These forums are publicly viewable...
Mon, 05/21/2012 - 10:43
These forums are publicly viewable...
In case it has not been mentioned already. Everything you post here is viewable by the general public. As well, everything that used to be private on the old forums is now publicly available. I only know this because search results from inside these forums and the old one are now cropping up on Google.
I just thought I should mention it.
That mean im famous?
Although I don't think you can access this area as you need to login. (when i click my tab after clearing my cache it says "access denied")
Although the following is -
i think you mean infamous church
If Google can see it, it's public.
Here's a search for quoted text from a random topic:
backs away very slowly and closes the door.
Folks can look all they want. As long as they can't post, I don't give a shit.
thats what you get with vbulletin and ipb forums. So much settings and options..oh well...go nuts trackassassin :P
Well, I just figured I should post something in case someone besides me was still under the assumption this was a "private" forum like it was. I've posted a few things here and there that well, I may not have had I known.
Now you know :)
Well I did use a bad four letter word recently on the forums, will I get spanked for this? If so could I get Heidi Klum to do it? Oops there I go again.
You ever typed your user name into google Jon? you would be amazed what comes up from all the boards, forums and social networks your on.
Alot of things come up on the internet if you look in the right place
Of course I have, though my real name won't yeild anything all that interesting. Most of the "networks" I supposedly belong to I don't, they troll employment info from companies I have to do business with for work and then post it online. Pretty lame. I'm not actually signed up for any social networking like facebook. No way. :)
I need to make sure this is clear. YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE LOGGED IN TO READ THE POSTS HERE. That's all I wanted to make people aware of. Use the info however you'd like.
Apparantly I was drafted as a baseball pitcher and never even knew it - lol
Heh, even better if you hang out in all the wrong places
Bash have you let the site admins know this? I'm sure they would be interested that google is pulling the threads to public domain.
They don't pull the entire thread, just the part of the post that contains the search term. If a non member clicks on the link they get the "you are not authorized to view this content" message.
So if we all post "boobies" we might rank number 1 for boobies?
LOL there would be some stiff (pun intended) competition.
all posts are stored in the database and google get the posts from the database on this domain. Even tho you just see the post the rest of the forum is closed for outsiders. making it impossible for them to post. I ran vbulletin and ipb forums for 13 years and have seen it happen many times. No harm done here.
Yes just logged out and to check, you can read the thread but try to go further and then your locked out.
Ok, I'm not going to say this again. Topics on this forum can be read by the public and they are crawled via Google. All you need is a link to an actual topic and you can read every page of that topic. You cannot browse the topics in the forum, but that can be done easily enough with Google.
If you don't believe me then sign out of your account, clear all your cookies, etc. Mail yourself this link and click away after signing out:
Google this for the other threads: 2old4forza
Or just hit this:
Anyhow, sorry to seem insistant, I just wanted folks to keep their eyes open is all ;) It would seem they want it private, but they left a few large holes.
P.S. I think this site is running Drupal, not that it probably matters much :)
I thought I just said that? just you said topic where I said thread
You did, bad timing :)
Yay Championship thread used as an example.
I don't care, but some comments against turd 9 or some specific gamertags we may or may not bash a bit here or there will be. Sure they can't post but they can get pissed.
Hope this gets fixed and doodie or other 2old admins can get google to remove the from the results just to be safe. Private should be private. At least IMHO.
Hey guys,
Just an update. Church sent me the info and I'll be sure to look into it. I can block google from crawling any page however, so if need be I will shut down what is crawled. However if you want more people finding 2o4f via google that will no longer work.
UPDATE: Ive locked down the post via out side looking in from google. These results will probably disapear once google figures out it can't access the site. I'll be running a much larger permission update this weekend to cover loose ends.
As an example used from before, should no longer allow you to see a post if you are logged completely out.
Cheers doodi
Apparently "Parcells2" is some porn star going by the name "Buck Naked" !!