Combat question

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#1 Thu, 05/17/2012 - 10:16
TANK's picture
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Combat question

I'm using the witch doctor.  I've got poison dart on MB1 and zombie arms whatever on MB2 .  I have a single handed dagger equipped in my inventory....  how do i use it?  I can't seem to figure out how you use a melee weapon.

Thu, 05/17/2012 - 10:54
cb35's picture
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had a similar question - couldn't figure out how to swing the sword with the wiz 

from the diablo forums

If you want to assign a melee attack to one of your mouse buttons (or both, that works too), just drag the icon of the spell that's currently there off of the bar. It automatically goes back to the melee option. And then when you use that button, you will attack with your sword (or equipped melee weapon).

Tried it on a mage and a witch doctor, worked for both of them. I'll assume it works for all classes.


f you click and hold the left or right mouse button then drag it off the bar and let turns that left or righf mouse button to auto attack


n order to move the hotbar items around one has to enable Elective Mode.

Game Menu > Options > Gameplay > Interface
Check Elective Mode

And you do not 'lose' that casting attack, with Elective Mode enabled, when you Right Click on an numbered action bar slot arrows show up in the selection windows. You can now assign any skill to any slot.

Thu, 05/17/2012 - 10:56
Jedi_Kez's picture
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You don't "use" it as you would think. All skills and spells in the game are based off your Attack stat and the weapon(s) you have equipped. If you have a quick weapon equipped, your skills/spells can fire faster, but at less damage. If you have a large 2-handed weapon, your skills/spells fire slower, but hit harder.


Dual-weilding is also possibly, and from what I understand can be tricky. When you dual-weild you attack 15% faster, however you may actually attack slower overall if you have one fast weapon and one slow weapon (as the normal attack speed between them can be more than that 15%). Also, when dual-weilding your spells/skills alternate effects between those weapons. So every second spell would be using the effects/stats/etc from your off-hand weapon. It doesn't combine the stats from both weapons with each spell/skill attack.


I cannot believe that Blizzard doesn't have an online game guide ready at this point, seriously WTH?!? If you look on their forums, all the sections in their Game Guide say "coming soon" (except the AH link).


This site seems pretty good so far:

Here is there Combat page:

Thu, 05/17/2012 - 11:32
TANK's picture
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Ok thanks, both those responses were really helpful.  So i guess you can't have two active magic attacks and still attack with a melee weapon.  I guess i'll just use the run away tactic if guys get in too close. 

I was in a dungeon and these magic guys kept spawning skeletons behind me but my zombie dogs and zombie arms were attacking in front which left me scrambling because i couldn't melee.  Good to know at least the sword stats affect the magic stuff,  i'll keep that in mind moving forward.


Fri, 05/18/2012 - 06:05
landdon's picture
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I forget how insane the clicking is.  Any tricks to not have to click so freakin much?  I have the Naga, and I'd like to reassign the primary, and scondary attacks to one of the buttons or something.  Or maybe an auto attack?  

Fri, 05/18/2012 - 07:46
Cerberus4417's picture
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You can assign any of the power to any slot if you want.  So a primary can be set to the number 1 hot key if you would rather hit the key the the mouse.   


@Tank-  I am running the witch doc also, level 14 so far. I don't know what tactic you are taking but i have using "grasp of the dead" to slow the enemy down, then the dogs will clogg them up.  I then focus on using the darts for DPS.  If i get anyone near me of i am in a tough battle i use soul harvest to buff my magic.  


I have tried the toads and spiders but i haven't really liked them yet.  Also the fire bats is a close spell, almost melee range.  So you need something that can help you in close quarters use that.  It drains mana quickly.  

Fri, 05/18/2012 - 09:59
Jedi_Kez's picture
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You can hold down the mouse button to continually attack, you don't have to keep clicking it. If you are worried about accidentally moving as your target dies, or moves out from under your cursor, then hold SHIFT (which allows you to attack without moving). I'm not sure if holding down the number keys also continually attacks either.


