I didn't undertsand something from the ending. What happened at Winterfell? Did the men form Pike surrender or escape? They coudn't have surrendered if they set fire to Winterfell. Also why would they tie up Theon if they didn't plan on turning him over to the Starks? Also why did Bran have to go to the wall? Weren't there 500 Stark men outside Winterfell? It just didn't make any sense.
this part was a bit confusing. one of 2 things happened:
1). the pike men trussed theon up and turned him over to roose boltons men outside of winterfell. robb had granted safe passage to any ironborn going home EXCEPT theon. so theon's men had no reason to fight to the death - not for theon anyways. roose boltons bastard then killed everyone still in winterfell and burned it down - it's easy enough to blame it on the ironborn.
2). the pike men trussed theon up, killed everyone and started the fire to cover their escape.
it's hard to follow because they had to cut some parts of the book, and because the stuff that happened in Winterfell is spread across 3 friggin books. it depends on how much of the book they are going to chop out which one of these 2 options happened - we won't really know until next season. i think they wanted to leave everyone wondering what had happened. i'm leaning towards #1, because Maester Luwin told them they couldn't trust anyone south and they didn't know who was an enemy. he wouldn't have said that if the "stark men" who chased off the ironborn were honorable types sticking up for their lord. (a good hint is that with his banners called, bolton has 500 men-at-arms available to go to Winterfell to capture the ironborn there - aren't all the troops supposed to be in the south fighting? ).
now, the boys had to go to the Wall to be with Jon Snow because he is the only one that they KNOW will take care of them and NOT use them as pawns to take control of the North. they don't know who to trust if they go south and have no clue where Robb and Catelyn are, so Jon is the closest protector they know and can trust. anyone they came across who knew who they were could take them captive - if they were "killed" by theon, no one would know if some shifty type took them prisoner and held onto them to use at a later time. so, going south was a pretty dangerous option, where going to the wall was a pretty safe choice.
In the book, Master Luwin sent only Bran to the wall, Rickon got sent somewhere else, if I recall.
I'm glad that my memory is usually pretty shit when it comes to remembering the books, that way I cannot get too annoyed with the show when they do things differently :)
That white walker looked pretty cool though, his entire body was glowing with magic, not just the eyes.
A alehouse/brothel in Kings landing right before Stannis attacks the city. Bron is drinking it up with his gold cloaks before the battle and fooling around with a whore. The hound comes in and picks a fight with him just out of the blue. The hound strikes me as a fella who doesn't do anything just out of the blue without good reason behind it compelling him. So I ask why did the hound do this? Anyone know?
1). joffrey and/or cersei was looking to eliminate the muscle from tyrions side of their family squabble (i lean towards this option - this is exactly the kind of hamfisted move cersei would take. well, actually if bronn was better looking and/or a noble she would have tried to f*ck him and corrupt him to her side. she does this later by bribing him to marry lady tanda's disabled daughter lollys, to provide a "father" to the kid the crowd left her with after the attack against joffreys party.)
2). the hound is just a plain old badass junkyard dog and didn't take kindly to another alpha-male type in his hood. ( i like this option, cuz the hound is a bad mofo, but he didn't normally do anything he wasn't ordered to by joffrey - until he freaked out by the fire and bailed during the battle of the breakwater).
My wife got this series from a friend to watch last weekend. Lets just say we watched season 1 and half of 2 this past weekend. Great show, can't wait to watch the rest.
My wife fell asleep next to me watching this episode and when she woke up asked me "What did I miss?". You probably missed the greatest scene and moment up to date in GoT.
When Daenerys utters "Dracarys!" to Drogon and just devestates Astapor with the Unsullied was the moment you realize in the book that she is destined for greatness.
they're doing a better job of making Daenarys into an uber-badass in the tv series than george did in the books. at this point she could ask any of the unsullied to cut off a finger for her to eat and they'd ask if she wanted seconds.
we were watching the part where Grey Worm was sayin that name was lucky because he met her when he had that name, and all i could think of was comparing that to the knights in westeros who's "loyalty" and honor would fill a thimble. Jaime's turning out to have more honor than most of the rest of them combined.
i was thinking the scene where daenarys destroyed astapor was one of the best of the entire series, but the tub scene with jaime and brienne really fleshed out jaime as a character.
