Operation Shieldwall Weekend

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#1 Wed, 05/23/2012 - 13:28
Wikiri's picture
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Operation Shieldwall Weekend


The Reapers are targeting our training centers, and your mission is to draw their fire and attention. Put them on the defensive! Buy us time, and the reinforcements in training will soon back you up.
Allied Goal: Promote 50,000 characters
Squad Goal: Promote 3 characters
Special Circumstance: Due to the failure of Operation SILENCER, more banshees will spawn with Reaper enemies and might also spawn with other enemies.
Squad Goal Success: Squad members awarded a Commendation Pack
Allied Goal Success: All players awarded a Victory Pack (high chance of containing a Rare weapon)
May 25 - 27
Wed, 05/23/2012 - 13:29
Wikiri's picture
Last seen: 8 years 9 months ago
Joined: 04/10/2012 - 11:44

Slater, we should have saved our promotions ;)  

Looks like I've got a little work to do so I can promote my 3 before I head out for the weekend.

And Banshees spawning with Cerberus or Geth?  That's going to be cool.

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 14:34
Slater's picture
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Tim, after I read that I immediately thought of you promoting all your characters the other night. I have a couple I can promote (Engineer and Vanguard maybe) but yes, I have some work to do before the weekend to get to three. Not sure how the Banshees are going to get along with the Geth/Cerberus, should be interesting. See you online!

Wed, 05/23/2012 - 17:59
MrManbat's picture
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Well its a good thing I did not t promote anyone yet  that will give me time to work on my last  2 of my char before then.

Thu, 05/24/2012 - 21:14
MrBill313's picture
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I've got 2 or 3 ready , so guess i'll have to re-level them afterward.

Tue, 05/29/2012 - 10:23
Slater's picture
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From Bioware Forums:


There has been a bit of confusion over the date/times of Operation Shieldwall.

Contrary to what was original posted and what I had mention in an earlier thread, the final decision from the brass is that Operation Shieldwall extended right through until 0500 (5AM) this morning Mountain time.

So, all promotion tallies will be taken from data covered from 1700 (5PM) , 25 May 2012 through to 0500 (5AM), 28 May 2012.  All times mountain.


Thu, 05/31/2012 - 21:43 (Reply to #6)
Hammerdrake's picture
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Slater wrote:

From Bioware Forums:


There has been a bit of confusion over the date/times of Operation Shieldwall.

Contrary to what was original posted and what I had mention in an earlier thread, the final decision from the brass is that Operation Shieldwall extended right through until 0500 (5AM) this morning Mountain time.

So, all promotion tallies will be taken from data covered from 1700 (5PM) , 25 May 2012 through to 0500 (5AM), 28 May 2012.  All times mountain.



Crap, I checked their main page just to make sure it didn't extend through Memorial Day.  I promoted 2 and was close with my 3rd, but couldn't get it done on Sunday.  Guess thats what I get for not browsing here more often!



Wed, 05/30/2012 - 11:46
Slater's picture
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From Bioware on 5/30/12:



From: Admiral Steven Hackett

Re: Operation SHIELDWALL

Confidentiality classification: XB-PRIME

Distribution: N7 Forces Only

Soldiers of the Milky Way –

It will relieve many of you to know that Operation SHIELDWALL bought us the time we needed to get our reinforcements to the front. The most numerous of these are the vorcha, literally the galaxy’s most adaptable species. We’ve subjected vorcha to high pressures so they can survive on Irune, clubbed them to simulate a husk’s flailing, and even shot them so that their bodies learn to heal trauma. Fighting is a way of life to the vorcha. Right now, they are just what this galaxy needs.

Integrating so many vorcha has not been easy, and it is here that we must note the quarian contribution. Many quarians on their Pilgrimage actually refused the summons of the Migrant Fleet in order to serve against the Reapers. We assigned them the task of educating the vorcha in combined-arms operations against mechs and hardened targets. This came at great personal risk, since the vorcha’s style of “communication” often includes claws—the last thing a quarian in an envirosuit needs.

There is no better time to aim these warriors at the enemy. A Cerberus military outpost code-named Project Phoenix has defected to the Alliance in full, bringing with them inestimably valuable intelligence. Their project director said that, when he looked at Cerberus, he saw its ugly past: a long string of blackmail and assassination. When he looked at the Alliance, coordinating races from all corners of the galaxy to stop the Reapers, he saw the future.

Couldn’t have put it better myself.

--Admiral Hackett

Victory Packs are on their way now. Commendation Packs will come this afternoon. Well done

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