Sunday Tourney June 24th

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#1 Sun, 06/17/2012 - 11:53
Harbinger_of_Hell's picture
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Sunday Tourney June 24th

I'm actually going to be out of town next weekend.  I have my 10 year college reunion, so will be partying it up with some friends I haven't seen in quite a while.

Since it came down to me and Fortune in the final, I'll leave it up to Fortune to decide what format the tourney will be next week.


Mon, 06/18/2012 - 00:35
fortunecase's picture
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Harbinger_of_Hell wrote:
 I'll leave it up to Fortune to decide what format the tourney will be next week.


heh well it looks like i'm not going to play next week.

I will probably be here

since i had to beat jello to reach the final i'll leave it up to jellosmiley


Mon, 06/18/2012 - 19:16 (Reply to #2)
Jelloman79's picture
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Harbinger_of_Hell wrote:
 I'll leave it up to Fortune to decide what format the tourney will be next week.



heh well it looks like i'm not going to play next week.

I will probably be here

since i had to beat jello to reach the final i'll leave it up to jellosmiley

Ok well... I'll be here next week and we will play a zoo format all cards must be something you find in a zoo or has something to do with a zoo and make it tri-color decks for alittle more fun.. and by the way let's not have any wolfs or snakes.


Tue, 06/19/2012 - 15:19
pearly_54's picture
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OK, I usually just go with the flow, but this time I have questions.  How strict is this "anything you can find in a zoo" thing?  Trees?  Animals?  People?  What about spells?  Only spells that have something zoo-like in the name?  That limits us a lot, but y'all have great imaginations and could come up with many different ideas.  That's why I need to know, how strict?  I already have some ideas, but, um, they are sorta weird.  Ah, yes, weird is good, right?????

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 16:03 (Reply to #4)
fortunecase's picture
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pearly_54 wrote:
Ah, yes, weird is good, right?????


hahahasmiley.....very likely

Tue, 06/19/2012 - 18:27
Jelloman79's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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 What i wanted to say was any Animals in a zoo, and  for spells:anything in a wild area  cages, woods, ponds and so on or have a picture of  Animals nothing too strict  cards dont have to say zoo just anything that can relate to a zoo.

Wed, 06/20/2012 - 09:02 (Reply to #6)
parottthead's picture
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I'll may have to sit this one out. I'm not good at the art theme decks since I'm too lazy to try and remember the art on every card I have. If I do happen to get online Sunday I can always throw together some kind of tribal deck since that seems to be what this is. Maybe elephants. Or penguins.



Wed, 06/20/2012 - 10:51
niteowl's picture
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Basically, I think Jello's saying,

1. "Real world animals only, tribal or not, or a pic of somebody with a real animal". Otherwise I could just say "these wizards all work at the zoo or trolls are known to sneak in at night & eat zoo food".

2. He doesn't like wolves or snakes (the bastard)

3. Tricolor.

It's the other spells we'll have to get creative with...."Um, lightning bolts are known to kill zoo animals right?"

I've thought about calling Real world animals only tribal before. Don't remember if I did or not. Anyway, I'll prolly show up with something.

Wed, 06/20/2012 - 16:37
pearly_54's picture
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Oh, I already have a deck made.  I thought it was funny and fun to do.  I kept asking, does this have anything to do with a zoo?  Could you find this at a zoo?  Had me chuckling a bit.

Thu, 06/21/2012 - 14:53
Jelloman79's picture
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Didn't mean to confuses with people  this week  blush....But Nite you got it down (("Real world animals only, tribal or not, or a pic of somebody with a real animal")).. I'm bad about writing down what I'm thinking and yes lightning bolts are known to kill zoo animals. Also I saw on the news this morning floods do kill them too.

Fri, 06/22/2012 - 07:09 (Reply to #10)
parottthead's picture
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I have a friend from Duluth MN who still has lots of family there. Crazy stuff going on with all that rain!


So, regarding zoos and lightning bolts..basically any card is legal as long as it can be rationalized to have a connection to a zoo? Kinda like six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Earthquake is definitley bad for zoo animals.

I looked at a bunch of artifiacts and equipment that I own and couldn't find much other than Loxodon Warhammer that had a zoo connection.



Fri, 06/22/2012 - 10:27
Jelloman79's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 month ago
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"So, regarding zoos and lightning bolts..basically any card is legal as long as it can be rationalized to have a connection to a zoo? Kinda like six degrees of Kevin Bacon. Earthquake is definitely bad for zoo animals."

​Yeah that was the idea so your guys could have fun with the theme. I left it open so you would be able to find cards you might already have and play some you never played like Joven's ferrets, Leaping lizard, and Caribou range to name a few I'm going to play. 

As for Artifacts and equipment  that could be open for anything monkeys and apes can pick up stuff and wear things smiley and what the heck you can strap on a sword or hammer(War  Elephants) hehe . That flooding is crazy up in MN hope your friends fam is ok.

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