2Old4Forza World Championship - Round 4 Closes 26/07/2012

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Mon, 05/21/2012 - 22:29 (Reply to #241)
Zeratul's picture
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Boza vs Zeratul wednesday May 23 8pm GMT.

Spazster wrote:
Sent him a message on your behalf over at gbr. .glad you got it set up...I still need murph to send me a fr

Thank you sir!

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 07:04
davkatzac's picture
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On another note, My race with Oldmodelt didn't happen last night because I was mixed up on the time conversion. I get up at 4 am PDT so I need to get in bed by 9 pm. Oldmodelt works late so he is only availabe after I go to bed. I'm not sure what is going to happen here in the next couple of days for us to get this race in. He is on CST time and wanted to race at 10 pm CST which I thought was 8 pm PDT, so hopefully we will work it out.


Mon, 05/21/2012 - 08:54
Spazster's picture
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@ Kiwi...was messing round...I believe they call it.,.,.and ya your right...online times on the leaderboard are slower then what i was practising off line the other day...for some reason in test drive mode it is a good 1 sec faster then when i do it online so it will post to LB. Forza has always been like that, so guess i was referencing wrong times when i made my earlier fun filled comment...Sorry to be "out" of line.

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 08:58 (Reply to #244)
davkatzac's picture
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Spazster wrote:

@ Kiwi...was messing round...I believe they call it.,.,.and ya your right...online times on the leaderboard are slower then what i was practising off line the other day...for some reason in test drive mode it is a good 1 sec faster then when i do it online so it will post to LB. Forza has always been like that, so guess i was referencing wrong times when i made my earlier fun filled comment...Sorry to be "out" of line.

Did I come across as an Ass again? I apologize! You were not out of line, I was just saying......

On the other hand if your times are a second faster, you and I are running the same lap times, nice job!


Mon, 05/21/2012 - 09:04 (Reply to #245)
Spazster's picture
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davkatzac wrote:

Spazster wrote:

@ Kiwi...was messing round...I believe they call it.,.,.and ya your right...online times on the leaderboard are slower then what i was practising off line the other day...for some reason in test drive mode it is a good 1 sec faster then when i do it online so it will post to LB. Forza has always been like that, so guess i was referencing wrong times when i made my earlier fun filled comment...Sorry to be "out" of line.

Did I come across as an Ass again? I apologize! You were not out of line, I was just saying......

On the other hand if your times are a second faster, you and I are running the same lap times, nice job!



Not so much as I hadn't had my first cup of coffee yet..I really need to put a lock on my keyboards until  i've had one before responding. ;) Kinda like a breathalyze but tweaked for caffine content ....and no we aren't running the same times..you LB times ARE faster...but i'll get the whole "slide to go faster" thing down yet  :p



Mon, 05/21/2012 - 13:05
mod4clay's picture
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If there is a no show and you need another person to fill the spot, shoot me a message on live, I'll jump in and try to compete.  Look forward to seeing how this thing turns out.

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 00:54 (Reply to #247)
Tourni6's picture
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mod4clay wrote:

If there is a no show and you need another person to fill the spot, shoot me a message on live, I'll jump in and try to compete.  Look forward to seeing how this thing turns out.



Now the party has started :D

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 02:34
CProRacing's picture
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Tourni if you would run against clay you both can come in.  (well one of you for one round at least) smiley


Other than that I will look at what competitors are left by then end of this week.


You could be the round one wild card, All the competitors that have been knocked out in round one go in a hat and who gets pulled goes against clay for another shot at the title.


Dont want to leave anyone out and we are still only in round one.


