Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - SCIROCCO S - F200 Class
Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - SCIROCCO S - F200 Class
[url=http://myForzaGarage.com/viewCarDetails.php?carID=548&unqID=214&hideHelp... El Kochino's custom [1981] VOLKSWAGEN SCIROCCO S [F 200] [/url]
Exhaust: Race
Brakes: Race
Springs and Dampers: Race
Front Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Rear Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Clutch: Sport
Transmission: Sport
Driveline: Sport
Differential: Race
Tire Compound: Sport
Front Tire Width: 185
Rear Tire Width: 195
Front Rim Width: 16
Rear Rim Width: 16
Rims: TSW Trackstar 4
Build/Tune Rules:
* All participants cars must be built to the specifications laid out by the series coordinator.
* Tuning is allowed on any adjustable parts that may be on the car. No replacing/adding of parts.
NOTE : This will be an Open Tune, meaning you either can use my tune from the storefront or you can use your own tune but you must have the required parts.
Livery requirements:
Cars must have a racing Number on the sides, hood and rear bumper of the car and with their GamerTag on the door panels.
*Not a must but makes for good video, a racing livery
* It is the room hosts decision of what handicaps to be use.
Amateur/ Pro-Amateur/ Pro / Veteran
Starting Grid:
The order of the Starting Grid is GROUP and then based on LOBBY POINTS from Practice (lowest goes in front)
Seed Time:
Seed time is the average lap time around the track
Select the car and track for the up and coming event, then run 5 laps and post your average lap time, note do not post your fastest lap time.
Please enter your seed time by clicking here
Date and Time:
10:00pm – handicap ranking
10:30pm – Race
20min race, Laps will be determnined by Seed Times
May 15 – Suzuka – West Circuit
May 22 – Tsukuba – Full Circuit
May 29 – Twin Ring Motegi – East Circuit
Racing Etiquette:
* Race Cleanly, give room
* No Cutting corners
* No Blocking, racing line is not blocking
* Call your intent
* No conversation while race is on, as communication between other drivers cannot be heard.
* During a Caution all chatter should be to a minimum, this will help get the cars in line for the restart
* You can call a caution if someone causes you to lose position during the race through physical interaction
* If you cause your own departure from the track, or accident or whatever, you cannot call a Caution.
* Once you call a caution, everyone will slow down to 30mph. Do not come to a complete STOP
* Racers go back to the position they were in before the caution was called. Restarts are single file.
* Room Host will call out a countdown, 3*2*1 GO, once all racers are grouped up (within a car length of each other) and up to caution speed (30mph).
* No passing on restarts until the end of following corner after the re-start of the caution or when the series coordinator calls “YOU CAN PASS”
* No cautions on the last 3 laps.
Sign up sheet [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AseRZ-VFqMEkdEdiMW1CQmhGcFQ...
Race 1 - Suzuka -- West Circuit
Race 1
1 - imjimeez44 1.44
2 - Snappy Dee 1.44
3 - soapynuts 1 1.46
4 - heliosGLi16v 1.46
5 - El Kochino 1.46
6 - emezmer 1.46
7 - x2O4FxSurf 1.46
DNF - Mattcutter (dropped on Lap 3)
Race 2 - Tsukuba - Full Circuit
Race 2
1 - SLIM V3n0m 1.13
2 - Mattcutter 1.13
3 - emezmer 1.14
4 - soapynuts 1 1.14
5 - El Kochino 1.14
6 - imjimeez44 1.14
Race 3 - Twin Ring Motegi -- East Circuit
Race 3
1 - Gizmo Hatake 1.51.9
2 - Mattcutter 1.51.5
3 - imjimeez44 1.51.8
4 - El Kochino 1.52.8
5 - SLIM V3n0m 1.52.6
6 - soapynuts 1.52.9
I'm in provided my xbox doesn't take a crap
If I can get the TV I'll show up for this.
I'll be on tonight... for some laps
Hopefully there will be people for next Tuesday
just signed up. I will try and get on tonight.
I'll try to make this....gonna be close...but can be done.