Also, I found in the Key Bindings there is one for "Movement" that is unbounf by default. I set it to SPACEBAR (which was "close all windows" before, which I never use as ESC works too). With that movement key you continually move in whatever direction your pointer is at. This is good for moving without clicking, or when you want to move past a mob of enemies instead  of accidentally attacking one.

Fri, 05/18/2012 - 10:08
TANK's picture
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@landdon : To move you can just hold your button down and then your guy will follow where the mouse pointer is.  You can also do that when attacking depending on the spell, you just hold the button and it'll keep recasting.  And you can hold the shift button if you want to disable movement while you're casting.


@cerb : I was using dart / dogs / arms, last night I switched over to frogs, dogs, haunt and am liking that combo.  With the frogs just hold the attack button down so you cast a ton of them.  WHen i first got that spell i just single clicked and one frog came out and iw as like WTF good is this.  Then i realized I can make a horde of them by holding the button.  The one thing though is you can't target them, you just unleash them and they go after what they want.  So it's a crowd control attack, not a targeted one like poison dart or haunt.  I didn't like firebats until i got the first Rune stone unlocked, now they're a lot better.



Fri, 05/18/2012 - 13:13 (Reply to #8)
Cerberus4417's picture
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TANK wrote:

@cerb : I was using dart / dogs / arms, last night I switched over to frogs, dogs, haunt and am liking that combo.  With the frogs just hold the attack button down so you cast a ton of them.  WHen i first got that spell i just single clicked and one frog came out and iw as like WTF good is this.  Then i realized I can make a horde of them by holding the button.  The one thing though is you can't target them, you just unleash them and they go after what they want.  So it's a crowd control attack, not a targeted one like poison dart or haunt.  I didn't like firebats until i got the first Rune stone unlocked, now they're a lot better.


Yeah I want to drop the dogs, but I am waiting until the big zombie dude.  But maybe the frogs would work.hmmmm


Then i can use something like horify if they get to close to have them run away. 

Wed, 05/30/2012 - 08:22 (Reply to #9)
badmin's picture
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Cerberus4417 wrote:

Yeah I want to drop the dogs, but I am waiting until the big zombie dude.  

Use both!

Fri, 05/18/2012 - 10:17
EVILCLAW's picture
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I hate to sugget this but I wound up doing it when I got Far Cry 2 and Flashpoint for the PC. It had been a long while since playing on the PC and I was gettting frustated at the amount of buttons and clicking I had to do vs. xbox. So I went and got the XBOX360 wireless controller receiver and used my xbox controller. Could still go back and forth to the keyboard but it made fights and stuff ALOT easier with the controller versus a mouse. Just a suggestion if you haven't already got it.

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 08:21
repomanv2's picture
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Just wait for Acid Rain.  Got it last night and have spammed the heck out of it.  I think my future "go to" is going to be Acid Rain and Locust.  Those are pretty nasty.  Then dogs and darts to clean everything up.


@cerebrus:  The "big zombie dude" is more manacing than powerful until you get the "cleave" rune for him.  It's fun to have dogs and "lurch" grinding out most of what you come accross.

Mon, 05/21/2012 - 14:12
TANK's picture
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Ya that's my posse....  me plus 4 dogs (zombie master passive skill) and Lurch.  That thing hardly ever dies, even in boss fights.  I dunno how many HP's he's got but it's a hell of a lot more than I have that's for sure!  The acid rain is cool, i use that as a target attack while i hold the mouse button down send out hordes of exploding frogs.  Then my dogs & lurch are right there on the front lines mopping up.  

I unlocked Wall of Zombies last night.  It's not as great as I had envisioned but it is extremely helpful, it saved my ass a few times in Act 3.  YOu make a wall of zombies but they don't move, they just stand there and beat anything coming at you for 5 seconds or something, I wish they lasted longer.


EDIT : Lurch does 25% of your weapon damage as physical damage to enemies.  BUT when you hit Level 29 , that turns into +200% if you turn on the "Restless Giant' Rune stone against Elites, Bosses or hordes of 5 or more.

Mon, 05/28/2012 - 10:46
Shadow's picture
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word, I hold down the mouse button to spam attack, and I mapped my keys to ASDF and the Space to stand still.  Works much better that way.  E for potions

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