June 12th Balance Changes
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 11:23
June 12th Balance Changes
June 12, 2012
Saber Assault Rifle
- Damage increased from [389.0-486.2] to [427.9-534.8]
Talon Pistol
- Encumbrance reduced from [1.25-0.7] to [1.1-0.6]
Scorpion Pistol
- Encumbrance reduced from [1.5-0.9] to [1.1-0.6]
Reegar Carbine
- Encumbrance increased from [1.75-1.0] to [1.75-1.25]
Krysae Sniper Rifle
- Damage reduced from [531.2-664.0] to [476.0-595.0]
Hunter Mode Power
- Base damage bonus decreased from 10% to 5%
- Rank 3 damage bonus decreased from 5% to 2.5%
- Base vision range decreased from 20 meters to 15 meters
- Evolution 5 vision range bonus increased from 50% to 60%
Smash Power
- Base cooldown decreased from 8 to 5 seconds
- Base damage increased from 500 to 550
- Range increased from 6 to 8 meters
Shockwave Power
- Base range increased from 10 to 16 meters
So, the Krysae nerf arrived as we all suspected it would. Is it still a viable gun? Reegar got a little tweak downwards, but overall it's still a beast with good limitations (range, chewing through ammo) that I don't think break things too much.
I don't have a Geth, so I'm not sure what Hunter Mode even is, nor do I have the Talon or Scorpion.
Love the damage increase to the Saber. Great gun before the boost, and even better now.
I'm excited about the boost to Smash and Shockwave. I love Smash, and I'm really digging the Ex-Phoenix Vanguard and Adept. These 2 can really hold a doorway with Smash, and with a 5 second base cooldown, let the spamming whipfest begin.
Perhaps it's time to rollout my Human Adept with Warp/Shockwave and try to get some biotic explosions. How's that meme go? "I don't always use Shockwave, but when I do, I stand right next to my sniping Infiltrator teammates."
Well looks like they nerfed my Geth Engineer. I've never failed to be at the top of the round with that character, and it was a lot of fun being in hunter mode. So yeah, Bioware continues to be fun-suckers. And of course they nerfed the Krysae...I haven't even gotten it yet.
The Geth Engineer is still bad ass when using the geth shotty.
They may have nerfed the Krysae but still can do a lot of hurt take 2 or 3shot to take a target out instead of one
I retract my previous statement about the Geth Engineer. I played a couple rounds today and didn't even notice a difference.