Sorry about this, everyone. We know this is a big deal to you and we've been working on it. There's a fix coming shortly - below is the official statement:
We are aware a limited number of Xbox LIVE members are experiencing issues with force feedback on steering wheel controllers following the recent Xbox LIVE update. We are actively working to resolve this as soon as possible and appreciate your patience.
Me too, unfortunately not so good. During track night I had a total wheel disconnect and the next race I think the wheel suddenly started pulling left and no FF, someone else had their wheel suddenly start pulling to the right.
Has anyone ever before experienced the circus that we have paid to enter...Microsoft the Ring Leader...Turn 10 the Clowns...Licensee Fanatic, Turtle Beach and others who have supported the Ring Leader only to get abanon and screwed. How does this Circus continue to get away with it amazes me. Software and Updates that have not been coordinated with their licensees only to flop and having to be redone while the buying base is asked yet again and again to grin and bear it. Licensee Fanatec with it's CSR Elite wheel that is not compatible with Turtle Beach Headsets (Won't Work) is truly a ongoing laugher and a truly ass ripping piss off. It seems the Incompetence never ceases to end and yet there are those that NEVER seem to have a problem and continue to praise Turn 10 as the Second Coming. How is that possible? I actually get tired of Bitching and Moaning (Truly Cathartic though) but there is something inherently wrong with this Circus. I wish someone would bring a New Circus to town. One that ceases on the Incompetence of Microsoft, Turn 10 and their licensees who seem to be getting screwed with the bungling siamese twins Turn 10 and Microsoft. I truly love this game with it's potential but the Ineptness of Microsoft and Turn 10 is truly overwhelming and truly and honestly getting old!
The same game has been played out on PC's forever, different hardware conflicts, driver issues, half baked software that needs updating as soon as you install it and still fails to work as advertised. In a sense it is our fault, we have put up with this for decades now, forever putting more money into the pockets of those that say "this is bigger, better, faster" knowing from the off we will be spending days trying to get whatever it is to work. No other piece of consumer tech is treated this way, if a TV, Car or Cooker worked this way it would be straight back to the shop it came from. I am as guilty as everyone else, and I don't know why.
You are correct...We got no one to blame but our own dumb ass! If this was a Major Company Defect (I Thought it was) it would make the news...Recall..Maybe Congressional Investigation or "Committee"..Maybe Class Action Lawsuit...I swear Zero (AKA Lawyer-4-Ever 7129) you could possibly make a bundle!!! But no we sit idly by and take it and take it and pray daily that someone will wise the hell up and do the right thing and be accountable!!!!...Damn I must be a dumb ass MF"er! But I do have to admit I have drop by playing time by 95% on account of being bamboozled by Turn 10 and Microsoft! I miss running with everyone and even miss my lessons by Cotter Man and Tourni (Thanks a Million). But I don't miss the smug arrogance displayed by Microsoft and Turn 10 by having perpetual problems since releasing Forza 4!
P.S. How about a International Proposition for a Recall of Forza 4!!! Get our Money Back and Money spent on licensed accessories (Wheels..Headset..ETC.)that are not even compatible!
Wheels, I hear you brother. Like you, I have suffered through defective Xbox 360s. I am on my fourth, the first three died of overheating. I also suffer from not being able to use my expensive Turtle Beach headset with my CSR Elite wheel. I had to wait for Fanatec to release decent firmware that I could use to run my Elite wheel in Forza 4, even though the Elite is an official Forza 4 wheel!!! We had to deal with the disconnection issues over Xbox Live. I can go on and on....
That being said, we get what we pay for and Forza is an entertainment bargain. Forza has never been a franchise that has been aimed at the hardcore racers like us. Rather, most folks that play it do so occasionally and with a controller. Hardcore guys like us are not their target audience, and in the grand scheme of things, their product is cheap. How many other forms of entertainment cost a few hundred bucks but give you up to hundreds of hours of entertainment, bugs and all? If you want sim racing perfection, or the closest thing to it, then go to iRacing, but be prepared to guard your wallet. It will cost at least $1000 for a decent PC to run it on at medium to high settings, at least $100 for a decen wheel and pedal set (Driving Force GT), at least $200 for a decent 24 inch computer monitor and several hundred dollars for the cars and tracks, including $10/month for the membership and $10-$15 per car or track. But, for your money, you get the best sim racer in the world.
