Attn Biz: M26 Mass/G3A3 combo
Fri, 05/18/2012 - 07:56
Attn Biz: M26 Mass/G3A3 combo
Now this makes perfect sense on why that fucktard was absolutlely dominating every game. Everyone that developed this game should be lined up and get kicked right in the nuts for this.
looks fun, will have to try this when I come back to playing.
I don't even have the G3A3 unlocked. lol
You know what's sad, is I could probably slap this combo together and still suck. I for the life of me could never get used to playing FPS games on a console. I was always a keyboard/mouse guy. I still struggle on BF3 to downsight and hold on a target while trying to stay alive/maneuver...I've just come to terms that I'm not good, lol.
it's taken me a few years and plenty of practice to be as bad on the console as I am...
I don't have then name twitchy for nothin'... I wasn't ever great on the PC either, but that's all I'd known previously too.
It's not you, Battlefield has a VERY different feel then Call Of Duty et all, hell when I get medals for sniping (BF:MC) you know the game is wierd :)
It's probably one of the hardest to get a handle on, as it doesn't seem to make sense you shoot some guy 60 times and he keeps coming, he shoots you once and you die.
I'm happy enough if I don't come in last
Patch incoming ...
Look like this will be addressed the first week of June via a patch.
sounds like a worthy patch...