Advice: Am I the d-bag?

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#1 Mon, 06/11/2012 - 15:13
Pulsaris's picture
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Advice: Am I the d-bag?

Let me set up the situation: I work in an office setting. I was in a pretty rotten mood. I admit I do not deal well with problems at work that should not happen and I am the one cleaning up the mess afterwards. So my mood was not the most happy-go-lucky I've been in my life. Had a very good lunch with my wife, and felt a bit re-energized. Came back to work and was bombarded with more crap... all of it outside of the scope of my job, which adds to my frustration. And now this leads to my situation:

My coworker comes in with her dog walks into her office, which is right next to mine, makes a "shhh" gesture, and closes the door. Keep in mind I work in tandem with my coworker. I find out from another coworker near my office that if I hear anything strange, it is because she has her dog in her office. Apparently the dog went through a surgery and she had nobody to pick up the dog, so she brought it back here. For the last hour or so, her door has been closed and I've been hearing this little ball of fur whimper and whine and has been pissing me off.

So here's my honest question: Am I the douchebag in this situation?

I was just wondering if I was making too much of this situation, or do I have a right to be pissed off by this?

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 15:18
MTPathy's picture
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sounds like stress is making the situation out to be a bigger deal then it actually is, not sure how lenient(sp?)  your job is with you but perhaps taking a jog around the building will help get rid of that stress and if all else fails go spank one off in the bathroom.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 22:52 (Reply to #2)
Dixon_Tufar's picture
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MTPathy wrote:

sounds like stress is making the situation out to be a bigger deal then it actually is, not sure how lenient(sp?)  your job is with you but perhaps taking a jog around the building will help get rid of that stress and if all else fails go spank one off in the bathroom.


Nailed it in one.  It sounds like your partner is a good person, for you didn't mention horrible things they've done in the past.  It might be a little out of the realm of the norm, but good on you for not being a douche about it.  I still think it'd be worth talking to them about.  I suppose your partner might feel a little betrayed by you, even if you didn't tell HR.  You should just clear the air, because, for something so minor, why would you want it to possible muck up your professional environment/career?

Tue, 06/12/2012 - 10:30 (Reply to #3)
Pulsaris's picture
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Dixon_Tufar wrote:

MTPathy wrote:

sounds like stress is making the situation out to be a bigger deal then it actually is, not sure how lenient(sp?)  your job is with you but perhaps taking a jog around the building will help get rid of that stress and if all else fails go spank one off in the bathroom.


Nailed it in one.  It sounds like your partner is a good person, for you didn't mention horrible things they've done in the past.  It might be a little out of the realm of the norm, but good on you for not being a douche about it.  I still think it'd be worth talking to them about.  I suppose your partner might feel a little betrayed by you, even if you didn't tell HR.  You should just clear the air, because, for something so minor, why would you want it to possible muck up your professional environment/career?


Well, I'm sure it would have helped if I provided more details, but was just focusing on that particular day. She definitely did not feel betrayed by me in the slighest. I even told her I hoped her dog was feeling better. Our offices are in the very front of the place and the conference room where the interview took place is right next to her office. Once the interview was over, the dog was still making a lot of noise and HR was a bit hot about how it looked to a possible employee. She still has no idea I was irritated about it, and I plan on keeping it that way. 

It was definitely a case of things being stacked that made it feel bigger than it was. Looking back, I'm glad I didn't say anything about it. You guys were spot on.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 15:30
Pulsaris's picture
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This office is a suit and tie work environment. No casual fridays, and always try to be as professional as possible.

I think part of my problem is I try to hold people to the same standard as I hold myself. I would never bring a pet into the office, let alone let my coworker pick up the slack that would be causing me to stay in my office.

I will definitely admit the stress has led me to be a bit more bitter than I usually am, but I will say that I have never taken it out on my coworkers.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 16:01
BlowMonkey's picture
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Life happens sometimes people have to bring their kid to work for a couple of hours....or they have to step out unexpectedly.  Maybe she approached it wrong too - but at the end of the day this is nothing more than a minor inconvinience at best.....and I don't even like dogs.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 16:13 (Reply to #6)
Pulsaris's picture
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BlowMonkey wrote:

Life happens sometimes people have to bring their kid to work for a couple of hours....or they have to step out unexpectedly.  Maybe she approached it wrong too - but at the end of the day this is nothing more than a minor inconvinience at best.....and I don't even like dogs.


I do understand that. Kids are a totally different thing. I have no problem with that. I think if I had known she was planning on doing this, I probably would have been okay with it.  I would have preferred if she had just left work early.  Instead, I kept thinking about slapping a muzzle on the little furball and some other really not nice things and feeling a bit guilty about it.

I do appreciate the comments. Thanks for your input.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 16:52
buckeye75's picture
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Suck it up, d bag. If that kind of thing happens all the time, then it's a problem. If it's a one time thing that just happened to be when you were in a bad mood, then quit being a nancy.
Mon, 06/11/2012 - 17:21
Pulsaris's picture
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Update: HR knew nothing about it and found out when they heard the dog whining when somebody came in for an interview. She was not too happy. Apparently she only told one person she was doing this.

Yeah, I was being a d-bag about it. Totally admit it. Thankfully I didn't take it out on anyone.

I do appreciate you guys telling it like it is, hence why I posted in the first place.

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 18:32
Lbsutke's picture
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do not sweat it. Luckily you did not have to address it.


Go home, have a cocktail and do dirty things to the mrs. and let the suck ass portion of the day just wash away!

Mon, 06/11/2012 - 19:36
newtizzle's picture
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Eh, as a whole I wouldnt be bothered by that, but when you pile shit on all day and that one last thing gets put on top, its almost like the straw that broke the camels back. As a individual problem you overreacted on it, but because it was just another "STUPID BULLSHIT THING" to stack on top of all the other "STUPID BULLSHIT THINGS" I can't say I blame you. (It happens to me at work also, and thats what I call it.)


I have a co-worker who half asses his way through his week. Disappears constantly for a smoke break (which is ok) and to talk on the phone to his wife and friends (which isn't ok because its never anything important. I can understand smoking because I used to smoke, but stupid phone calls that happen 15 times a day need to stop.) He always puts stuff down on this desk area and never finishes it like he is supposed to. So when the time comes to deal with the issue, it is never completed and its just a scramble and clusterfuck. Usually the stuff comes up on his day off and since there are only 3 of us at the store, my co-worker and I have to deal with it. I'm in sales, so I cant just not do the work he left behind because that would reflect bad on our company and make us loose business, which would in the end affect my pay. Worst part is, the owner loves him and believes he does so much for the company. He doesnt realize people have been cleaning up after the guy for years. 


Alright, I gotta stop.

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