New Beta driver for almost all Fanatecs.
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 09:14
New Beta driver for almost all Fanatecs.
Just posted on Thomas's blog, the usual lack of info and request for us to test...I'll give it a go later.
Just posted on Thomas's blog, the usual lack of info and request for us to test...I'll give it a go later.
I just tried this on my 911 Turbo S (which had 681 firmware before), and I did notice a *slight* increase in feedback effects, but feedback strength seems lower. I had to remap the wheel buttons in rFactor and Race07 because the new driver changes the button layout. Also the wheel illumination in PC mode no longer works, even though its box is checked in the wheel properties page. I'd say if you have a Turbo S wheel running 681, theres no need to upgrade unless you just want to, or if you need or want "ACL" on the wheel. I cant speak for the GT2 or later wheels as I do not own any.
Just don't do it full stop my CSR is now bricked and nothing I do will bring it back to life!
I loaded FW 742 on my Standard CSR currently with FW 706, following all procedures to a T. Upon competion of the flash, at auto-start, the wheel oscillates about center from the 10 to 2 o'clock position, and continues to doso until I stop it by hand. Thinking a corrupt flash, I went back to 706, confirmed installation, and then re-flashed 742 - same outcome. Have same wheel oscillation from a cold power up also. Went back to 706 untilI get more feedback on this Beta. Posted this on the FM Forum Un-official Fanatec support page over three and a half hours ago, and it still as yet to see the light of day.
Yes that was what happened to me except I can't get back to 706...
Have you flashed with your version of 706 before today? It should be seamless, just the same as 742 - I guess make sure that all the files are there, especially the P1 and P2 in the firmware folder. You may need to download 706 again if there is the possibility of corruption. Let me know if I can be of help.
Have done all those things the bootloader just hangs at the flashing wheel stage every time.
This has got me stumped as to why the Bootloader would hang. What you may try is to create a new folder for the 706 update. Move or extract the Firmware, USB driver and the 32 or 64 bit 706 files to the new folder. I would remove the relevant 'Firmware Updater.exe' file, and replace it with the one you used to flash 742. My understanding is that these 'exes' are generic and will work with whatever version they are associated with. Make sure that the exe window is pointing to all the correct 706 files. I also flash my wheel with the pedals unplugged, although you may already know this. Good luck.
Unbelievable...Everytime they (Fanatec) have a update there is ALWAYS a litany of problems...From...I didn't have problem...First Time Everytime....Works Fantastic...To....MF'ER....WTF Happen!!!....YOU gotta LOVE it!!!
Thats why its listed as BETA. You do it at your own risk. I have two identical wheels, so I had little to lose by trying. And because problems have occured in the past when updating the firmware on the Fanatec wheels, I thought I would post my impressions so that everyone could have an idea whether its worth the attempt or not. This time around, its not. Unless you want ACL. So if your wheel works, leave it alone!
Okay I'm sure the wheel is dead, I remembered I first tried the wheel on my laptop and 706 and the original software was all there, so I connected the wheel tried to re flash and the same, second flash and it hangs up, so I will be missing from action for the forseeable future....
Sorry to hear about your problems Knight!
I hate to say it--if it's tagged as a Fanatec "Beta," it's probably more "Alpha." Their released firmware is closer to "Beta."
I just had to order a $15 load cell with a $17 shipping charge for a 3lb. package to make the 150 mile trip from Sounthern CA to Central CA.
It's a hardware fail not software, if it was just software I could reflash to earlier firmware, done that before without any problems. Still in guarentee so they will have to sort it...just a pain in the butt...I'm going to miss a lot of racing.
What wheel do you have Knight? I bet if you tried an older firmware loader it may work. The firmware loader itself may be buggy. I still have my firmware loader that came with firmware 681 for the 911 Turbo S. Just dont try to load the new firmware with the old loader.
dont tell them it happened when you flashed the firmware its not covered by the guarentee
They issued the firmware, they asked us to test it, they are culpable...BUT and it is a big but, this morning I tried again, this time I removed the power cord at each stage and left it out for thirty seconds. Joy of joy's the second flash took. I remember having to do this for the old 716 update, but not for recent ones. Can't believe I didn't try that yesterday, I went through every other variable. So phew...Having just spent out an a new kick ass graphics card and new monitor for Pc racing I was facing getting these now toys with no wheel...but alls well that ends well
This is really good news! Glad you got it all sorted out, Knight.
Defo was worried for you for a min there chap.
Cheers guys, the fact you all dived in with help made me feel just a little better as I did battle...Fanatec did reply with a link to 716...must have missed were I told them I both had it, tried it and it hadn't helped.
Here is the list of improvements this firmware will bring when sorted
We made a lot of changes and these are some of them:
Now you gotta admit that is worth having, be assured as soon as it works I will let you know.
Def gonna hold fire on this for a bit till it's been used by a few more people. I only updated my firmware once and that was a while ago.
i dont even know what firmware is on mine works great. if its not broken etc
Amen to that.
I'm not saying you should update...blimy your a touchy crowed LOL. Its just information nowt else. My CSR is not yet what it could be, notchy around the centre and occasional FF hangs that are very irritating. So I am looking forward to having these issues dealt with. So not a matter of "if it ain't broke" ...It ain't finished.
See, what you all haven't latched onto yet, is you're all part of the top secret "unoffical" Fanatec Beta Testers's all very hush hush...
Oh they are actually quite open about that, right from the off they said this was a public test of the beta software. They also responded very quickly to my email and are sorting out that rubbish alcantera that is falling off my wheel...Though they are not always too clever in releasing stuff that is not really ready, they are no different to many other companys in the computer world. It is something we as consumers have let them get away with for so long it has become standard practice to release products that will finish testing in the real world and they fix the problems later.
I meant the wheels, not the software...text loses so much in the delivery...
LOL don't it just...Yeah I been looking at the real high class stuff out there, my god if I had the money...Ah well if I am still as enthusiastic in a year or so I may just go mental and save up some real money for a wheel. It's no more that I have spent on some of my guitars...
I attempted to update, but was a no go. Would no longer acknowledge the buttons to link to XBox tune, etc. tried 3 different times and always the same. I have reverted back to I believe 681 but now the GT2 wheel makes a whining sound when in a steady state corner. Quicker movement do not seem to have any issue. Any thoughts out there?