Although if I get you in round 2 clay you better let me win. angel

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 02:45
Tourni6's picture
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hahaha - I couldn't beat clay on a good day :D

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 09:10
SpinningHat's picture
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I've sent a message to Laurus on XBL and his wife sent me one back saying he's out of town for a family emergency and isn't avialable for a couple weeks.. :(

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 15:40 (Reply to #251)
mod4clay's picture
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Whatever you can work out is fine CP, like I said if you can fit me in than great but if not its ok.  Tourni, we may as well go after it anyway, just a little grudgematch action...I'm quite sure you will do just fine.  Matter of fact, I will be on vacation in a week and a half and will be online during more friendly euro times and need to try to catch me a few races with you guys.

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 16:39
CProRacing's picture
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Unfortunately Oldmelt has to pull out of the competition due to time constraints.


So that means theres a place free Clay.


Issue is it against Kiwi. angel


If Kiwi is happy for you to take oldmelts place then your Round one battle will be -


mod4clay v KIWI JORDAN KID (D2NR)

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 18:23 (Reply to #253)
davkatzac's picture
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ChurchPro wrote:

Unfortunately Oldmelt has to pull out of the competition due to time constraints.


So that means theres a place free Clay.


Issue is it against Kiwi. angel


If Kiwi is happy for you to take oldmelts place then your Round one battle will be -


mod4clay v KIWI JORDAN KID (D2NR)


That's not good for me! Clay and I have raced in the finals of this thing twice with Clay winning both times. If this is the way you want to run this event Chuch, then I'll race him but I'll tell you right now, I'm not happy about it angry


Tue, 05/22/2012 - 18:24 (Reply to #254)
davkatzac's picture
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Tue, 05/22/2012 - 19:25
brntguy's picture
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My two cents............ Leave Clay be the top prize of this comp. By that is, whoever comes out on top gets a chance to run against Clay. I don't think there really is any need for him to show up till the final, this gives everyone a chance to get as far as they can. Putting Kiwi and Clay together first round just ain't right.

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 19:44
Parcells2's picture
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Parcells sort of agrees with Brnt with regards to not matching these two in round 1 because Mod was late to the party and it didn't turn out to be a random pairing as intended by the rules of the competition. But I see no reason not to give Mod a free pass through round one (he is defending champ no?, like more than once even) but let him enter the randon draw in round two and if the boys get matched now or later so be it.


Or do as Brnt suggest and just let him race the winner, it will save a few people a hopeless battle yes

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 00:18 (Reply to #257)
mod4clay's picture
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And I don't want to ruffle any feathers...I knew about this deal and I was late due to my lack of attention to the dates, no need to ripple the water.  In saying that, if my only option would be to jump in and race kiwi, while I am always up for a challenge against him I don't honestly think that would be fair to him or me.  Not slighting anyone but Kiwi and I have battled for the #1 spot each year.......honestly probably best if I sit this one out.  Sorry for being late because I love racing you guys, but seeing you guys getting after it already got my competitive juices flowing.  Good luck and I hope to catch some of the races online myself.  Good luck everyone!!!

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 00:20 (Reply to #258)
mod4clay's picture
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Oops, double post. 

BTW, tourni I still want to grudge race you again...you pick the car and track!

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 02:54
CProRacing's picture
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Thought it would be a bit cheeky, and not really that fair on Clay and Kiwi but it would have been awesome to watch. laugh


Kiwi your through to Round 2.


Sorry you could not do the race oldmodelt better luck next time.yes


Clay I have added you to the bottom of the Google Docs. The next person who has not got a driver to go against,  your up.


If we get to Saturday and everyone has ran then I will bring the wild card scenario in to play and who gets called out from the Round One knockouts will be against you.

I know your insanely fast but I need to just try and treat you as a late sign up, and don't forget its only Round 1.



So lads if you have not raced yet you better get going or you might be against clay.


Thoughts please?


I have not recived any results from the following -




tnpartsguyVzed architect
Billy the DrunkVsilverfox333
Sabath XVXXsitement
El KochinoVsteadfastline
spazsterianVXI MURPH IX (D2NR)
BozaVGTV Zeratul
gizziegodVCondition Dead
Spinning HatVdoc lazurus
Wed, 05/23/2012 - 09:26 (Reply to #260)
Parcells2's picture
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ChurchPro wrote:

Clay I have added you to the bottom of the Google Docs. The next person who has not got a driver to go against,  your up.


