Fanatec Power Loss???

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#1 Tue, 06/05/2012 - 10:07
Parcells2's picture
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Fanatec Power Loss???

Is it just Parcells or are others experiencing similar issues?....


Ever since I’ve purchased a fanatic wheel 2+ years ago (with clubsport pedals) I have experienced intermittent issues with not receiving 100% power while playing Forza. Until recently restarting the wheel solved the problem 95% of the time and it wasn’t a big deal at all.


But about a month ago (after I purchased the Elite wheel although I doubt the Elite wheel is causing more issues but cannot be sure) restarting the wheel numerous times did not resolve the problem. When that occurred I just shut the bastard down and the next time I brought it out for Forza everything was great again.


A month goes by with the odd intermittent issue that a restart solves the problem until this past weekend when the same thing occurred…no matter what I did within 5 minutes I was losing power and eventually my patience. I haven’t turned the wheel on since then so maybe it is working again but this is getting annoying very quickly.


It often starts with losing a very small percentage of power which I can clearly see via the gas pedal telemetry (not entirely noticeable driving until someone who is usually slower than me passes me with ease when we’re in the same car) but when numerous restarts do not resolve the problem the telemetry looks OK (showing 100%) but the car starts to bog down big time barely able to get into a higher gear and essentially running < 50% power if that much.


I’ve never noticed it with Dirt (the only other XBox game I race and even then barely so maybe it is occurring with Dirt too??) but I do play GT5 every week for 3+ hours and never recall it being an issue with GT5. Certainly never bogs down big time as in the <50% power issue and granted I do not have telemetry in GT5 so it is “possible” I am losing a small percentage of power here too BUT I highly doubt it because I know where I stand with GT5 and the people we race with are always the same and I can always compete where I should be throughout the entire evening (self inflicted mind and body enhancers considered – i.e. sometimes I suck but I know it’s me and not my equipment.)


Anyway, just wondering if I’m alone or if others with Fanatec equipment experience the same crap?



Tue, 06/05/2012 - 10:20
Tourni6's picture
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After reading that it looks to be your xbox is going wrong - Anyone you know close by that has an xbox you can try? :)  If it works then its your xbox, if not then its probably the wheel/pedals set up.  


Just a thought anyway :)

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 10:29
KnightofRedemption's picture
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Hmm I recall the very odd occasion I have experienced what you describe, one reset of the wheel has always sorted it. It always shows in telemetry and has always been at the start of a race and about a 50% drop. But so rare I cannot recall the last incidence.

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 11:20
mrbasherman's picture
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Wait... So it's bogging down in FM4, even when telemetry shows 100%? Are you sure it's 100%? (sorry, it's just that sometimes it's hard to tell depending on what's behind it)

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 12:03 (Reply to #4)
skiwinv's picture
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GT2 wheel and Clubsport Pedals.

I've been experiencing similar symptoms with the throttle; drops to 80% throttle or thereabouts at random times after working fine for a while.


Don't remember exactly when this started but certainly only within the last couple of months.  Wheel reset seems to clear the condition.  Had thought it was my throttle mechanism so rechecked the screws magnet and throttle pedal.  Since you're seeing the same problem, maybe there's still some sort of random condition occuring inside Forza that affects the Fanatec wheel/pedal combo.

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 12:09
mrbasherman's picture
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If the telemetry is showing 80%, it's the wheel and/or pedals. If the telemetry is showing 100%, but the car isn't working right, it's the game.

The wheel autocalibrates and is probably autocalibrating a maximum at some point that is beyond what you can achieve by pressing the pedal. Turning the wheel off and on resets the calibration, which is why it fixes it. 

The problem is most likely due to noise or if it's using hall effect sensors, possibly nearby magnetism.

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 12:50 (Reply to #6)
POIDSLY's picture
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I've had this (or very similar)3 or 4 times. Every time I have traced it back to an ever so slightly loose CSP connection (under the plate - like an old mouse socket connector?). Only takes it to be a fraction out and the throttle behaves as you describe. Might be that, but does not tie in with it then being ok after a reset. Just my thoughts. Hope you trace the problem.
Tue, 06/05/2012 - 15:09
Zero7159's picture
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I have experienced the same issue with all three of the Fanatec wheels I have owned (GT2, CSR and CSR Elite), although its intermittent and a power off and on always has fixed the problem.

That being said, do you have the fans set to always be on?  If not, make that change.  If you are using the "off" setting for the fan, you might be overheating the wheel and thus causing it to lose FFB. 

