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What year were you born? Obvious Question for an older gamer site right?
Having driven a few big block Nova's all I can say is I can't comprehend that much HP under the hood of one of those...under any hood, but especially not under that hood.
My first Nova damn near looked like that, same color even. Was a '68 though.
Love the dents!
"... genuine Chicago dirt..." LOL
If you like that take the time to look at Nelson Racing Engines site...
Mind you, having driven my pals 1800hp 57 Chevy on the road that seems a bit tame. 9 second 1/4's...Girls stuff. Try Mid 7's....
OH MY GOD! I forgot I still had my buttkicker on when I hit PLAY on that video. It reminded me ;)
thats how they should look like
no tricked out stuff no shiny things but raw inside out
Holy fuggnuggets that's pure hidden awesomeness!
© 2007 Media Crumb Inc. All rights reserve Media Crumb Inc.
Having driven a few big block Nova's all I can say is I can't comprehend that much HP under the hood of one of those...under any hood, but especially not under that hood.
My first Nova damn near looked like that, same color even. Was a '68 though.
Love the dents!
"... genuine Chicago dirt..." LOL
If you like that take the time to look at Nelson Racing Engines site...
Mind you, having driven my pals 1800hp 57 Chevy on the road that seems a bit tame. 9 second 1/4's...Girls stuff. Try Mid 7's....
OH MY GOD! I forgot I still had my buttkicker on when I hit PLAY on that video. It reminded me ;)
thats how they should look like
no tricked out stuff no shiny things but raw inside out
Holy fuggnuggets that's pure hidden awesomeness!