id like to say thank you
Fri, 05/11/2012 - 13:28
id like to say thank you
I won't be online as much in the near future I'll be moving and working more hours. With that said I will be withdrawing from all events I signed up for as my schedule will be up in the air. Id like to thank all the guys from this club for allowing me to be here and punt you off the tracks(jarhead,fitzy,jimmy,snappy,emcee,gizzie,soapynuts...I could go on), the D2NR club, and all the guys from the proam series for going out of their way to find a handicap that works most of the time. I'm not quitting just letting you know ahead of time so you don't miss me so much :)
I will still be making builds for platforms that have potential but I won't tune. I'll send them to club members to be tuned by the various talented tuners.
S'gonna be a shame not having you around as much mate. Good luck with the move and job, we'll be here when u get a chance to come back.
Always had a great time racing with you AssTrack. Learned a lot about getting through the corners. And those extremely rare occasions when I actually beat you are some of the best racing memories I have.
Really going to miss ya on the track track. Real life comes first. I hope for the best for you in the new job and living arrangements (roommate unplugged the router to many times I guess
I have really enjoyed racing and the coaching you have given me. Take care, be safe and don't work to hard.
That Sedona run with the Mazda's was a trip! We'll see ya soon!
Sorry to hear that track, it was always good fun racing with you or should I say trying to catch you and failing miserably .
Good luck with the move. Hope more work is a good thing. Been a pleasure having you as our resident "alien" in ProAm. You've always been a great sport while still kickin our butts !! Always learn something from you every race..... at least for a few laps
Been a pleasure ! Looking forward to when ya have more time. Keep hotlapping....I can still try and chase your ghosts.
Best of luck at your new place and in your new job. You are a true gentleman racer and chasing you or staying ahead was the greatest of challenges. Hope you can make it back to us when things settle down. We will be here buddy.
good luck most of us lot wil still be here when you come back
Best of luck Track. It has been a blast chasing you. and even when you turm around, come back in the pack, wreck me a few times and then go on to win the race!!!!
Good luck on your new adventures track. Was an awesome learning experience running with you. Your always welcome to crash our race anytime :)
Your alien speed will be missed :(