Porsche Expansion-I Need Designs for the Review
Porsche Expansion-I Need Designs for the Review
Hey guys
I'll be writing the 2o2p Porsche Pack Review shortly after it hits on the 22nd. I'll be busy buying, upgrading, and testing the cars but I will need some designs on the pics I submit...and I would prefer the designs to prominently feature 2old4forza designs.The last review only had one credited design, I had to pull the rest from the storefront. Full credit will be given in the article for gifted designs (storefront designs get no credit) and I would like your very best Von Dutch flaming, pinstripe flaring, heavy metalling, ass kicking designs in the review. If you are interested in participating ,gift the design to me or (if not a friend) to a mutual friend who can then, in turn, regift to me. So painters...get your creative juices flowing. I will need the designs by noon on Sunday the 25th.
Thank You
Count me in.
Pity I can't paint. Hell I might give it a go any way.
I'll keep this in mind. We'll see just how well my creative juices are flowing then. It'll be a nice break from drywalling & painting.
Are you looking for designs by 2Old4Forza members, or 2Old4Forza designs? I'm guessing both would be a plus?
Designs by 2o4f members...a clan or garage design would definitely be a bonus.