Heh that is a can of worms and no mistake. The kind of question that gets folk hot under the collar. The simple answer is there is no "best" view. What works for you is best for you. Sims like iRacing force the cockpit view, and I have started using in in rFactor but in Forza I use bonnet. This is because I cannot adjust the seating position forward or remove the wheel from view. Three screen I think I would use cockpit all the way, but single screen bonnet is for me the most like the view I have when driving.
In a normal race I use.
Bonnet 70% (when I need to race at my best), Cockpit 20% (when I want fun), 10% outside view (when iam in a pack of cars and trying not to hit anyone).
By far iam the slowest with the outside view, then cockpitcthen fastest on bonnet.
Bonnet view - but i also know some seriously quick guys that use chase. On occasion i have used bumper to put in faster times, but that was exclusive to some tracks in fm3.
I mostly use the hood cam when racing online so that I have the rear view mirror, but when I hotlap I use the close chase cam as for some reason I'm faster in that view. Cockpit is probably my worst view, time wise.
Sanctioned races - Bonnet view.....primarily for the full mirror so I can watch for the Fitzys making dive bomb brake manuvers.
When I'm just horsing around, I prefer cockpit view for the immersion factor (now that I've gone back to the controller, looking at a wheel on the screen and the one in front of me bugged the hell out of me).
Cockpit view unless the car doesn't have usable mirrors then bumper cam, I just can't seem to hit the apexes with the hood cam. As said before it's all a matter of personal preference.
Chase view (the closer one), this goes way back in my gaming history to be honest...I just can´t get rid of it...
I´ve tried in-car and bonnet view, but they won´t simply work for me! I know that with practice I would get faster, but I just don´t have the patient for it! In close racing I want to see what´s going on around me and that´s why the 3rd person view.
Bonnet view when racing, but cockpit for messing around, plus the fact that the mirrors on some cars in cockpit view are screwed up, left door mirror showing right side of car and rear view reversed, I cannot use it for racing, its very off putting
I know, I know, even I occasionally use one other view, in GT5, for the standard cars where I usually prefer the classic GT5 HUD view, since the standard car cockpits suck!!!
So, if I do reverse text on the hood/front bumper, you'll be able to read it?
I've done that with a couple of my cars - don't know if the rear mirror view for someone else actually meant my message was readable though
No, if you do reverse text on hood, it will come out right way round in normal mirror
basically if you look at the above picture with a mirror, words are reversed, so word on hood is correct way round, but on the screwed up mirrors of some cars, what you see in the mirror is identical to whats on the vehicle behind, if that makes sense
Heh that is a can of worms and no mistake. The kind of question that gets folk hot under the collar. The simple answer is there is no "best" view. What works for you is best for you. Sims like iRacing force the cockpit view, and I have started using in in rFactor but in Forza I use bonnet. This is because I cannot adjust the seating position forward or remove the wheel from view. Three screen I think I would use cockpit all the way, but single screen bonnet is for me the most like the view I have when driving.
Started off with the chase cam then went to the bumper view and now on bonnet. Much better easier to drive and for me the fastest.
Each to their own though.
Use cockpit view myself, been used to it for so long that other views really throw me off.
Prefer cockpit, but bonnet is faster. I only use bonnet on cars that seem hell bent on denying visibility, and the odd wiper in the middle.
If I could get cockpit with the bonnet mirror, that would be nirvana.
I always use cockpit view it's like I'm driving the car in real life. It's so cooooooool.
Bonnet view except in ragtops for me. Don't think there is a best/fastest. Just a personal preference.
Bonnet view - but i also know some seriously quick guys that use chase. On occasion i have used bumper to put in faster times, but that was exclusive to some tracks in fm3.
bumper all the time for me
Bumper is where you can't see any of the car rght? If so, I use bumper and always have done. May try a couple of others now though!
100% cockpit is my personal choice.
Bonnet cam here.
I mostly use the hood cam when racing online so that I have the rear view mirror, but when I hotlap I use the close chase cam as for some reason I'm faster in that view. Cockpit is probably my worst view, time wise.
Bonnet view
Sanctioned races - Bonnet view.....primarily for the full mirror so I can watch for the Fitzys making dive bomb brake manuvers.
When I'm just horsing around, I prefer cockpit view for the immersion factor (now that I've gone back to the controller, looking at a wheel on the screen and the one in front of me bugged the hell out of me).
Cockpit view unless the car doesn't have usable mirrors then bumper cam, I just can't seem to hit the apexes with the hood cam. As said before it's all a matter of personal preference.
Bonnet BECAUSE of the full mirror. It's the only view where I know about the cars around me which is important to racing no?
Chase view (the closer one), this goes way back in my gaming history to be honest...I just can´t get rid of it...
I´ve tried in-car and bonnet view, but they won´t simply work for me! I know that with practice I would get faster, but I just don´t have the patient for it! In close racing I want to see what´s going on around me and that´s why the 3rd person view.
Cockpit View, unless i am hotlapping on leaderboards then its bonnet, just seems a bit faster for me. outside view never.
Hey guys,
thanks for your answers and thoughts. I won't change my setup: cockpit!
I've run cockpit view since I started FM4, but used to use the chase view. I might try the Hood view to see what all the fuss is about.
Bonnet view when online racing, otherwise cockpit view for better "realism".
Bonnet view when racing, but cockpit for messing around, plus the fact that the mirrors on some cars in cockpit view are screwed up, left door mirror showing right side of car and rear view reversed, I cannot use it for racing, its very off putting
Cockpit view, is there any other?
I know, I know, even I occasionally use one other view, in GT5, for the standard cars where I usually prefer the classic GT5 HUD view, since the standard car cockpits suck!!!
Hood View so I can all of you come flying up behind me and I can get out of the way and not wreck ya'll. LOL
Hood View so I can all of you come flying up behind me and I can get out of the way and not wreck ya'll. LOL
So, if I do reverse text on the hood/front bumper, you'll be able to read it?
I've done that with a couple of my cars - don't know if the rear mirror view for someone else actually meant my message was readable though

basically if you look at the above picture with a mirror, words are reversed, so word on hood is correct way round, but on the screwed up mirrors of some cars, what you see in the mirror is identical to whats on the vehicle behind, if that makes sense