I do not believe that any of us, including you, are dumb asses for sticking with Forza, warts and all. Tech is fun, but its buggy and can be a real headache. I don't expect perfection, because the tech companies, rarely if ever deliver it. I just accept Forza for what it is.
Not suggesting we are dumb asses for sticking with Forza, yes we get our moneys worth despite it rather than because of it. How many of us would still be playing without 2O4F I wonder. No for allowing substandard software, flawed hardware.allowing ourselves to become product testers. Okay with both rFactor 2 and pCars that is exactly what they are doing, but openly and the developers are asking for and acting on feedback. Other titles ship broken, both games and other stuff, and we are told they are ready when they are not. Do we return them and say give me it when you have done? No...We should, but we don't. Anyone returned a Fanatec wheel because the mic wont work right? not me...rather have it flawed than send it back.
Ah well, that is the way of the world now. Any other flawed piece of kit gets returned, but for software and computer hardware we have changed the rules for them...That my friends was dumb. Not individually, but collectively as consumers.
I'm like Lawyer, I accept it for what it is. I used to think the Forza series was sim racing, but I have seen the light and now I know it is an arcade racing game. I still believe it is the best on Xbox and have a lot of fun with it, but I'm no longer expecting it to be more than it is.
If you want real sim racing, the PC is the only option. iRacing is the top of the heap right now and I plan to get into it later this year. I need to get a new PC and 3 monitors first.
For now, I am playing rFactor with GBR (Gone Broke Racing). It is an old game which my old PC can run just fine. I am using my 60" TV as the monitor for now. The graphics are a little outdated, but the physics and immersion is awesome. You have to plan your race, be easy on your tires, request pit stops and drive into and out of the pits without speeding. And if you blow a corner and hit something too hard, your race is over. No reset button, just a DNF on the results page. And the guys that race over there are the most helpful you will ever find. As with all PC games, it takes a lot of tweaking and tuning to get it working right and they will guide you through all of it.
I got into console gaming because I was tired of all the hassles of PC gaming, but now I'm getting sucked back in because the consoles just can't deliver what I am looking for in Sim racing. I will stick with consoles for the FPS shooting games because I hear there is too much cheating on the PC versions.
I will stick with consoles for the FPS shooting games because I hear there is too much cheating on the PC versions.
I now prefer FPS on the PC over the console, both because of the better graphics and control options (keyboard/mouse and/or Xbox 360 controller), but also because my Xbox Live account was hacked and so I am hesitant to do public lobbies anymore. Also, loading up a game on my PC is as simple as doubleclicking an icon. Most of my PC games were bought via Steam, Origin and GFL.
I now prefer FPS on the PC over the console, both because of the better graphics and control options (keyboard/mouse and/or Xbox 360 controller)
I actually play FPS games on the Xbox 360 with a joystick and mouse and it is about 95% like PC. Check out I hate the console controllers and I don't use them for racing and I don't use them for shooting games either.
Here is a picture of my setup, I set the lapdesk on my lap and it just fits between the arms of my theater chair in my mancave and it is nice and solid.
I now prefer FPS on the PC over the console, both because of the better graphics and control options (keyboard/mouse and/or Xbox 360 controller)
I actually play FPS games on the Xbox 360 with a joystick and mouse and it is about 95% like PC. Check out I hate the console controllers and I don't use them for racing and I don't use them for shooting games either.
Here is a picture of my setup, I set the lapdesk on my lap and it just fits between the arms of my theater chair in my mancave and it is nice and solid.
if you, like me are still experiencing problems with your wheel.. please go here and report it.
