The game gets good after normal mode

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#1 Mon, 05/21/2012 - 15:35
badmin's picture
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The game gets good after normal mode

So for a while I really thought I would be bored of D3.  The normal mode of this game is simply WAY to easy and I wasn't nearly as interested in playing as I'd hoped. 

Well, that all changed after I finally finished the game on Normal mode and went into Nightmare.  

THIS GAME IS FUCKING AMAZING!  If any of you are bored of things so far I totally understand.  Once you push passed that normal mode however the game becomes extremely challenging and 100x more fun to play.  You actually get to use spells you would never think to equip.  I can't wait until hell mode!

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 15:39
TANK's picture
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In act 3 of Normal i'm having to adjust how I fight because stuff I was doing in act  1 and 2 isn't as effective in 3.  I imagine Nightmare is going to require a lot more re-tooling of combat startegies and powers.  Gotta keep evolving as the game evolves i guess.

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 17:07
Lbsutke's picture
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you better buddy up as well. SHITS ABOUT TO GET CRAZY!!!

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 12:07
TRIHunter's picture
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I just finished normal with my wizard this weekend. I'm up for any multiplayer on nightmare. I'm also slogging through normal again on my Barbarian.


If only the game ran well on my work laptop.

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 13:54 (Reply to #4)
TANK's picture
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TRIHunter wrote:

If only the game ran well on my work laptop.


I installed it at work so I can browse the Auction House :lol:

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 13:57
Banshee3's picture
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Port Blocking FTL :(

Tue, 05/22/2012 - 14:04
Hoplite's picture
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Yep, we've found that 1 or 4 works best. You ride the edge when playing with 2-3. I never ventured into NM in D2. Not sure why, but I'm having a real good time so far.

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 10:13
TANK's picture
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I unlocked NM last night as well.  Didn't get too far into it though, first quest or two.  Got a rare off of a regular class zombie guy... that was pretty cool.


My character's a lvl 33 with a 500 damage rating,  is that decent for NM?

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 11:01
Jedi_Kez's picture
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Holy shit, was playing 2-player normal mode last night as my Monk (level 15-ish), with a Barbarian (level 16-ish). The game was so disgustingly easy, it really did become unfun. We'd wade into a group of 20 enemies and within 2 seconds there was guts and body pieces everywhere and the Barb and I didn't even lose any life.


Definitely looking forward to Nightmare mode and hopefully having to develop some strategy to survive! (I assume it unlocks after you beat the game once?).


I also think I need to start another class and bump up the difficulty (I don't think you can change difficulty on your current playthrough?)

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 15:38 (Reply to #9)
Hoplite's picture
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Jedi_Kez wrote:
Definitely looking forward to Nightmare mode and hopefully having to develop some strategy to survive! (I assume it unlocks after you beat the game once?).


I also think I need to start another class and bump up the difficulty (I don't think you can change difficulty on your current playthrough?)

Tank's right, can't go into normal until you play and beat Normal. Then you must be lvl 50 to enter Hell difficulty, and lvl 60 to play Inferno.

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 12:46
TANK's picture
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You can't change the difficulty until you fnish the game, then it changes automatically to NM.

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 15:20
Shadow's picture
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just beat normal and I want to play it all over again.

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 16:06
TANK's picture
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I seem to be in this weird timing space....  I have two people on my FL who are like way ahead of me on NM, they're like mid way thru act 3 of maybe act 4 now.  I just started NM, killed the Skelly King.  And everyone else is freak'in playing Normal.  I'm not going to be able to play much the next week since i'm going on vacation so hopefully when I get back, people will have caught up a little :lol:



Thu, 05/24/2012 - 16:27
Shadow's picture
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I should be caught up to you soon, just starting NM tonight (i think).  You could always jump in with me but my mac has had issues with slowdown in MP games :(

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 18:17 (Reply to #14)
TANK's picture
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Shadow wrote:

I should be caught up to you soon, just starting NM tonight (i think).  You could always jump in with me but my mac has had issues with slowdown in MP games :(


I prob wouldn't notice, my laptop BARELY runs D3 as it is, so it's always slow for me :lol: 

Fri, 05/25/2012 - 00:30
Shadow's picture
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GG's tonight Tank!

Fri, 05/25/2012 - 06:28
Banshee3's picture
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At one point last night all my quick-joins were greyed out because everyone has made it to NM or above. And here I'm still slumming in act 3 normal.
Fri, 05/25/2012 - 08:10
Shadow's picture
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:(  I saw you on Banshee but I think I noticed that.

Fri, 05/25/2012 - 11:18
TANK's picture
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i was all over the place last night.  Played a mission or two on my own, then jumped into Taco's game and did the boss fight on ac1 NM and a maybe the first mission of a2.  Then jumped in with Shadow and backtracked to the skelly king fight.  I'm all over the map LOL.   Its just more fun to play with at least one other person, i've yet to get a 4 player going though.  Dunno wtf was going on in Shadows game though, like 75% of the stuff i was picking up was class specific and not for my class....  I did get a worth while amulet though, other than that it was all salvage or sell.

Fri, 05/25/2012 - 12:45
Shadow's picture
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That's odd, sorry about that.  I didn't get ANY WD stuff at all either.

Sat, 05/26/2012 - 01:54
FadeIntoBlack's picture
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I'll have to give it another try I guess...I think I am close to finishing normal anyway.  I am just so bored with the game that I went back and restarted LA Noire if that is any indication to you how absolutely bored of the game I am.  I said this somewhere else I think, but this game feels like old school WoW farming to me.  Honestly, I had really hoped for more.  I guess hack and slash just doesn't do much any more for me after well developed MMO raids and PvP...

Sat, 05/26/2012 - 15:17 (Reply to #21)
TANK's picture
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FadeIntoBlack wrote:

I'll have to give it another try I guess...I think I am close to finishing normal anyway.  I am just so bored with the game that I went back and restarted LA Noire if that is any indication to you how absolutely bored of the game I am.  I said this somewhere else I think, but this game feels like old school WoW farming to me.  Honestly, I had really hoped for more.  I guess hack and slash just doesn't do much any more for me after well developed MMO raids and PvP...


that's always the risk when devs have let a title lay formant for more than a decade.  Gameplay evolves.  I never got inot MMOs and honestly i left PC gaming once the Xbox came out so this is my return.  So for me, it's exactlyw hat I was expecting it to be.  But i suppose if i had played 10 years of more refined action/rpgs i'd have thought this was a little old school and I often times am not a fan of nostalgia type games. take Duke Nukem Forever as a prime example, gone almost as long as diablo and pretty much everyone thought it felt old , dated and sucked.



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