Have signed up, man I have a load of catching up to do, will grab the tune,knock up a paint and try and get some practise in all before Tues, plus all the other cars and classes I will be needing in the near future, this time off is no good for you really is it. lol
Yup 21:00 GMT easy track, just two key corners and the Healey eats it up, Snappy and I were wheel to wheel for three laps the other day. Should be a bundle of fun
C class tune. Knight should have it. It's on my s/f if you can't hook up with him ahead of time. Also, the 2o4e has a car in the clubhouse if you want to try it out.
Okay tunes sent out, looking at the times on the leader board this is going to be insanely close, less than a second between the times posted and less than half a second between the top three
Nice one oldschool, not that it is possible to make this pretty little car ugly...Just taken a look, see you've gone with a nice understated little number LOL Very 60's
Absolutely, definatly, and without a single question of a doubt, it will not be the ring....and to be fair this is not a ring tune anyway. Just wait till next wednesday when I have my monthly jaunt in the country for two hours.
Ripped up the game room and layed down a floating floor over the weekend. So, everything's in boxes and such and I'm not completely convinced I'll be back up and running by Tuesday afternoon, but...I'm gonna try real hard.
It will be a last minute decision to minimize the bitchin and moaning you lot give me at the slightest provocation.
Oh yeah don't tell us the track, but you can practice on it as much as you like and have a major advantage when it comes to race time. That's not fair, I'm calling Gizzies mom to sort this out and you thought you'd minimise the bitching and moaning.
It will be a last minute decision to minimize the bitchin and moaning you lot give me at the slightest provocation.
Oh yeah don't tell us the track, but you can practice on it as much as you like and have a major advantage when it comes to race time. That's not fair, I'm calling Gizzies mom to sort this out and you thought you'd minimise the bitching and moaning.
Truth is I still don't know myself, havn't been on forza today to have a think...side tracked by rF2 and practicing for TCM...um. Hock short...off you go and fill your boots. Should have known you'd moan whatever I did LOL
You may want to open up the access levels so we can see it
Have signed up, man I have a load of catching up to do, will grab the tune,knock up a paint and try and get some practise in all before Tues, plus all the other cars and classes I will be needing in the near future, this time off is no good for you really is it. lol
LOL it does start to buid up right enough, this is a really easy car to drive and it loves this track so should be fun.
Is this tomorrow? What time? And it's the Alps shortie?
Not much time for anything resembling practice but I'll follow someone that knows where they're going for a lap or so...
Yup 21:00 GMT easy track, just two key corners and the Healey eats it up, Snappy and I were wheel to wheel for three laps the other day. Should be a bundle of fun
I have signed up and should be back in time and i seen to have 3 tunes for this car all b500
not sure where they came from .
think i got one from fitzy is that the tune to use
C class tune. Knight should have it. It's on my s/f if you can't hook up with him ahead of time. Also, the 2o4e has a car in the clubhouse if you want to try it out.
Tune sent Stevie.
Cheers Knight
time for a few laps me thinks
pleas sent me also that tune. Even if I have to stay this week in such a lonesome hotelroom without a xbox!
Wish you all fun!
Of course mate, hotels can be lonely places, but you have us to keep you company
Could you send it to me as well Knight?
Yes mate, either later tonight or in the morning.
Okay tunes sent out, looking at the times on the leader board this is going to be insanely close, less than a second between the times posted and less than half a second between the top three
Tossed some paint on the car in the garage so it wasn't so butt-ugly in case someone wanted to grab it in a pinch.
Nice one oldschool, not that it is possible to make this pretty little car ugly...Just taken a look, see you've gone with a nice understated little number LOL Very 60's
Understated is my middle name...
This is it cept I removed my name and the #'s 4...
Oh and it's not black...
So, except all that, this is it!
[url=http://www.flickr.com/photos/oldschoolsmart/7401246490/]Austin[/url] by [url=http://www.flickr.com/people/oldschoolsmart/]Oldschoolsmart[/url], on Flickr
Awesome racing lads.
Points table updated.
Not my finest moment but enjoyable al the same if only for the amount of complaints regarding the the handling from Gizzie....
A bit of practice will be required before next week location 'cough' the ring 'cough' but another well thought out bit of fun from Knight.
Roll on next week and remember kids understeer is a four letter word....
Sir Rupert Coddringnton-Smythe OBE DC Bar
Absolutely, definatly, and without a single question of a doubt, it will not be the ring....and to be fair this is not a ring tune anyway. Just wait till next wednesday when I have my monthly jaunt in the country for two hours.
Ripped up the game room and layed down a floating floor over the weekend. So, everything's in boxes and such and I'm not completely convinced I'll be back up and running by Tuesday afternoon, but...I'm gonna try real hard.
Body's a bit sore atm...
Ooh I could do with a floating floor in the Studio...I don't suppose? heh maybe not.
So Knight what track is it going to be.
It will be a last minute decision to minimize the bitchin and moaning you lot give me at the slightest provocation.
Oh yeah don't tell us the track, but you can practice on it as much as you like and have a major advantage when it comes to race time. That's not fair, I'm calling Gizzies mom to sort this out and you thought you'd minimise the bitching and moaning.
Wasn't hard to guess what the outcome of this was gonna be LOL
So, we have to bitch and moan from now until race time?
Truth is I still don't know myself, havn't been on forza today to have a think...side tracked by rF2 and practicing for TCM...um. Hock short...off you go and fill your boots. Should have known you'd moan whatever I did LOL