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 16:06
Wheels's picture
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Had the same problem (My Experience)...Relayed the problem to Fanatec and they stated the Power Supply was bad...They sent me a new one....Good as New!

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 16:28
Zeratul's picture
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It has happened to me multiple times, the problem on my set was the connectors on the pedals comming loose (like POIDSLY said but on the pedal side). To fix it I just have to turn the wheel off and seat the connectors properly and then power on again. To have a small margin of error I've set the outside deadzone on the throtle on 95% in FM4.

GT5 has some sort of telemetry, if you have GT's hud on you can see the throtle and brake input in the center next to the gear indicator. My impression is that GT is less strickt on the input than FM, maybe thats because on the PS3 the wheel is wired?

Hope you get it sorted.

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 17:38
Parcells2's picture
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Thanks for the feedback fellas. Didn't think I was "special" and glad to hear I'm not alone.


I have reset the connections before to solve the problem.


It's definitely the car bogging down vs. the telemetry not showing 100%. That's when I think the wheel just needs a rest.


Forgot about the telemetry in GT5 but if I recall a very small scale and/or difficult to see...will have to look into that but still not concerned about GT5 


just checked the fan...should be ON now (if it was ever fan wasn't ALWAYS on when racing but kicked in frequently...since I never changed it before it should have been the default setting) and my firmware is 722 (is that the latest/greatest?) I read all this when I bought the wheel (trying not to come off as too much of a dumbbell LOL) but the manual said and I quote "The fan is controlled by temperature but for safety reason it is running at maximum speed all the time by default." so I never checked. 


The fan control is odd where the setting is changed BECAUSE you pressed the 4 buttons and while doing so you see the 'new' setting on or off. At least that's what I thought I just witnessed and assumed thats the way its supposed to work. Coudn't find any way to change the setting except repressing the 4 buttons. Someone will let me know if I still don't understand.


Off to check out some more of the Focus Craig, this week will be fun!



Wed, 06/06/2012 - 09:43
Zeratul's picture
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One more thing, it also might be a bad soldering conection. I had to resolder the socket where the cable attaches on the throtle pickup on my pedalset (CSP V1).

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 09:55
Parcells2's picture
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Spent 1.5 hours last night on each game and while I only had issues for a few minutes it turns out I do occasionally have issues with GT5 as that is the only problem I had last night.


First off the telemetry in GT5 is very obvious and easy to read. Not once did my throttle cause problems BUT for a few minute span my brakes were being applied when I wasn’t touching them. After realizing this I did recall the odd time in GT5 when someone would pass me on a straight and mention to me that my brake lights were on. Very infrequent in GT5 and it went away very quickly to never return again for the next hour but obviously I have some issues with my brake as well and maybe that is occurring in Forza too but Forza worked great all night.


Still not sure what to make of all this but once Fanatec releases V2 of the clubsports I’ll be purchasing my “back up” pedals.

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 15:55 (Reply to #13)
Zeratul's picture
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Parcells2 wrote:

Still not sure what to make of all this but once Fanatec releases V2 of the clubsports I’ll be purchasing my “back up” pedals.

Or you could order a replacement loadcell if it is the brake that's causing the problems, $15 down the drain isn't that much if it doesn't help.

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 16:54 (Reply to #14)
Parcells2's picture
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Zeratul wrote:

Parcells2 wrote:

Still not sure what to make of all this but once Fanatec releases V2 of the clubsports I’ll be purchasing my “back up” pedals.

Or you could order a replacement loadcell if it is the brake that's causing the problems, $15 down the drain isn't that much if it doesn't help.


Or I could order both yes and thanks for the reminder. was gonna check into the upgrade kit to see what thats all about too. 

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 16:56 (Reply to #15)
Parcells2's picture
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Zeratul wrote:

Parcells2 wrote:

Still not sure what to make of all this but once Fanatec releases V2 of the clubsports I’ll be purchasing my “back up” pedals.

Or you could order a replacement loadcell if it is the brake that's causing the problems, $15 down the drain isn't that much if it doesn't help.


Or I could order both yes and thanks for the reminder. was gonna check into the upgrade kit to see what thats all about too. 

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 09:59
mrbasherman's picture
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What you are describing could have actually been the brake all along.  If you get full throttle in telemetry but aren't paying close attention to the brake in telemetry, it may be on just enough to slow you. It doesn't take much at all.

You could try adding some deadzone, but I don't know how you do that in GT5. It's simple in Forza and I'm sure you know how already.

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 11:09
oldrustybelly55's picture
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Hey Alan. Sounds like the same problem that Dan had. He just got them back from fanatec repaired. maybe ask him what they did to fix the problem.

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