Maguires Pack..Oh I can hear the moaning now....
Tue, 06/05/2012 - 09:53
Maguires Pack..Oh I can hear the moaning now....
Just down loaded this and started to have a quick play. Looks like they have scewed teh PI on the Beetel and 40 ford as you can stuff it full of racing tyres maximum width, racing suspension full weight reduction roll bars brakes gears you name it and still it is only an f100...
Great fun and I think worth the £5.
LMFAO - nice one :D They did that in FM3 with another car, good to see they learn from their mistakes right :D
I'm glad you can get it, its nowhere to be seen here, not on marketplace or, loads of folks worldwide cant seem to get it and complaining about it, I just hope when it does appear its another free one
Shadders it is well hidden.
Go to marketplace and downloads and look at the most popular.
Scroll right across to the far side and there it is. I had to get a 13 year old to do this for me so dont start patting me on the back just yet!
Thanks Paul_Y, guess it just goes to prove you cant teach on old dog new tricks, while the kids are so in tune with it. lol
anyway its in game now, just downloading it, hope my connection holds on for another few minutes