Momentary game freezes.

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#1 Wed, 06/13/2012 - 16:27
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Momentary game freezes.


I was doing a little bit of event grinding last night and noticed that when I hit Continue after winning a race game seems to lock up for about 5-6 seconds before displaying my credit bonuses.  After that everything seems fine.
I'm used ot the game doing that for a split second, almost like a record skip, after clicking continue but never for as long as last night.
I'm thinking it's time to clear HDD cache.
I know I won't lose my game save but what will I have to re-download for Forza 4? Car Packs? Porsche Pack? Game Updates?
Wed, 06/13/2012 - 16:41
psybertech's picture
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Hey Shaggy....


I don't race in lobbies much (4 nights total) but last nite I was on with a bunch of guys here and it happened to me in every race. 

For me when the freez happened, the engine sound kinda froze and played annoyingly while waiting to go to the credits stuff.

I didn't think too much of it since I don't race online enough to know if that is to be expected but in the back of mind I thought something was wrong.

For the record, I was NOT one of the people that got the new spring dashboard push this week so that isn't the case. Perhaps it was just a server glitch last nite or they put some changes in the server code for the upcoming dashboard update?

Interesting....... hrmmmmmmmmm

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 16:57
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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You and I were experiencing the exact same thing except you were Online and I was in the Event List.
I also haven't gotten the dashboard update either.
Maybe it was a communication glitch with the Forza servers.

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 18:38
jcotter13's picture
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I've had wierd issues when loading out of lobbies for wuite some time now. I'm assuming it's something with the server end of things.

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 18:39
jcotter13's picture
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BTW, My box is upto date as far as the dashboard goes.

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 19:00
imjimeez44's picture
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my box has done that  pause at the credits thing for quite awhile.  Just figured it was my box.  I got the update last night when I fired it up. 

Wed, 06/13/2012 - 21:43
kurupt's picture
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Just another quality issue with this game...its been doing this to me for a few weeks now.....just on forza of course
Thu, 06/14/2012 - 06:00
Oldschool 2o4f's picture
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Mine has done this ever since the Porsche pack was dld'd...

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 09:23
SpinningHat's picture
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Mine has done that exact same thing whether online or not for a couple months. I figured it was just my box and it's dwindling HDD space, and age. (It's 5 years old). Maybe it's something to do with Forza? Since I got it, it's all I've played pretty much exclusively since January...

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 11:45
demonhellcat's picture
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It seems like mine has always done that.  I thought the freeze is caused by the Forza servers being slow and crappy when it's trying to upload your LB lap data.

Thu, 06/14/2012 - 23:50
Shaggy_SoCal's picture
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Played for a bit last night and no problems.  Weird.

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