Forza Horizon update
Thu, 05/17/2012 - 11:43
Forza Horizon update just posted the box art for Forza Horizon and confirmed it will be an open world driving game.
Details here:
Well, I'll be playing this when it comes out BUT I won't be pre-ordering or getting any type of LCE if it's offered like I do with the proper Forza Motorsport games. Take that M$, your only going to get $60 of my money this time!
Until the DLC comes....
I'm a sucker. I'll be getting it all!! LOL
Interesting background. What is that, Vegas?
Well, I'm a sucker for this type of thing too, but I'm a bit worried that its going to be very US centric. No offense to any of you guys over the pond, but I want to be able to associate with it.
If it features some UK type open world areas then I'm in.
Imagine, can you even conceive belting it down British country roads and lanes. Imagine the Scottish Highlands or Snowdonia. Deepest darkest Devon.

I would hope they'd offer a smattering of different roads types from the US, Japan and Europe.
Since it's open world, I wonder if that means they've found a way to add the Transfăgărășan Highway.
That would be epic.
its one of the games i am most curious about. Would be nice to see it as an open world racegames...often track racing can get damn boring if you ask me
I did like that about test drive - hooning at some stupid speed through the cities. :D
yup thats what i like about tdu2, nfs undercover/most wanted etc. It would be a nice change to get forza graphics for an openworld race game
Jarheads ForeEver!!!
Cannonball run anyone?
Gumball Rally!
death race 2012
LOL, Death Race2000? Frankenstein!
With a little Bullet and Ferris Bueller?
I hope the 550 Spyder is in that game. I wanna be James Dean. Lol
Wait, that didn't end well did it?
Sorta like wanting to be ChurchPro isn't it?
I will be getting this BTW.
Is there any real news, anything concrete?
It's a different group doing it, so are the cars going to be similar/same, will they be upgradable in a similar fashion, more importantly, can you paint 'em?...
I've never played an open sandbox type racer and I'm not 100% convinced yet that this is. I'm agreeable but not gonna jump onit first day. I want to know things first...
Well, they claim it has "the same automotive thrills Forza fans have come to expect". Does that mean busted lobbies and major lag issues to start?
Maybe I will wait.
I hope they make it well.. TDU was brilliant in concept but poorly executed. I really want something that handles well, (arcadey is fine just let me control it!).
Things that'll make me happy, forza graphics, handling, triple screen support.
is this going to be a p2p style race game
or just drive up and down the highways and look at the scenery
it might be a decent executed need for speed prostreet. since that game failed pretty much. Just like the Run *barf*