What level and how far are you?

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Mon, 06/04/2012 - 11:17
TANK's picture
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I found this equation on D3 forums, it doesn't take into account some modifiers it looks like it's a pure weapon + intelligence damage = total damage formula. 


Weapon DPS x (1+ intelligence %) = Total DPS


845dps x (1+ 1542% int ) = 13874.9 dps


So it looks like if i went up to a 450ish DPS weapon and just worry about damage it does and loose the 200 intelli my dagger has, i'd still go up 1300 dps.

Guess that's something to think about.



Mon, 06/04/2012 - 14:49
Shadow's picture
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a guy posted this about WD's on a board I frequent:


I'm running

Unbreakable grasp
Slowing zombie wall
Horrify w/ increased radius
Hex w/ heals
Mass confusion (probably going to change this one though)

WDs are broken for inferno... It's either a build like this or use VQ/ zombie bears

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 12:28 (Reply to #33)
TANK's picture
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Shadow wrote:

a guy posted this about WD's on a board I frequent:


I'm running

Unbreakable grasp
Slowing zombie wall
Horrify w/ increased radius
Hex w/ heals
Mass confusion (probably going to change this one though)

WDs are broken for inferno... It's either a build like this or use VQ/ zombie bears


Thanks for the info.

Splinters i use, each of the 3 darts does 60% weapon damage for total of 180%.

I switch up Hex and Spirit walk, Hex is awesome for Elites, i love turning them into chickens.  But when fighting a Boss, i swithc to sprit walk so i can get out of trouble fast and hex doesn't do anything to bosses.

I use Mass Confusion which also makes them take extra damage while confused.  I lvoe running into a huge mob, casting mass confusion so they all fight each other and then running out of the mob and do mop-up work.

I also use Zombie Bears and Locusts.

I don't use Wall of Zombies or Fetish Army becuase it takes 2 minutes  to 'recharge' them which blows.  Id on't know why the recharge times are so shitty.  In a boss fight, 2 minutes is a lifetime.  And i stopped using unbreakable grasp because in Hell guys were just running right thru it so I think i switched back to Locusts.


I spent last night just grinding money, sold everything i picked up didn't care what it was.  I have my eye on a 440 dmg Mace sitting in the HA.    I jumped around a lot last night playing NM and Hell, I don't make shit for XP in NM now tho bu tmade some money.


@Banchee : Ya anytime, i'm on all night long.




Tue, 06/05/2012 - 09:55
Banshee3's picture
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ok here's the deal, Tank and Shadow , the three of us are about at the same spot. 1/2 way through hell act 2.  I just pased the part with covetous shen and now have to go pick up dude's body parts.  We should team up three player to start grinding through hell.  I've been able to cut through mobs like butter and yet still die to those annoying insect creatures spitting the little green insects.  


Also being a melee character, any mob I hit that is  desecrator+plague+extraHP+vampirism is a "leave game" scenario for me.  This is where having the raw DPS from you guys would help loads.  Are you guys up for some game? 

Tue, 06/05/2012 - 16:30
Shadow's picture
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definitely Banshee.  I just started the Zoltan Kule stuff too.

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 10:42
TANK's picture
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Good Games last night, seemed like a lot more rares were dropping with 4 of us playing co-op than if it's just me solo or with one other person.  I banked about 250g's last night so i'm over half a mill in my purse to go shopping for  a new weapon with.  I'm looking for a weapon with ~450 damage, that'll hopefully put me in the 7000 range for dps.  I saw this sweet one last night on auction with no buy out, was 460dmg with 109 intelligence on it, but when i went to search for it later i couldnt find the damn thing.  It had 1 day and 10 hours on it so  it couldn't have been pulled from the AH, you only have 5 mins to abort the listing and it couldn't have been bought because it had no buyout.  So WTF.  I hate the AH sometimes, it's definitly not Ebay.


Wed, 06/06/2012 - 11:52
Banshee3's picture
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and why can't I sort by "time remaining" ?  what's with that bullshit? how much further did ya'll go last night after hop and I bailed?

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 13:24 (Reply to #38)
TANK's picture
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Banshee3 wrote:

and why can't I sort by "time remaining" ?  what's with that bullshit? how much further did ya'll go last night after hop and I bailed?


We didn't go too much farther, it was just Shadow and I left, but we did go thru and do the mini-boss battle and get the black stone thing.



Wed, 06/06/2012 - 16:04
Shadow's picture
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GG's guys.  Tank and I beat ZK, I got level 60, and I bought the Nightmarish Staff of Herding for 200K.  Those are some Hell level ponies.  :D

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 16:11
Banshee3's picture
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yeah the staff is next on my list. need another 80G

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 16:25
Shadow's picture
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the first staff or the upgrade?