Im really enjoying Season 3 so far, there are obviously a few things that they are doing differently from the books but thats expected. They really havent done anything with the Wolves this season, thats a little dissapointing. Ive read all the books except for the newest one so I have a pretty good idea of how Season 3 will end............these next 3 episodes should be AMAZING.
Holy shit! My wife has read the books, so she was not surprised. I have not. Wow! I hope john snow and whats left of house Stark team up with the dragon mother and fuck up the lanisters. I hate those fuckers!
As I haven't read the books I was in total shock a couple of times. The episode was definitely a 10. Hopefully the season finale is just awesome. Yeah I hope the Starks get some serious payback soon.
I always understood from the beginning who are the main characters in the storyline Martin had written. It's always sad in the books but in motion picture its just takes a different life. For instance how they killed Rob's wife, just fucking gruesome, in the books the story was different.
I really feel bad for Arya, just when she was there they kill her mother and her borther, this one has been through so much, and yet you know she's destined for greatness.
What I don't understand is if they defeated Rob's army? Lord Bolton had some forces but I would imagine Rob's army being bigger in numbers.
I really feel bad for Arya, just when she was there they kill her mother and her borther, this one has been through so much, and yet you know she's destined for greatness.
What I don't understand is if they defeated Rob's army? Lord Bolton had some forces but I would imagine Rob's army being bigger in numbers.
there is still a portion of the army of the north retreating north away from the twins, but it's smaller than what the boltons and freys have combined. and i think the only nobles left are the blackfish and the greatjohn, the rest are either dead or captured.
the "red wedding" ends this piece of the war of 5 kings.
I didn't undertsand something from the ending. What happened at Winterfell? Did the men form Pike surrender or escape? They coudn't have surrendered if they set fire to Winterfell. Also why would they tie up Theon if they didn't plan on turning him over to the Starks? Also why did Bran have to go to the wall? Weren't there 500 Stark men outside Winterfell? It just didn't make any sense.
this part was a bit confusing. one of 2 things happened:
1). the pike men trussed theon up and turned him over to roose boltons men outside of winterfell. robb had granted safe passage to any ironborn going home EXCEPT theon. so theon's men had no reason to fight to the death - not for theon anyways. roose boltons bastard then killed everyone still in winterfell and burned it down - it's easy enough to blame it on the ironborn.
2). the pike men trussed theon up, killed everyone and started the fire to cover their escape.
it's hard to follow because they had to cut some parts of the book, and because the stuff that happened in Winterfell is spread across 3 friggin books. it depends on how much of the book they are going to chop out which one of these 2 options happened - we won't really know until next season. i think they wanted to leave everyone wondering what had happened. i'm leaning towards #1, because Maester Luwin told them they couldn't trust anyone south and they didn't know who was an enemy. he wouldn't have said that if the "stark men" who chased off the ironborn were honorable types sticking up for their lord. (a good hint is that with his banners called, bolton has 500 men-at-arms available to go to Winterfell to capture the ironborn there - aren't all the troops supposed to be in the south fighting? ).
now, the boys had to go to the Wall to be with Jon Snow because he is the only one that they KNOW will take care of them and NOT use them as pawns to take control of the North. they don't know who to trust if they go south and have no clue where Robb and Catelyn are, so Jon is the closest protector they know and can trust. anyone they came across who knew who they were could take them captive - if they were "killed" by theon, no one would know if some shifty type took them prisoner and held onto them to use at a later time. so, going south was a pretty dangerous option, where going to the wall was a pretty safe choice.
The White Walkers are pretty Badass!
I expected something else, more fearsome. Like snow Uruk-hai.
In the book, Master Luwin sent only Bran to the wall, Rickon got sent somewhere else, if I recall.
I'm glad that my memory is usually pretty shit when it comes to remembering the books, that way I cannot get too annoyed with the show when they do things differently :)
That white walker looked pretty cool though, his entire body was glowing with magic, not just the eyes.
Spoilersssssssssssss 2nd season
A alehouse/brothel in Kings landing right before Stannis attacks the city. Bron is drinking it up with his gold cloaks before the battle and fooling around with a whore. The hound comes in and picks a fight with him just out of the blue. The hound strikes me as a fella who doesn't do anything just out of the blue without good reason behind it compelling him. So I ask why did the hound do this? Anyone know?
