Anyone got the Old Borderlands Tag?
Fri, 06/22/2012 - 12:59
Anyone got the Old Borderlands Tag?
Putting out an APB for the Borderlands Gamertag owner. I understand that the group GT is AAA Borderlands, but it seems no one is maintaining it anymore. I sent a FR a few weeks ago and it is still pending. Anyone know how to recover this?
The old site is up at - you might be able to find it in the old forums
I vote for starting a new one for Borderlands 2.
Looks like a new one will need to be created. The old owner (Transient AKA DV Bones on XBL) does not appear to be maintaining it anymore as he is not a member of the group GT. I will take care of this and create a new thread when it is created. Any ideas for a name?
AAA 2O2P Borderlands2?
I went ahead and created one, the best I could come up with was AFOFBorderlands
In case I forget, please remind me to send a FR! Can't really do it from work PC.
FR Sent!