Extended Cut DLC Impressions

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#1 Tue, 06/26/2012 - 13:15
Barheet's picture
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Extended Cut DLC Impressions

I went to Youtube and watched all 3 endings, and.....I really like them. I liked them so much I decided to play through myself and chose the Control ending. This is the ending I was always hoping for but couldn't really imagine. It is not perfect, but it is very good in my opinion. It offers closure and fills in most of those plot holes. One of the biggest problems was the Star Child's presence, but you now have the option of interrogating him and getting more info on his creation, the origins of the Reapers, the "Solution", etc. 

The DLC is free and basically has extended endings for all 3 options. There is also an option to ignore the Star Child (you can shoot him) and I like that ending as well.

The DLC is not half-assed. It includes new music with the ending. There are some new animations showing your results across the galaxy. There is also a bit of a slide show with some new art that fit into the ending just fine.  The old ending pissed me off and left me angry, but this one gave me closure and satisfaction. I think Bioware redeemed themselves. 

Tue, 06/26/2012 - 13:20
MTK005's picture
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Can you link the vids?

Tue, 06/26/2012 - 13:22
Barheet's picture
Last seen: 10 years 1 week ago
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The ones I watched were pretty crappy. One of them had terrible sound and another didn't fully explore the dialog options from the Star Child. I highly recommend doing another playthrough on your own. Or maybe search on youtube later today after some more have been uploaded. 

Tue, 06/26/2012 - 16:28
MTK005's picture
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IGN posted some good quality ones - one watched the additional one and the destroy (since it was what I picked the first time) - I'm pretty happy.  Will have to wtach the others.


My second character is still on the first visit to the citadel, so maybe I'll go back and finish my FemShep playthrough

Tue, 06/26/2012 - 19:25
MrManbat's picture
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The ending is a big improvement  was happy in what  path I took

Wed, 06/27/2012 - 10:39
TANK's picture
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So the "Tell me another story of the Sheppard" , "Ok one more story", if the entire game was a story of a past war seems like we could see another Sheppard trilogy, though it's hard to imagine it could be as epic.

Wed, 06/27/2012 - 13:44
MrManbat's picture
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well I would think that more for a DLC Tank but you could be right.

And if I'm not mistaken dint Harbinger leave way before anything happens even in the extended cut ?

now they could bring back the Repers that way

Sat, 07/07/2012 - 10:10 (Reply to #7)
sleepInsom's picture
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Here's my story: I waited until the Extended Cut hit to finish the game. Unfortunately, I didn't realize that my download screwed up and when I finished the game I got the original ending. On the plus side, I got a chance to compare and contrast the two endings after watching ther extended endings on Youtube. Verdict? The original endings where just plain bad. The only difference between the three are the different color explosions. Definintely a slap in the face. The EC endings? I thought they were the proper endings we should have gotten. You learn about the Reapers' true intentions, yet there's enough questions that can open up future DLC (apparently the next DLC explores the history of the Reapers), and each choice gives you enough closure that you know what the consequences are on the galaxy. Also, really awesome that Buzz Aldrin has a cameo in both endings.

Thu, 07/19/2012 - 09:35
DeathhunterD's picture
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I am happy with how the expanded on the endings with the cuts.

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