POIDSLYs crappy health - looking up!
POIDSLYs crappy health - looking up!
Instead of posting the state of my health and whether I'm racing this or that in separate threads, I'm just going to throw an update up here. It's been a very rough couple of weeks. I have just come out of an unscheduled stay in hospital and look a. Like a pin cushion and b. 1 stone lighter.
Being in hospital, unable to see my two girls was quite honestly hell.
The good news is that X-ray and CT scans show no growths, though the bad news is that though something (my spleen) is enlarged and that is not what the wife actually wanted enlarged. ;)
I'm as weak as a baby but that is actually an improvement.
Docs are now suspicious that it's s virus but cannot rule out something nastier (the unspoken terror of cancer)which was in fact their guess number 1. Off to Haemotology docs next week for more attempts at diagnosis.
Kind of confirms my suspicion that Medical science is still more like grubby cavemen waving guttering torches around at the mouths of dark caves egging each other on as to what might be in the cave, rather than well dressed spacemen with lasers, z-ray scanners and IQ's in the 1000's coming to rapid and precise decisions as to the precise nature of said beast. No offense to any docs or medics out there, just think we need a little bit more awe at the complexity of life sometimes.
The docs and nurses have on the whole been amazing, and though our NHS in the UK has some serious faults, it's been pretty fucking amazing considering.
So gents....
EUSL will race when I feel like it. Not this weekend but as its the main thing I enjoy I will tag a long as much as possible. Just don't think I will remain competitive.
World series - I see I'm up against Psyber. Would love to have a go, but my compulsive need to prepare by hotlapping is not something I can do right now, so I'm out mate.
Endurance - with very deep regrets, I can't give this time it deserves, or rather the time the team deserves. I apologise. I'm out but would hope to join the next series.
ALMS- going to try to submit times but 10 lap sessions leave me bathed in sweat so I'm unsure. Will be doing my best given the non scheduled flexibility of it.
Anyway guys, thanks to those who have sent their best wishes. I'm fully intending on making a full recovery ASAP, and on gradually grinding out those hotlaps until the appearance of my car in your rear view mirror makes you, and not me, break out into sweats and bin it :)
PS. Please do not attempt google diagnosis. I'm leaving this to the professionals and though it sounds like Congolese sweaty gutgut marsh fart fever I guarantee it's not. :)
Best wishes to you mate, and fervent hopes for a rapid and full recovery...by which time I hope to be able to keep you a safe distance behind me
Get well soon dude. Know the feeling I spent a week in hospital two years ago with a raging infection getting pumped full o drugs. Only I put a stone on. Anyways take it easy.
Double post oops
Good thoughts and prayers from this side of the pond. Take it slow, we will be here when you feel like turning laps
Nothing but peace, love and prayers from Chicago, Poidsly. Wishing you and your family the best.
Best wishes for your Health Poidsly. Take your time, and get better soon.
Best wishes to you and your family. Hope you get better soon fella
See you back on the track soon.
Keep that positive attitude Poidsly. We'll see you when you get back!
Best wishes for a speedy recovery, Poidsly!
Sorry to hear your about current state mate. I wish you well and am sorry that I won't be facing off with you in the World Series.
If things change for the better for you I still am game. If not man, I completely understand.
All the best.
Enlarged spleen - That is a pretty rough card to be dealt there mate. I have my fingers crossed for a good recovery and hope that its noting more serious than an infection!
I will keep your points running in the EUSL, last place points ofc but i will try to keep you running in the series.
Until then, I wish you a speedy recovery mate and keep us updated :)
Best of Luck...Don't get down for any reason...Stay Positive..Be the Person your Friends & Loved Ones would Respect and Admire!
All the best boss hope your back on your feet soon
first: Congrats for your braveness to talk about your situation.
Second: You and your family are the truth and the real life. Even if it is pure fun, xbox, www, virtual..... is not important. Your health and love is! I am sure you know that.
Third: I will pray for you!
Good luck "unknown" racer!
Best wishes from Holland, stay positive and take care of yourself. I'll be looking forward to getting my ass handed to me again in the future!
Couldn't agree more, get well soon mate. I miss you kicking my ass.
Take care of yourself and get well soon. I'm sure you're babies missed having you around as much as you missed them.
Hope you make a speedy recovery bro. Best wishes.
Best wishes from me and my family to you and yours, hope you get well soon and take care.
Get well soon, I will keep you and your family in my prayers.
Great News!!!...Still Keep Positive..Take it Easy..Get Better..Get Back!!!
Thats great news that it isn't a cancer, but a real shit about being that bad on the fatigue. Must be one hell of an illness!
I hope the recovery comes sooner :)
Thanks for keeping us updated.
Good to hear Poidsly. Take care of yourself, and we'll see you before you know it. Who knows, you may be looking for excuses to hide away at a later time.
Especially if that Fitzy starts hovering around
Great news, Poidsly!
A monster virus certainly carries a whole lot less emotional weight than cancer. Take it light and get well soon...
Great news boss take it easy
Keep going fella and you will get back to 100% soon.
Wow! The first and BIG good news today!
Bet that is a weight off your mind mate, good news indeed. Now it's just a matter of kicking virus butt! and then back to kicking mine