - were able to get the change from recurring to one time? I'll be throwing some internetz money your way this weekend. Thanks again for all your hard work on V3 and the BF3 dedicated server.
I should this weekend. Just got a new job so I'm strapped for time until things settle down. If people still need their admin access please send me a PM so I can make sure you get it.
True, last time I checked, you were playing with yourself on it
It's not currently running CQA. Only the first map, Wake Island is CQA. Everything after that map is Conquest. But for you, I changed the first map to a conquest map
And the thing with the server is, nobody wants to join an empty room. You need to get some people in there before it'll fill. Everytime I've hopped in with a few others, it snowballed into a full room
Thanks Yem.
I've gotten on to it several times and flown around in choppers for practice, all by myself, as Ernest pointed out. I want it to get some use if for no other reason than to promote 2o2p. I don't mind playing core occasionally, but if I can fly choppers for an hour (at around 8:00 - 9:00 pm eastern) without anyone else signing on, then something probable needs adjusting. That's why I suggested adding some keywords to the server title, but you're very right that there needs to be some players present initially, or no one will join.
It's definitely a promotional dilemna, since some clans have there own servers & aren't compelled to populate the 2o2p server.
Clan member found a great site for BF3 sigs, bf3stats.com , and found on there a server sig generator as well. Found this one interesting:
I try to jump in there when I can, but spend more time in the 2old2pwn server, feel free to jump in if you see us in there. Open to public and mostly conquest normal tickets.
Just to let you guys know, 2euro2play have rented a server.I know, I know, how many servers does one site need.
This is a European server, so it might reduce lag and such issues for us folks who dont have infinite download/upload speeds.
All are welcome to jump in, so please do.
Search for 2euro2play and we hope to see you guys online.
Good games last night.
Yes it was good times
So much fun. Now I just need more time to play...
The server has expired....
I shall contact Master Doodi....
Heard anything back?
Any word on this? We need another community night soon.