Radical Formula 1 - discussion thread
Radical Formula 1 - discussion thread
In the STCC time slot once that series concludes.
Radical R8 adorned with Formula 1 replica liveries. I will provide the liveries.
Spec build but tunable. Preliminary build on my SF now.
The races will be run with a 30% HP reduction across the board for everyone. This makes the car more managable for a variety of skill levels. the reason for this was because I added the RACE EXHAUST. I just had to have the massive flames shooting out of the rear pipes. The car will still reach 160 mph easily....and in a hurry. Here is what I mean about the tail pipes...
Team based using F1 points system.
4 lap qualifying race to set the Grid. 20 lap main event. NO HANDICAPS.
Issues to be decided:
-who gets what livery?
-damage setting ( i am leaning towards SIMULATION)?
Nurby GP
If it's near the same build you were advertising in the other thread and with these awesome tracks (could we replace Indy with Spa please) Parcells is definitely interested. Hopefully I can qualify for a factory run this time around. You make it hard for Parcells to get some Dirt racing in Snappy.
Approve the SIM damage and since my current Forza badge is Ferrari Enthusiest it makes sense my team gets the Ferrari livery.
TBH I might be doing all my future series with SIM damage. I just hope it doesn't scare too many folks away.
Oh, and wait till you see what I have coming after this. R3 GT cars.
Providing, of course, that noone else is planning something similar.
I didnt think that forza had spa.
Put my name down please.
Hope you have done a Williams-Renault
As its my surname I will take it if available
+1 On the Sim damage.
Yes please - don't mind what livery.
I'm not sure on Teams yet Gizzie. I think the best thing is to let people form there own teams. But there will be NO HANDICAPS so I would prefer not to have too many aliens on the same team.
As far as the Livery. I will put you down for the Team Lotus colours. You're the only one who gets to pick right now since I know how fond of Green you are. And BTW, I have modofied that original one I sent you so I will have to get the updated version to you. Everyone else will have to wait.
I believe I was the first to recieve a car with the Lotus Livery...fight you for it
Yea but there are actually two LOTUS liveries. The black and gold but also the green and yellow. Gizzie's got the Green and Yellow.
fine but i do have to warm you, im from the south side of glasgow and ILL TELL MY MAMMY
then your in deep shit
In the end Parcells wont care how the teams are formed but why not do similar to what you did for the STCC and run a qualy tournament to decide teams? BUT this time use the car we'll be racing maybe on one of the tracks we'll be racing or an entirely different track? Silverstone has some fast and technical turns, or maybe Mugello or Motegi? Just thinking out loud.
I hear your thoughts on this, Parcells. They are valid and not far from what I was thinking. I'm going to see how much interest there is and I may ask for seed times sometime in the near future. I'd like to have a test session some time soon. There is still the issue of assists to agree upon as well.
Only thing Parcells don't typically like is forced cockpit but doubtful it would keep me from participating cause this car looks ripe for cockpit view. How anyone races without a nice solid mirror is beyond me.
I ran your tune with no assists Snappy and as long as you respect the car it is not at all hard to drive...Sim damage gets my vote as long as people do not indulge in suicide overtakes and brake with their brakes and not the back fender of the car ahead.
Uh oh, guys. Ver y important edit. Make sure you all check the OP. ^
I would like to give this a go and im cool with sim damage
With my current lack of form I would expect to be awardd to force india (or what ever they are called now) livery....
Time dependant I am in.
Seems Snappy has preempted an off track showdown between Knight and Gizzies mum, which could have been long and bloody and contained language to confuse and befuddle our stateside friends.
My money is on Gizzies mom, Put me down for this Snappy.
And out of the shortest retirement in Simulated Motorsport ever, we have Fitzy! The battle is off anyway...there are two Lotus liverys.
You don't want to be messing with Gizzies mammy Knight. Your best bet is to take whatever livery you're given and be happy you still have your health!
Meh, if I had my health I may be a little worried. As it stands I have little to lose...Mind you I have to get into a team and that is no easy matter, Snappy keeps attracting aliens like moths to a flame.
I just said put me down, I never said I was actually going to race. I could maybe test drive for one of the teams and not get involved in any of that dangerous racing type stuff.
I know you Fitzy. You wont be able to resist.
can you sent over the build please snappy
Arise from rest awesome thread and so it shall be.
I assume the 30% HP reduction remains true? Time to start practising maybe.
Can you practise the 30% reduction off-line or do you need to go on-line to create a group? Obviously I'll check it out myself but I don't recall HP reduction being an option off-line anywhere?
I've not found a way to do it offline, but if everyone is practicing on line it will be a little more sociable anyway :-)