FAO wheel users post update
Tue, 06/12/2012 - 21:59
FAO wheel users post update
After getting the most recent system update my wheel became unusable. It lost all ffb. I found to get it back you must adjust ur in game advanced wheel settings slightly, save, then go back and reset them as you like and save again. This seems to be the only way to fix the issue after a frustrated time looking on the web. The goodnews however is it feels way better now.
Hmm. Worked OK last night in the end, then this morning I`m back to this.
WTF!!!! Tried a few things but no FFB yet!!
Strangeness. How does a XBL System Update affect Forza and the wheel? I've read in recent days that others are having similar problems. I don't think the update has hit for me yet.
I had similar issues with the loss of FF last nite, with a Fanatec Standard CSR, but have read of problems with the MS360 as well. I re saved my in-game controller preferences this morning and all seems well. Did a Google search of the update and came across this statement concerning the changes involved - " Disables support for unlicensed 3rd-party wireless controllers (e.g. Datel Wildfire Evo). " Found this interesting in light of the issues we've been having.
Link - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xbox_360_system_software#History_of_updates
Ha!! But I was led to believe that the Fanatec CSR was the "official" wheel of Forza.
Seems Turd 10 forgot to tell Microshaft!
I was wondering if anymore of the clan's wheel users have been effected by this update? I have not gotten this update yet so my CSRE still works good. From the sounds of it though, it is a game killing bug.
Not got the update either...Maybe be it is on hold till they sort it...Hope so I sure don't need any extra handicaps.
There still doesnt seem to be a way to fix it.
Tried all the save setting stuff, re linked the wheel to the xbox, etc.
The FFB comes back eventually, but theres no rhyme or reason.
But when it does eventually come back, anything from 2 to 10 minutes,
it stays OK.
No idea whats happening yet.
I got the console update on Tuesday, I had just gotten another MS wheel as the right shifter paddle broke and when I started Forza after the update the wheel was acting a little strange. The FFB just didn't seem right at first it was very light then it went back to normal, then it went altogether. I went into the advanced controller settings for the game and adjusted the vibration and FFB settings and then restarted the console and wheel. It worked fine after I repeated this one more time, haven't had any trouble since. I had thought it was the wheel as I had just gotten it but I'm not so sure now. By the way the first MS Wheel I had was a version 1, the one I just got is a version 2. The version 2 feels better with better FFB and less play in the wheel.
I don't know if MS has stopped the update or not as there has been no confirmation. According to this link http://trendygamers.com/2012/06/12/xbox-360-system-update-june-12th/ some will get the update this week and some will get it next week. I sure hope MS has stopped it.
Not again Mikey, now that's just not fair. Really sorry to hear that.
here's the convo I had with xbox support.
Mikey: Hello Art
Art: Hello, thank you for contacting Xbox Customer Support. My name is Art. Please give me a moment to review your question.
Art: I understand you are having issues with you steering wheel, is that correct?
Mikey: yes sir
Mikey: since the last dsahboard update it has been rendered practically useless with the xbox
Art: Is it a wired controller or wireless?
Mikey: it is the fanatec PWTS wireless wheel
Art: Have you pressing the sync button on both the console and your wireless steering wheel?
Mikey: I have re-synced the wheel multiple times, reset it, etc
Art: I see.
Mikey: the forcefeedback intermittently returns, however i have spoken to numerous other of our clan mates who have also experienced this issue since the update
Art: We have received reports of several non-Microsoft controllers ceasing to work after this latest console update.
Mikey: yes, I have seen mutliple threads on several forums all complaining of the same issue.. both microsoft wheel users and fanatec users
Art: And our software engineers are already working on a patch to address this issue.
Mikey: wonderful. thank you. I just wanted to add my to ensure this wasn't simply a localized incident
Mikey: *voice
Art: The console update for 2 million users is rolled out from June 12 to June 20th.
Art: Thanks for sharing this concern.
Art: And I greatly apologize for this inconvenience.
Mikey: thank you for the info. I appreciate your help and reassurance that it will be dealt with
Art: As for now we will have to wait for all updates to be completed by the 20th before the patch can be downloaded.
Mikey: very well. thank you. Have a good evening.
Art: Indeed, it is a major Work In Progess.
Art: Thanks for understanding.
Thanks for taking the time to get this info emceechild. I hope they aren't pulling your leg. Not thrilled to hear they are still pushing through the screwed up dashboard update though.
Holy crap glad I came to the forums tonight. I was going to play some F1 and noticed no FF. Put in Forza and the same thing. I started to freak out that my CSR might have broke.
sorry double post
Copied from the Fanatec forum
So I can remove all updates, and my wheel will work OK, but cant then play online, which is why I pay for Xbox live in the first place
And then they want me to buy their next game. Hmm.
Thanks for the info Knight.
Lucky I stoppped being suprised or frustrated at anything Turn 10 or Microsoft does anymore,
the crappy servers, the locking up of xboxes, the lost game saves, etc etc.
I think you can play online after deleting the update up to the point they send the update again, if you refuse it, then online play is disabled...Now what happens if you accept it and then delete it again....Thank goodness it has not been rolled out in my region yet.
How did I get the update and you didn't, surely we're in the same region.
Well yiou would have thought so...maybe they withdew it before I logged in...
Still having trouble with the wheel, when I start Forza the wheel feels like a car when the power steering fails I adjust the settings then try again then I have no FFB. Adjust the settings again and it's a little better. when racing the steering wheel feels heavy an harder to turn than it should be but it's manageable .i hope I'm not damaging the wheel by driving it like this. C'mon Microsoft get this sorted.
Copied from insideracing.tv and unbelievable!
Wow, tthat is some attitude they have.
Goood to know they consider us customers as basically shit on their shoes!
Well I hav a Microsoft Wheel and I'm having the same issues, I posted on xbox support and I'm still waiting for a reply, I won't hold my breath.
Yeah...So I'm sitting here with a wheel the came in a box the the words officially licensed wheel on it, a wheel with the forza logo in the middle of it...a wheel that both Turn Ten and Microsoft said was the official Forza wheel and now as far as Microsoft are concerned it's an unofficial accessory? How is that even possible? How is it legal?
calm down mate.. i think that that 1 customer service rep was ill-informed.. from most other sources, (inluding fanatec), they are aware of the problem and resolving to fix it. it sucks.. but these things happen.. as long as we're not kept waiting too long i'll be happy.
I second that emcee. From what I have read Turn10 and Fanatec are just as much victims as we are. It sucks but I'm sure it will get worked out in short order.
It has disappeared from the Microsoft list of supported peripherals, Madcatz and Thrustmaster wheels are still there...Coincidence? Maybe...My state of calm is fine, I just trust these folk as far as they can be thrown. Oh sure they are aware of it, after all we are telling them
I played Forza 4 again last night. No update was available, and I still have force feedback in my CSR Elite wheel.
Yup same here, it must be on hold...lucky for us that didn't get it first time.