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 20:00 (Reply to #42)
Banshee3's picture
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nightmare staff.. is that first one? I already have one in my inventory. opens normal whimsyshire. did you just buy a "hell" version?

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 17:33
TANK's picture
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You guys buy stuff from the in-game vendors ?!

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 18:18
cmandingo's picture
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Just hit 50 and I'm about halfway through Act III NM.

Wed, 06/06/2012 - 22:19
Shadow's picture
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Normal: Staff of Herding

Nightmare: Nightmarish Staff of Herding

  • Requires that you beat Diablo on Nightmare difficulty.

Hell: Hellish Staff of Herding

  • Requires that you beat Diablo on Hell difficulty before buying the plans.

Inferno: Infernal Staff of Herding

  • Requires that you be level 60.
  • Requires that you beat Diablo on Inferno difficulty before buying the plans.


The first one was 50K, second is 200K, then 500K, then 1M.

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 07:31
Banshee3's picture
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ok so nightmare staff is what i can forge now

btw are you guys all west coast? 1am eastern hits and you guys dont sound tired at all

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 10:54 (Reply to #47)
TANK's picture
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Banshee3 wrote:

ok so nightmare staff is what i can forge now

btw are you guys all west coast? 1am eastern hits and you guys dont sound tired at all


LB and I are west coast, not sure about Shadow or Hop.


I didn't hear anyone talking on Mumble so i just too my headset off, it's not the most comfortable thing.  It's not my Turtles that's for sure.


I'm about ready to hit lvl 60, i'm 3/4 of the way thru i should hit 60 tonight.  I think everyone else was 59 and i was 58 last night so I imagine everyone else hit 60 at some pont thru last nights session.


I"m kinda pissed, i dropped 350k on an axe that does 575 damage which was an upgrade from my 305 dagger.  My dps with from 5300 to 8800 but still i couldn't kill Elites!  Although fighting 6 elites at a time is fucking rediculous !





Thu, 06/07/2012 - 11:29
Shadow's picture
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GG's.  I'm in Chicago, but I'm usually up until 2AM anyway.

Yeah Tank, I'm 23000 DPS......  and we still had some issues.  Hell is no joke.

Fri, 06/08/2012 - 00:59 (Reply to #49)
TANK's picture
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Shadow wrote:

GG's.  I'm in Chicago, but I'm usually up until 2AM anyway.

Yeah Tank, I'm 23000 DPS......  and we still had some issues.  Hell is no joke.


I turned on one of the passive skills that ups me 20% damage at the cost of all spells taking 30% ore mana.  That gets me to about 10,500dps.   Comgine thta with Soul Harvest, if i can hit 5 creatures in the harvest zone I can amp up to about 16,000 dps.


Now that I hit level 60 though, i need to save my pennies and get a 1000dps or better weapon.  Problem is they want stupid amounts of gold for those things.  But that's what I need, and I need to start focusing on amping my critical hits, resistances and armor level all without messing with my intelligence and vitality numbers too much.

We're pretty close to the end of Act 4 on hell now, we got to the boss before Diablo, just two of us and we got our asses kicked so I called it a night.  We'd already gone through two other tough boss fights and my 'retry' tolerance had been far exceeded .  Hopefully friday night we can get 4 ppl back together and close out Hell.


Thu, 06/07/2012 - 14:02
Banshee3's picture
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I bought a something this morning from auction on the cheap that raised my dps from 5800 to 7900 or some such. Not bad that'll definately help.  I also haven't reviewed my main or secondary attack abilities/runes since mid level 40's.

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 14:07 (Reply to #51)
TANK's picture
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5800 to 7900 or some such. Not bad that'll definately help.


No..... no it won't....  LoL



Thu, 06/07/2012 - 15:30
Hoplite's picture
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One nice way to treat the auction house guys.....

Find the particular type of item you are looking for, be a specific as possible. Browse through the choices it has given you. Then work your way to the affixes you would most like to see. Browse again. Now punch in a few numbers on those affixes, browse again.

Here comes the fun part. Put in your maximum you are willing to spend. Browse. Now lower it to around 75% of your first max. Keep lowering it down until you hit a balance of what the lowest is you can spend with the right affixes.

I managed to pick up 2 swords both above 600dps with sockets and <15% ias for about 30k. I only wanted an incremental upgrade right now as I don't have the coin to really pay for more on weapons. I made the mistake of overpaying a little for a amulet and ring. I like the a lot, but stil overpaid.

