2old2play Women of Halo Please READ! All codes distributed.
2old2play Women of Halo Please READ! All codes distributed.
Clans, please inform your Halo women to have a look over here.
I have the following Female Halo Avatar outfits to give away. Total of 8 codes from those friendly folks at 343i.
1. One Avatar per person.
2. You must be female and make the request yourself in this topic.
3. Members who actively play Halo get served first.
4. First come first serve and governed by post order.
5. Please make an ordered list by preference so you don't have to post numerous times.
6. I make the final call and will be as fair as I can manage. (Eh, I make mistakes).
Female Halo Avatars
1. Cortana Costume - Taken
2. Cortana Costume - Taken
3. Halo: Anniversary T-shirt - Taken
4. Halo: Anniversary T-shirt - Taken
5. Spartan Armor Blue - Taken
6. Spartan Armor Blue - Taken
7. Spartan Armor Red - Taken
8. Spartan Armor Red - Taken
Even though I stole your news, I'd love to have some Halo goodies! :D
Halo: Anniversary T-shirt FTW
Since the T-shirts are all gone....
Cortana outfit PLEASE
Blue Armor next choice.
THANKS Deep!!!
I wouldn't mind the other Cortana costume if it's still available!
BUMP. 4 codes remaining.
I'll take red armor. Thanks, Deep.