Kill em all Team 9
Tue, 05/08/2012 - 13:35
Kill em all Team 9
Team 9 peeps...figured it better to start a new thread to get your feedback on available times.
We are looking to play on a Saturday or Sunday afternoon (eastern) because of team member time differences. When you get a chance, give me your preferred day and time ranges and I will pick a day and time available to all. You can respond here or send me an XBL message.
let me know if you run into any troubles. i might be able to help out.
i think your team should be able to get together without any problems though.
As far as the tourney games go with Enemy -
I have a wedding next Saturday at 3:00 so that day isn't great but I could play eariler in the day if that's all that works. This Sunday is mother's day and I don't think a Halo tourney would go over well with the wife. So for me this Saturday would work best but I also might be able to do a weekday afternoon around 4:00 CT.... this Friday would be a great time if we go that route.
As far as practice goes -
Normally, I'm on most nights after 9:00 CT. As long as we don't play as a full team (Since E likley can't make that time), I believe we can play any playlist.
Hey guys!
Um...well heres the thing, we have only this saturday and sunday to do this if I understand this correctly, and I'm out of town Saturday which leaves only Sunday. The little one's sleeping at 8pm so, what do you guys say my time (Sweden) 10pm - 11 pm? That's your time (Est) 4pm - 5pm?
Let me know if this works for you guys.
Ok, I just read Heats post.
I was thinking we only had sat or sun to do this. I can play all week if we doesn't start later than 5pm Est. If you guys can next thursdag or friday that's even better. I'm off both days so I can play whenever. Next sat is a no go because I'll be in the studio recording all day. (woohoo!)
Night shift worker. But Monday, Wednesday, Friday I don't have to be in till 10 pm (Central). Saturday is my night off, so anytime during that day or night would be good. Other than that I can be on Monday, Wed., Fri., from 730-9 pm (central). As far as practice goes, I can probably meet up with E, since i play in the a.m.
To clarify, this is the hours I can:
(EST time)
Saturday is a NO (I'm out of town all day)
Sunday 4pm-5pm (Mothers day/Heat is a NO)
Monday 2pm-5pm
Tuesday 2pm-5pm
Wednesday 2pm-5pm
Thursday 8am-6pm
Friday 8am-5pm
Saturday is a NO (working)
(CST time)
Saturday is a NO (I'm out of town all day)
Sunday 3pm-4pm (Mothers day/Heat is a NO)
Monday 1pm-4pm
Tuesday 1pm-4pm
Wednesday 1pm-4pm
Thursday 7am-5pm
Friday 7am-4pm
Saturday is a NO (working)
I know this isn't much to work with and I appreciate that you're trying guys, but if it doesn't work, I have no trouble stepping out because I know it's hard as it is to get 4 peeps together. Lets check and decide on this asap so you have time to get a sub if needed.
Out of these times, this Friday starting around 3:00 - 3:30 is about all that will work for me. How's that for you Achy?
Ok..How about this Friday, May 11, at 3:00 P.M. Eastern? Doesn't give us much time if any to practice (I can't play tomorrow during the morning), but sounds like the one time frame when all are available.
Edit: this won't work for me. I have an appt on Friday afternoon and won't be available until 4:30 ET.
Unfortunately that puts a real squeeze on Enemy. Since WAM has extended the deadline, let's try this again for the following week. Please give me available dates and times (eastern) for the week of May 14 thru May 20. Thanks.
Ok, one final try.
(EST time)
Monday 14th: 2pm-5pm
Tuesday 15th: 2pm-5pm
Wednesday 16th: 2pm-5pm
Thursday 17th: 8am-6pm
Friday 18th: 8am-5pm
Saturday 19th is a NO (working)
Sunday 20th: 8am-5pm
I am good with all days and times listed except for Thursday, 8 AM thru 3:30 PM.
I would expect we could knock out the 5 games required in 90 minutes or less.
Heat and Valek how do these work for you?
I work during the day until about 6PM EST so all weekdays are out. I have this Friday afternoon off but will be unavailable until 4:00 EST at the earliest... more likely closer to 4:30 but it doesn't sound like that works.
The 20th works for me though.
Actually I ran into a problem as well for Friday. Hopefully Valek can do the 20th. Once we hear from him we can nail down a time.
The 20th is fine as long as we start around 1 or 2 pm (central). I have to be in at work at 5pm.
I'm open all day on the 20th. Either 1 or 2 would be perfect.
20th it is then.
Can we agree on what...1pm Central?!!
What say you?
I'll send fr's to those of you I haven't on there already so if we're on at the same time we can hook up for some games.
Ps. Oh and thanks for sticking with the Swede with the crazy hours, much appreciated!!! Now all we have left to face is the red bar(s)!!!!! Woohoo! =)
Sounds good. 1 PM Central (2 PM Eastern) on Sunday the 20th it is. I have all 3 of you on my FL so I will sign on a little early and start looking for you guys.
Yeah I have you all too on my FL. I'll be playing on and off the times I've given you so if you see me on...let's play some. The 20th I plan to play a lot before because lord knows I need the practice. Hehe!
I'll see you on the battlefield.
Oh, and I also now have a brand new Tritton headset, so I'm a talker once again. They're really good stuff, and I'm planning on NOT trying the headset vs the wall with these, I've learned the hard (expensive) way the outcome isn't pretty. ;-)
Sounds like we have a plan!!!
Excellent. Now for the getting together part. I can pretty much play with E, since i mostly play in the mornings. As far as Old and Canned goes, we'll see when I can get on with you guys.
I'll see you all on the 20th @ 1 pm (central), and hopefully before then.
My weekday morning schedule has been a little erratic recently, what with physical therapy and doctors' appointments, but when I am not going thru that crap I am usually on sometime in the mornings. Next week it looks like Monday and Wednesday I will be available to play in the A.M. I will look for you guys.
Bump. Friendly reminder...this Sunday (5/20) at 1 PM Central (2 PM Eastern and whatever it is in Sweden
I'll be there. Already played with E, and he's beast in anniversary. Hopefully I can get with you, achy, and canned on saturday evening to play a few. and on a side note....we got this.
I'll be there as well. See you on Sunday!
Of course I'm there. See you Sunday if not earlier. =D
Team Slayer:!/?game=1019906046§ion=Competitive
Super Slayer:!/?game=1019920041§ion=Competitive
Anniv Slayer:!/?game=1019933668§ion=Competitive
Team Snipers:!/?game=1019943395§ion=Competitive
Hit a real buzz saw in Super Slayer, but all had fun. Glad we could get Enemy in this. Thanks to WAM for setting this up.