Phantasy Star Online 2
Sun, 05/20/2012 - 06:01
Phantasy Star Online 2
Calling all fanboys!
Looks much the same as the previous games just with better graphics and the ability to jump on stuff. Despite the simplistic gameplay and lack of enthralling story I will be getting this. Its arcadey smashem up and just good mindless fun! Yeeehhhaawwww. Yet crafting remains strangely complex....
Supposed to be free to play as well and there's an English patch. I put hundreds of hours into the first PSO, then another couple hundred into PSU. I can't wait for this.
We always put countless hours into the Phantasy Star series. I will probably get it.
No I will not be playing a FONEWM. Someone else can be the buff/debuff/healing whore this time around.
i had tried PSU for the 360 i believe. i didnt get into it. i didnt have a big FL and wasnt a memeber of 2o2p yet. too bad its not gonna be on the 360. i would definitely give it another shot.