good headset recomendations.
Sat, 06/09/2012 - 21:54
good headset recomendations.
I never really needed a headset befor. But I am thinking to go shopping tomorrow for one. Any recomendations? I do not want cheap one but not over the top either, ($60 - $100) Versable enouph to use in xbox, ps3 and hopefuly soon pc as I plan to build one. I assume that all of then would do PC but not all of then will do both xbox and ps3
the new xbox wireless has bluetouth so should work with the PS3 as well, you would need an adapter for the pc
I use turtle beach :) X31 i think.
I have a pair of early X1's and a super pair of X41's. I tend to use the X1's most simply because after an hour the X41's turn themselves off and they tend to be very heavy on battery usage (they are wireless)
The sound quality of the X41's is fantastic though, you only realise this when you go back to them, plus they are very comfortable. There is a new model out now (x51?) which are about th33 £70 mark.
Let me know what you end up with.
This depends. Do you use a wheel or controller?
If you use a wheel, the only good choice right now is the official Microsoft wireless headset. Any headset that has to plug into the wheel for chat will never work right. Tritton says they will be releasing a new headset that connects wirelessly to the xbox for chat in August. I will believe it if I see it. They were supposed to release it last year but keep pushing back the release date.
If you use a controller, then I would recommend the Turtle Beach X12. I use this headset for my PC and it also works for Xbox. Fairly inexpensive, I bought mine retail at Gamestop for $70.
I am using a wheel with the X1 without problems, is this just with the Fanatec etc as I use an MS wheel?
Yes, sorry I should have specified. All Fanatec wheels have a problem with headsets. Even if they work they make your voice really loud for everyone else. I have a friend with a Thrustmaster wheel for xbox and it makes his voice really loud too.
thanks for input! This is actually very valuable! I am , in fact, using Fanatec 911 Turbo S wheel. And I do not want to be loud so sounds like I should just get MS wireless.
I've pretty much given up on using my X32's because I have serious issues with feedback and distortion from the microphone. $100 down the drain. Oh well at least my MS wired mic that I got for a buck works like a charm
I looked online at that MS wireless and it looked as a earpiece rather then headset. I was hoping for something more immersive.
Hey MetalHead! I too have a 911 Turbo S wheel, and I can tell you that using the mic port on the wheel can be good or bad. Sometimes it works fine the entire session, other times not. I have a Turtle Beach X11 headset that works with it, and its great when it does, but not all the time. Usually the mic just quits working and noone can hear me during a race even though I can hear all of them perfectly. The X11 has been replaced by the X12, and should be available in stores like Best Buy and Gamestop. They're about $60 and is a very good headset. I refuse to get that M$ wireless ear thingy! lol
I actually thinking to try Rocketfish headset. They look basic but yet seam to have good reviews. I actually would turn mike off or mute during the race as race itself is require too much of me and all I can do is breath heavily. In fact my son said once that it sounds like I am about to have a heart attack when I play. I do not really want to do it with the mike on lol! I will let you know what I think about those once I get them.
One thing to remember about Fanatec wheels. If the headset jack is not completely jacked up and will work with a headset, make sure it is a basic analog headset. Fanatec wheels don't like digital headsets at all. I would go along with Paradox's recommendation to get the Turtle Beach X12. It's fairly cheap, works with Xbox and PC, and it is analog so if your Fanatec wheel will work with a headset, then it will work with the X12. I use the X12 for playing rFactor on the PC and it works great. Haven't even tried it with my CSR Elite wheel because the headset jack is completely jacked. I use the MS wireless earpiece for now.
Tritton has a new headset called the Warhead which they say will be released in August. If it does, I will buy it. It is not cheap though, expected to be around $250. It has a base that plugs into the xbox for game sound and transmits it wirelessly to the headset. The headset will connect wirelessly to the xbox for in-game chat. So it will be a completely wireless 7.1 surround headphone style headset. It comes with 2 rechargable batteries so one can be charging at all times. This will be the perfect solution for Fanatec wheels. There is also another version called the Devastator which also connects wirelessly to the xbox for chat. It is stereo and should cost around $150. No release date is set for that one though.
Just mention here I have discovered if your wheel (CSR) is connected to your Pc while you are on Xbox, that horrible buzz on comms goes it is obviously an earth hum. Must be an easy fix for the tech minded.
@Troysloth that headset at $250 that you mentioned sounds very interesting. I will be on look out for that! But I need to save up for it. I have plans how to enhance my gaming racing room, (triple screens, nice pc, racing seat) But one thing at the time. At this time I just got those Rocetfish. They seam to be nice so far, not too comfortable and I did not try chat yet, but playable. Very basic and only $50. Wire does seam to be on a way, but I can deal with it for now. At least for now I can hear game sounds without shaking entire house. This is a good thing.
Check Out These MF'ERS (The Release Date)...Annnnnd you thought Forza was bad with their constant BS!!!...Got a Fanatec Elite Wheel and can't even use my Turtle Beach XP 500's...Microsofts Bluetooth Ear Set doesn't cut it (For Me!)....Been waiting and waiting for this headset since last year. You got to LOVE the BS these companies (Forza & Mad Catz) come out with over and over while telling you to bend over and over and smile while at it!!!!

Xbox 360 Wireless 7.1 Warhead Headset by MadCatz
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Pre-order low price guarantee. More info.
Forza, Fanatec and Turtle Beach headsets, a match not made in heaven.
What they said above, is what I say about all of this. I have the Turtle Beach PX-5 headset which I think is the best headset on the market. It cost me $250 last year, and its worth every penny. I use it for PS3 and PC, and it works perfectly. I had to figure out how to get the Bluetooth to work correctly with my PC, but now its good to go. Wireless is the only way to go!!! But, although I can use the PX-5 for Forza just fine with my CSR wheel, including for online chat, I cannot get the chat to work with my CSR Elite wheel, hence the need to use the M$ stock or wireless headset. My ears are too big for the M$ wireless headset, and so the stock headset is my only option.
P.S. - I will only believe the Warhead headset when I actually see it. I have no plans to but it, although I suppose that could change if my PX-5 goes haywire and the Warhead turns out to be good.