I already did
This was posted on the FM4 forums by a guy name 'e' who is supposedly a Xbox employee
Sorry about this, everyone. We know this is a big deal to you and we've been working on it. There's a fix coming shortly - below is the official statement:
We are aware a limited number of Xbox LIVE members are experiencing issues with force feedback on steering wheel controllers following the recent Xbox LIVE update. We are actively working to resolve this as soon as possible and appreciate your patience.
I have the CSR elite . I have not received any update request on Xbox as of 6-19-12 .So my wheel is still working fine.
Your lucky chap. Also.... Dope rig!
Ah! at last they admit it is their problem, and those of us that have not had the update can heave a sigh of relief.
Me too, unfortunately not so good. During track night I had a total wheel disconnect and the next race I think the wheel suddenly started pulling left and no FF, someone else had their wheel suddenly start pulling to the right.
Has anyone ever before experienced the circus that we have paid to enter...Microsoft the Ring Leader...Turn 10 the Clowns...Licensee Fanatic, Turtle Beach and others who have supported the Ring Leader only to get abanon and screwed. How does this Circus continue to get away with it amazes me. Software and Updates that have not been coordinated with their licensees only to flop and having to be redone while the buying base is asked yet again and again to grin and bear it. Licensee Fanatec with it's CSR Elite wheel that is not compatible with Turtle Beach Headsets (Won't Work) is truly a ongoing laugher and a truly ass ripping piss off. It seems the Incompetence never ceases to end and yet there are those that NEVER seem to have a problem and continue to praise Turn 10 as the Second Coming. How is that possible? I actually get tired of Bitching and Moaning (Truly Cathartic though) but there is something inherently wrong with this Circus. I wish someone would bring a New Circus to town. One that ceases on the Incompetence of Microsoft, Turn 10 and their licensees who seem to be getting screwed with the bungling siamese twins Turn 10 and Microsoft. I truly love this game with it's potential but the Ineptness of Microsoft and Turn 10 is truly overwhelming and truly and honestly getting old!

The same game has been played out on PC's forever, different hardware conflicts, driver issues, half baked software that needs updating as soon as you install it and still fails to work as advertised. In a sense it is our fault, we have put up with this for decades now, forever putting more money into the pockets of those that say "this is bigger, better, faster" knowing from the off we will be spending days trying to get whatever it is to work. No other piece of consumer tech is treated this way, if a TV, Car or Cooker worked this way it would be straight back to the shop it came from. I am as guilty as everyone else, and I don't know why.
You are correct...We got no one to blame but our own dumb ass! If this was a Major Company Defect (I Thought it was) it would make the news...Recall..Maybe Congressional Investigation or "Committee"..Maybe Class Action Lawsuit...I swear Zero (AKA Lawyer-4-Ever 7129) you could possibly make a bundle!!! But no we sit idly by and take it and take it and pray daily that someone will wise the hell up and do the right thing and be accountable!!!!...Damn I must be a dumb ass MF"er! But I do have to admit I have drop by playing time by 95% on account of being bamboozled by Turn 10 and Microsoft! I miss running with everyone and even miss my lessons by Cotter Man and Tourni (Thanks a Million). But I don't miss the smug arrogance displayed by Microsoft and Turn 10 by having perpetual problems since releasing Forza 4!
P.S. How about a International Proposition for a Recall of Forza 4!!! Get our Money Back and Money spent on licensed accessories (Wheels..Headset..ETC.)that are not even compatible!

Wheels, I hear you brother. Like you, I have suffered through defective Xbox 360s. I am on my fourth, the first three died of overheating. I also suffer from not being able to use my expensive Turtle Beach headset with my CSR Elite wheel. I had to wait for Fanatec to release decent firmware that I could use to run my Elite wheel in Forza 4, even though the Elite is an official Forza 4 wheel!!! We had to deal with the disconnection issues over Xbox Live. I can go on and on....