Thu, 06/07/2012 - 16:02
TANK's picture
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Sinc ei've maxed out my weapon for level 59 stuff anyway, i've been trying to find armor with high 150+ intelligence and some vitality boost and either immunity, health restore on damage or health globes give 2000+ health, that kind of stuff.  Can't find anything.

I've been looking at level 60 weapons and it seems like the sky is the limit.  I've seen 1 handed up to about 1400 dps but they want STUPID amounts of gold for them.  Problem is the RMAH is about to launch and all that stuff will probalby disappear into that so I need to bank some cash or probalby just forget it.    I'd be pretty reluctant to pay real money for an item but a weapon wtih a real high DPS and some nice affixes is about the one thing that could make me open the wallet.

Fri, 06/08/2012 - 07:03
Banshee3's picture
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I tried to solo the guy a couple of times just now.  He's a 1/2 hit kill. As a melee character I can't really defend against that much unless I get better gear/armor.  Auction house is showing offline ATM. so I guess I'll shop later.  BTW shadow I bought the hell staff plans just now for a 1 gold from vendor in bastions keep.  I don't have the 500G to spare to craft it though.

Fri, 06/08/2012 - 12:17
TANK's picture
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I spent like 600k in the AH today buying armor.  Looked for higher armor numbers, higher Intelli, some Vit and All Element resistances.  So we'll see how 400 more armor helps, i'm up to 25k health, 1450ish intelli, dps is about 11000 and it should buff to 17000 now if I can harvest 5 enemies.   Key there is getting 5 enemies to harvest to get maximum boost.



Fri, 06/08/2012 - 12:17
Banshee3's picture
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I spent 220G got new pants, new gloves, new helm.  Took my armor up from 3300 to 4800 or something.  Added more dex, upped my dmg to 9K.  Updated my resist to 340 all or something like that.  Went in and killed Izual 3rd try. Killed Diablo 1st try.   Izual is by far harder on melee chars than diablo is. His big mace just flattens you.  So act 1 inferno here I am.!

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 00:46 (Reply to #57)
TANK's picture
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Banshee3 wrote:

I spent 220G got new pants, new gloves, new helm.  Took my armor up from 3300 to 4800 or something.  Added more dex, upped my dmg to 9K.  Updated my resist to 340 all or something like that.  Went in and killed Izual 3rd try. Killed Diablo 1st try.   Izual is by far harder on melee chars than diablo is. His big mace just flattens you.  So act 1 inferno here I am.!


Also hit Inferno tonight, jumped in with some randoms since no one was on and got it done.  Boss before Diablo took multiple tries but Diablo we got past on our second try.


Already Act 1 Inferno the couple Elites i've run across 1 on 1 have been somewhat challenging.  Can't wait until they're coming in packs of six later on.  But the WD isn't a viable Inferno character unless they fix it in patch 1.1, WD players are making a good amount of noise on Blizzards forums so hopefully something will come of it.  So i guess at this point i'm pretty much done with playing solo, guess i'll be playing a lot in public.

Sat, 06/09/2012 - 02:24 (Reply to #58)
Custom_45's picture
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My battle.net tag is Cust0m45#1388  the o in Cust0m is a zero send ame a friend request and I can help you start farming the butcher for some gear upgrades.

Fri, 06/08/2012 - 15:34
TANK's picture
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Nice....  waiting to hear how ass kicking Inferno is LoL


I've heard Act 1 is doable, Act 2 is pretty difficult and Act 3 / 4 are pretty impossible.


here's an example of Butcher's difficulty scale:

Normal : 5200 HP

NM : 185k HP

Hell: 3.5mill HP

Inferno: 18.2 mill HP


I think i'll need to grind Act 1 pre-boss areas for a while until i get enough money for a 1000+ Dmg weapon.


I just bought the coolest helmet ever.... it has wiggling tentacles and looks kind of like a deamon face like Diablo... Killer! that took me up to about 4800 armor and 25k health with 5k extra health from health globes.  Also turned on my passive power to give me 1% extra health, 1% mana regen and 10% intelli boost per health globe pickup.  So shit... i could stack +50% intelli with 5 globes plus 600% with 5 souls harvested.  I could theoretically get to 19-20k buff on damage.  Maybe i need to turn on the power i have to increase health globe drops from dead enemies.

None of thise really helps in boss fights unless they have lots of minions.  Except that guy with all the shadow rodent things.. thats' just too f'n many lol.



Fri, 06/08/2012 - 20:25
Custom_45's picture
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Beat act 2 inferno (yes including Belial) Soloing it was an experience all itself now on to act 3 to farm the good loot.

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