Thoughts please?



Doesn’t sound right Church eliminating Kiwi from racing Mod but the next person in line has to? Not to mention time is of the essence. And I’m not just saying this because I expect my round one opponent to forfeit later today.


Mod clearly don’t care either way (the eventual champ can always go up against him when it’s over if nothing else materializes) so why not just move him onto round two IF we have an odd number of racers left. If we have the right amount of people for round two just send Mod to the post-finale race.

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 02:59
Tourni6's picture
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Tempted to race Clay for old time sakes - I will get my ass handed to me lol

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 03:12 (Reply to #262)
CProRacing's picture
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Tourni6 wrote:

Tempted to race Clay for old time sakes - I will get my ass handed to me lol


Or that would work.


Clay V Tourni. Winner goes to round 2.

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 08:13
davkatzac's picture
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I read some of the posts including mine and I must say that I sounded like a whining little baby about racing Clay. There is nobody that I like racing in this game more than Clay, he gets those competitive juices flowing in me like nobody else can. I know that he is faster than me and it's only made worse by the fact that I get a little nervous when I race him and never seem to drive my best when I'm matched up against him. Having said that, It would be a little unfair to match us up in the first round. I think Brnt said it best when he offered up Clay as the defending champion to be the prize if you make it to the final. I have beaten Clay in Spazcar only due to the fact that I was better on the ovals with my steering wheel versus  his controller, but we were always competitive on the road courses. He is faster in every other car that I've raced against him in.

Whatever happens this should be a fun championship and if I;m lucky enough to make it into the final against Clay, you never know what might happen!!!!!


Wed, 05/23/2012 - 09:40
SpinningHat's picture
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Church, Doc's wife sent me a message on XBL saying he was away on a family emergency, and wasn't avialable. I don't know if he's going to be back in time to race by Saturday.

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 09:44
CProRacing's picture
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Its hurting my head this not hard I know but still. frown

Let me think about it on the drive home from work and I will be posting my final descion in the next few hours.




Wed, 05/23/2012 - 09:53
Parcells2's picture
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While you're pondering what to do Church I'll remind you of rule number one of the competition (below) that states when an opponent forfeits you move onto the next round. Says nothing about getting your ass handed to you by Clay. smiley


Rule 1 "When you have been paired up with your opposing driver you will have upto 2 weeks to organise the race against each other. If a driver is unavailable in this time slot he will automatically forfeit and the other driver will move on to the next round."

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 10:00
Tourni6's picture
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I'll race clay - I'll take the beating haha

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 12:20 (Reply to #268)
CProRacing's picture
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Tourni6 wrote:

I'll race clay - I'll take the beating haha


Thanks Tourni

Google docs updated.


mod4clay V Tourni6


Everything else stays the same. smiley


So Parcells, your safe.

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 13:35 (Reply to #269)
Parcells2's picture
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ChurchPro wrote:

So Parcells, your safe.


That’s probably for the best Church cause had you reassigned me to race Clay this forum would see a temper tantrum of the likes we’ve never seen before. There would be uncalled for cries of foul play, unnecessary name calling, I’m sure I could have come up with an angle to blame Doodi so it’s all for the best.


Keep up the good work!

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 13:43 (Reply to #270)
Fitzy's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

ChurchPro wrote:

So Parcells, your safe.


That’s probably for the best Church cause had you reassigned me to race Clay this forum would see a temper tantrum of the likes we’ve never seen before. There would be uncalled for cries of foul play, unnecessary name calling, I’m sure I could have come up with an angle to blame Doodi so it’s all for the best.


Keep up the good work!

If that had happened I would have been there to laugh and ridicule Parcells, maybe next time.

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