That being said, we get what we pay for and Forza is an entertainment bargain. Forza has never been a franchise that has been aimed at the hardcore racers like us. Rather, most folks that play it do so occasionally and with a controller. Hardcore guys like us are not their target audience, and in the grand scheme of things, their product is cheap. How many other forms of entertainment cost a few hundred bucks but give you up to hundreds of hours of entertainment, bugs and all? If you want sim racing perfection, or the closest thing to it, then go to iRacing, but be prepared to guard your wallet. It will cost at least $1000 for a decent PC to run it on at medium to high settings, at least $100 for a decen wheel and pedal set (Driving Force GT), at least $200 for a decent 24 inch computer monitor and several hundred dollars for the cars and tracks, including $10/month for the membership and $10-$15 per car or track. But, for your money, you get the best sim racer in the world.
I do not believe that any of us, including you, are dumb asses for sticking with Forza, warts and all. Tech is fun, but its buggy and can be a real headache. I don't expect perfection, because the tech companies, rarely if ever deliver it. I just accept Forza for what it is.
My two cents, take em or leave em!!!!
Zero...You are 100% Right but I like to

...Must be why I keep coming back hoping for the best!!!

...Zero the Man!!!!
Yay, latest update fixed FFB, is on from the get go.
Content now.
Not suggesting we are dumb asses for sticking with Forza, yes we get our moneys worth despite it rather than because of it. How many of us would still be playing without 2O4F I wonder. No for allowing substandard software, flawed hardware.allowing ourselves to become product testers. Okay with both rFactor 2 and pCars that is exactly what they are doing, but openly and the developers are asking for and acting on feedback. Other titles ship broken, both games and other stuff, and we are told they are ready when they are not. Do we return them and say give me it when you have done? No...We should, but we don't. Anyone returned a Fanatec wheel because the mic wont work right? not me...rather have it flawed than send it back.
Ah well, that is the way of the world now. Any other flawed piece of kit gets returned, but for software and computer hardware we have changed the rules for them...That my friends was dumb. Not individually, but collectively as consumers.
I'm like Lawyer, I accept it for what it is. I used to think the Forza series was sim racing, but I have seen the light and now I know it is an arcade racing game. I still believe it is the best on Xbox and have a lot of fun with it, but I'm no longer expecting it to be more than it is.
If you want real sim racing, the PC is the only option. iRacing is the top of the heap right now and I plan to get into it later this year. I need to get a new PC and 3 monitors first.
For now, I am playing rFactor with GBR (Gone Broke Racing). It is an old game which my old PC can run just fine. I am using my 60" TV as the monitor for now. The graphics are a little outdated, but the physics and immersion is awesome. You have to plan your race, be easy on your tires, request pit stops and drive into and out of the pits without speeding. And if you blow a corner and hit something too hard, your race is over. No reset button, just a DNF on the results page. And the guys that race over there are the most helpful you will ever find. As with all PC games, it takes a lot of tweaking and tuning to get it working right and they will guide you through all of it.
I got into console gaming because I was tired of all the hassles of PC gaming, but now I'm getting sucked back in because the consoles just can't deliver what I am looking for in Sim racing. I will stick with consoles for the FPS shooting games because I hear there is too much cheating on the PC versions.
I now prefer FPS on the PC over the console, both because of the better graphics and control options (keyboard/mouse and/or Xbox 360 controller), but also because my Xbox Live account was hacked and so I am hesitant to do public lobbies anymore. Also, loading up a game on my PC is as simple as doubleclicking an icon. Most of my PC games were bought via Steam, Origin and GFL.
I actually play FPS games on the Xbox 360 with a joystick and mouse and it is about 95% like PC. Check out I hate the console controllers and I don't use them for racing and I don't use them for shooting games either.
Here is a picture of my setup, I set the lapdesk on my lap and it just fits between the arms of my theater chair in my mancave and it is nice and solid.
Here is another picture with it setup using a mouse and G13 gaming keyboard.
Wow, that is an AWESOME set up.