2 possible options:
1). joffrey and/or cersei was looking to eliminate the muscle from tyrions side of their family squabble (i lean towards this option - this is exactly the kind of hamfisted move cersei would take. well, actually if bronn was better looking and/or a noble she would have tried to f*ck him and corrupt him to her side. she does this later by bribing him to marry lady tanda's disabled daughter lollys, to provide a "father" to the kid the crowd left her with after the attack against joffreys party.)
2). the hound is just a plain old badass junkyard dog and didn't take kindly to another alpha-male type in his hood. ( i like this option, cuz the hound is a bad mofo, but he didn't normally do anything he wasn't ordered to by joffrey - until he freaked out by the fire and bailed during the battle of the breakwater).
Great, I thought i may have missed something.
Season 3
Holy shit, March 31st @ 9pm
Every other show looks lame next to Game of Thrones.
Can not wait. This is the best TV out there.
Cruising through Ssn 1 and 2 on B-ray now. I Don't buy a lot of discs, but I can watch these several times.
Fuck this season looks good.
Awesome start.
At first I din't recognize Ser Barristan Selmy, I thought they changed actors.
Agreed...was a good start.
Ya recognized him but thought they just kipped him leaving. From the picture now I remember they did not skip it, and he was not pleased.
The kid playing Bran has really grwon up. Yikes.
I don't remember the hound being captured in the book?
Also Brienne got the best of Jaime, in the book it was pretty much even.
yeah, the hound got captured by the brotherhood and killed berric dondarrion in a duel to prove his innocence.
and that gif gets my vote for best GoT gif of the month.
Shit great ending. Man I feel sorry for Jaime.
Are they still going to have the lkesbian sceen with Khaleesi and her slave? What about John's Snow sexy romp in ten cave with Igrette?
Gotta give GoT a C- for nudity this season.
My wife got this series from a friend to watch last weekend. Lets just say we watched season 1 and half of 2 this past weekend. Great show, can't wait to watch the rest.
Wow epic.
My wife fell asleep next to me watching this episode and when she woke up asked me "What did I miss?". You probably missed the greatest scene and moment up to date in GoT.
When Daenerys utters "Dracarys!" to Drogon and just devestates Astapor with the Unsullied was the moment you realize in the book that she is destined for greatness.
they're doing a better job of making Daenarys into an uber-badass in the tv series than george did in the books. at this point she could ask any of the unsullied to cut off a finger for her to eat and they'd ask if she wanted seconds.
we were watching the part where Grey Worm was sayin that name was lucky because he met her when he had that name, and all i could think of was comparing that to the knights in westeros who's "loyalty" and honor would fill a thimble. Jaime's turning out to have more honor than most of the rest of them combined.
i was thinking the scene where daenarys destroyed astapor was one of the best of the entire series, but the tub scene with jaime and brienne really fleshed out jaime as a character.
Wow! what Melisandre said to Arya.
Just raises the hairs on my arms thinking who Arya is going to be.
Great episode. Sansa story is different than from the book.
Im really enjoying Season 3 so far, there are obviously a few things that they are doing differently from the books but thats expected. They really havent done anything with the Wolves this season, thats a little dissapointing. Ive read all the books except for the newest one so I have a pretty good idea of how Season 3 will end............these next 3 episodes should be AMAZING.
I always understood from the beginning who are the main characters in the storyline Martin had written. It's always sad in the books but in motion picture its just takes a different life. For instance how they killed Rob's wife, just fucking gruesome, in the books the story was different.
I really feel bad for Arya, just when she was there they kill her mother and her borther, this one has been through so much, and yet you know she's destined for greatness.
What I don't understand is if they defeated Rob's army? Lord Bolton had some forces but I would imagine Rob's army being bigger in numbers.
there is still a portion of the army of the north retreating north away from the twins, but it's smaller than what the boltons and freys have combined. and i think the only nobles left are the blackfish and the greatjohn, the rest are either dead or captured.
the "red wedding" ends this piece of the war of 5 kings.
That was tough, even though I knew it was coming as I've read the books.
How to Cope with the "red wedding".
[Spoilers BEWARE**]