PICKLE ON LINE, Can you believe it.
Fri, 06/08/2012 - 21:41
PICKLE ON LINE, Can you believe it.
Hi guys. Thought I would let y'all know that my son Cpt. Spork is on his way to the largest Datsun 510 event in the Pacific Northwest just outside of Portland. If any of you are in the area and interested in looking him up, he is in a beat up silver 510 wagon with a 240SX engine in it. That is if he makes down there from Vancouver:) Here's hopeing all goes well.
240SX the NA or the Turbo engine?
I will have to get my son Cpt Spork to post 4 u. He will have pictures and love to tell you about it.
When and where is this taking place? Thats my neiborhood.
Hey Raddo, sorry buddy, it was last weekend.