Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - SMART FORTWO - D350 Class
Tuesday Nights 10pm Est - SMART FORTWO - D350 Class
[url=http://myForzaGarage.com/viewCarDetails.php?carID=597&unqID=268&hideHelp... El Kochino's custom [2012] SMART FORTWO [D 350] [/url]
Drivetrain: RWD
Aspiration: Centrifugal Supercharger
Air Filter: Race
Fuel System: Race
Ignition & Timing: Race
Exhaust: Race
Valves: Race
Centrifugal Supercharger: Race
Brakes: Race
Springs and Dampers: Race
Front Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Rear Anti-Roll Bar: Race
Chassis Reinforcement & Rollcage: Race
Weight Reduction: Race
Clutch: Race
Transmission: Race
Driveline: Race
Differential: Race
Tire Compound: Race
Front Tire Width: 175/55
Rear Tire Width: 215/45
Front Rim Width: 15
Rear Rim Width: 15
Rims: TSW - Trackstar 4
Front Bumper: Forza
Rear Bumper: Konigseder
Side Skirts: Stock
Rear Wing: Forza
Hood: Stock
Date and Time:
10:00pm – handicap ranking
10:30pm – Race
20min race, Laps will be determnined by Seed Times
July 2nd - practice of all the tracks , NO RACE
July 10 - Mugello Club
July 17 - Sebring Club
July 24 - Iberian full - Rev
July 31 - Sedona Club - Rev
Racing Etiquette:
* Race Cleanly, give room
* No Cutting corners
* No Blocking, racing line is not blocking
* Call your intent
Enter SEED Time [url=https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AseRZ-VFqMEkdDJxY0V0dVg5UEp... HERE [/url]
Race 2
Sebring International Raceway
Club Circuit
Race 3
Iberian International Circuit
FULL Circuit
Oh my. These are roll happy little buggers aren't they!
I even tried a super soft suspension with the roll bars set as low as they'd go, and it still wants to roll away. In one tuning session I got the car to roll to its side and bounce right back up to it's wheels, man I wish I had a replay of that.
This is going to be a mayhem of a race :p
I had no issues
Matt, Surf and I ran them last night
just don't hit the high curbs, it turns into a small ball
Mines built looking liek the A-Team van.. hopefully I can get into race this time! *fingers crossed*
Am I missing something? I am unable to add supercharger...says I own it but won't let me add to car? Can add the turbo?
You have encounter the glitch zone!!!!!!!!!!
same thing happened to me you need to buy a new ball with wheels....eh'hem iment smart fo two and buy the super charger for it . Once you add it if you take it off its dead you can't even sell it
My 2cents?
Going to have to get a new car. I am thinking you had this car and took the supercharger off at some point or got the car from someone else that did. Glitch in the game will no allow you to add it again. There are other cars out there the same way, ran into a few myself.
Nevermind....must have had a prob with that car only....bought another and it built up properly. Game let me sell back the first for 50k...weird, but ok now.
Getting back into racing...The seed time you speak of...Is it for Mugello?...And your tune on your storefront...It is the racing tune you will use to race?...Apologies for any dumb ass questions!
Be Proud of Yourself...Outstanding Tune!!!...Lot of Fun to Drive...Sticks...Outstanding..Way to Go!!!
I would like to try out Kurupts Tune, maybe tonight it's at his storefront
I really waanted to race the series. but dont and wont buy another dlc for forza, see ya next month.
I wish I had your strength Greg. I'm disappointed in myself for giving in.
But from here on in Parcells doesn't buy another Forza DLC unless there's a track involved!!
Shame Rusty...Would of been nice to race with you again!!
Can someone add this car into the club garages? Would that allow those of without the DLC to race it?
I didn't think that was possible. If they don't have the DLC the car cannot be used by them. Hope I'm wrong. I will put 1 in the dirt garage and put my tune on my storefront.
It's east coast kurupt....7pm west coast.
I'm really trying to keep from caving in and buying the June and July DLC, but it's so damn hard. And of course those have been the two best packs, in my opinion. The only reason that I have this car is because of MS bungling the launch and I got it at just the right time.
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't the Smart for two the only free car in that pack?
I picked it up but haven't tried it yet...If I am not mistaken I think all the numbers are the same...Must be Kurupt's (LOve Kurupt's Tunes) Magical Tweaks!!!

my seed time 1:10