If I can manage the to show up I'm there I got the car built and everything!!!!
I'm in for a maybe. I'll have to go and purchase the car from the marketplace if I do join (haven't purchased the car pack).
Otherwise I can see what I can put together from the same era w/ a similar build.
I didn't realize this car was a DLC car... sorry
Ooh, yeah. Perfect. I'll throw together a Rabbit w/ similar build if that would be acceptable.
Sounds good to me
So Rabbit or Scirocco Can we run bouth?
Kochino, I'll send over the Rabbit build next time I boot up. I completely spaced it and remembered after I shutdown the system. Use it as you see fit. Had fun tonight.
No problem, yes it was
I didn't expect that many people to show
I had a good battle with the middle of the pack for awhile
Someone was asking about the racing numbers, here is the thread [url=http://www.2old2play.com/forum/group-forums/2old4forza/racing-events-ser... #[/url]
Seed Time, for those that show up at 10:30 you need to enter your seed time. This will let us know where you should be placed (handicap) or if you are the slowest it tells the faster guys what they should be aiming for.
Sign up sheet [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AseRZ-VFqMEkdEdiMW1CQmhGcFQ2YzdRZUlLMXhJY1E#gid=17]HERE[/url]
We want to handicap the fast guys just enough to get everyone running about the same lap time
Yesterday we had one that ran away and another that handicapped himself too much
I don't want to tell you where to set yourself but you should try to handicap yourself to +/-1 from the slowest guy
That was fun last night.
I might have over handicapped myself, but it's hard to say really. I think that if I ran in ProAm, that I might have been too fast. Even in Pro my fast time was competitve, I was just at the tail end of the "pack" mostly because of one bad lap and wanted to bitch, lol. For the most part we were all running fairly close, except for one way out front and one way behind, and I think that they were both with in AM, if I remember correct.
If we can get everyone in that pack, this could turn out to be a very very fun racing series.
Brilliant battles throughout the pack. Also a big apology to the car I rear ended when everyone stopped. The car I was following all of sudden dove to the left...and I had a parked car in front of me.
Had fun working through the pack w/ Snappy. The best comment of the night - "Holy crap...where did they come from?" (Kochino?) This was after Snappy and I got a couple solid laps playing follow the leader to catch the next pack of cars in front of us.
It was brilliant, up until Snappy and I made a little contact (car was already on edge, even sliding around a little bit) in the final 2 corners w/ only a couple laps to go. I ended up sliding off the track, losing the spot to both Snappy and the car behind us (that we had just got passed the lap prior). Still had a blast. Didn't think to save the replay. Definitely some good racing and pic opportunities. 
reminder for tomorrows race
my seed time was 1.12.5
my seed time is 1.12.0xx
with the re-adjusting of the handicaps we managed to get everyone in the same range, almost everyone
I for one had my sites on Soapynuts position but my small mistakes kept me from gaining on him and imjimeez44 up my bumper didn't help
Hope the rest of you had as hard of a time keeping up to the car in front
I would say its something to keep in mind for next week. I only ran 2 practices on that track with the scirocco prior to the race... I was bound to get a little faster.
You guys should have been at least 1 handicap lower.
The car was surprisingly fun though. I'm looking forward to next week.
This seems to be the trend and we will adjust to the slowest lap time -1 sec for the last race at Twin Ring Motegi – East Circuit on May 29th
Having had both of you there on many occasions I can't seem to summon much sympathy...
by the way who was the guy who asked for the Ferrari's?
I'll try to get back soon. Tied up getting situated in the new house. Once I get interwebs setup (hopefully this week) I'm hoping to around a bit more often.
reminder for tonight 10 pm
hope to see the regulars at least
new guys always welcomed
Also I need to pick a car for next month, it has to be an E Class car, any suggestions ??
I'll try to be on tonight...
As for next months car might I suggest the 2009 Renault Twingo Renault Sport Cup? I believe that it's a D class car, but it can be upgraded to E. It was a blast to drive in the Championship. Give it a try.
Downgraded to E?
How about the old 79 camaro e class?
Yes sorry, I mean't downgraded