No assists
Thu, 06/28/2012 - 11:01
No assists
Few nights ago I decided Ok its time to become a 'Real Man!' I got a Porsche 911, turned all assists off and put it on manual (I usually do automatic with all assists on except of breaking). Running without abs and traction control and stability control was hard! I will try more.
You will find you will be faster, I did the same when I started here and there is no doubt it made me faster. After a while you will wonder why you ever needed them in the first place
at this point I for the most part try to stay on 3 - 4th gear max and just try to keep car on a road. I am running mostly Road America as its my by far the most favorite track I test all my cars there first.
try suzuka full....that track is a pleasure to drive and it got everything you need...different types of corners curves speed ... i use it to test drive the cars i get or when i work on tuning one
I still run traction control (That is It) in the faster cars...With limited time and dealing with Forza Issues I just can't see now running 1000 laps to get use to runnning without it.
I run Traction Control on select cars in R classes only, usually R1-R2, but the only hard fast rule I have is that the car will tell you if you need to turn it on...
Those of us with older aging eyes run the suggested line, more to indicate upcoming turns than anything else, and it's usually the only thing I ever have on. As a side note, it's helpful to tell you were AI tend to hang out on the track...
ABS to me I just don't get. Maybe if we were racing in water...but I grew up without it.
I absolutely love Road America, but there's so many other tracks in the game.
Jump in the Monday or Wednesday track nights, It's a great way to learn a track with different cars. Are we still doing Mondays?
I would say, start by turning off assists in an order to get used to what you are feeling through a car. Doing them all at once may not be the best option.
Autobrake - That needs to die a painful death
Stability Control - This close behind it
Automatic - and clutch - Get used to going up and down gears with this.
TCS - Get used to getting on the throttle and not allowing hte car to loose control
ABS - can correct the above, so take this off last.
Racing lines - As you wish, doesn't make any difference in speed.
Autobreak - been turned off on day 1. This is most annoying assists that actually gets on a way. I hate it.
transmission - I am better with automatic for a moment. I use those flappy pedals in a back of my Fanatec Turbo S and I tend to miss shift A LOT!.
I have some coordination issues (was born that way) and get a bit agitated in a critical moment and shift way to far some times. Heck I end up in reverse once from 4th
gear! This is why when I use manual I try to limit my gear range just to make sure that I downshift properly. I also have the issue of timing while downshifting
if I downshift while still at high speed car starts loosing control. I do use Racing Line on corners only.
Then stop downshifting at high speed. You're welcome.
As helpful as ever I see Parcells. Don't mind him Metalhead he goes away after a while.
That's ok. I can take it. I do not mind it. But in reality it was a good point. There is a bit of distance between
know how to do it and actually do a right thing. I just walking that distance that is all:):)
Your no stranger to getting the gear mixed up :)
Start with lower class cars and just focus on the gears until it become more instinctive. Once you are there, you can move on. Shift later to help shift lock, but the best method is to shift and blip the throttle whilst the clutch is down. Much hard to do that though.
Keep working at it, one at a time and you'll get there. We did :)
what time you ussualy do Mondays and Wends?
Wednesdays are at 3pm est, 8pm London time...Mondays were at 6pm I thought, but unsure if it is still a regular occurence...
Hey MetalHead...
Feel free to jump in a lobby with me on Friday nights, usually around 7pm 'til whenever. Most in there run with everything off. It's usually very clean (sometimes open to public), with lots of setups available.
It is A class and usually quite clean, but I would still say it's quite aggressive, and then there's Roush...
Metalhead, how do you feel about gay midget porn?
I disagree. SnappyDee is one of the most knowledgeable and able sim racers that we have in 2Old4Forza. I have always appreciated his advice and guidance. If you can get on the track with him, do so. I wish we could get on the track more these days, but my Forza time is limited.
I am very interested! lets plan on a session together. but need to be in a few weeks as I cannot get to my setup right now.
what is your prefered time?
Lesson one.
If you want to pass Snappy, sneak up behind him and yell Boobs! into the Mic...
I drive with a controller and sometimes with the wheel (FANATEC GT2 w/ CS pedals). I use none of the assists nor do I use the lines, braking or other wise. I use markers in the environment to judge my braking and I also use the advice of one of Tourni's videos to judge what to do when following closely during races with clan members. I am also starting to use cockpit view exclusively. However, cockpit view can be somewhat prohibitive in some of the full on race cars do to the limited view. It may not be the fastest way to drive but I like the added challenge of no brake line and cockpit view. I also have the advantage of using a very large TV when I play and having an HDMI hook-up. If I were on a smaller monitor I probably wouldn't drive this way.
I'll be moving soon so I hope to have a cockpit set up some day. Maybe that RSeat V2. I can dream, right?
Same for me. It is difficult at the start, but I think, this hard way to learn will be rewarded in the future. In SPEED.
Also same for me. It gives me some more realistic feeling.
Yes, dreams!!!!!! A room just for racing, with a good sound system and some great cockpit setup. Wow, that would be great.
Until then: Fun with those "too old for forza" aliens and humans.
no assists is more fun for racing IMO, i use a pad always have. i do have a xbox wheel which i use now and then but i tend to find i am much faster with a pad. just cant get dialed in on the wheel as easily as pad, i find i am so much more gentle on wheel and dont get away with half as much agression as i do on the pad. i cant afford fancey wheels and gizmos.. well i could but my wife wouldnt like eating 5p cans of beans for weeks on end.... lol.. hell i dunno if i even have a mic/headset anymore lol
have still yet to race online in forza 4......
What gearbox setting are you using Shifty?
Manual - Auto Clutch?
No assists, full sim.
I actually do have a designated racing room! Although its temporary used as a storage as I started a massive project of cleaning the basement. So my racing is sort of on hold. But room is there and it will be back in a few weeks:):) I use Fanatec Turbo S. I cannot really use gamepad and my fingers are not as fast as normal person would have. But my son prefers gamepad to the wheel and beats me all the time on split screen. I hate split screen! It messes up with my head:):) My wheel acting out lately. It would randomly disconnect t from xbox and some times will not power up at all. I hate that. I think I am ready for a new one. I kinda want to save for Elite :):) I have a 42 inc screen but kina think that 3 32 or 27 inc would work better.
I use printer stand as a wheel mount and cheap office chair. This is not ideal but been working for me so far. But I been thinking toward Rseat for a while now. I even got approved by my wife for a red seat with black frame:):) So who knows maybe soon.
i use a pad with manual no clutch .. not sure if its possible to use clutch on pad and or ram the gears in or god knows, other that that all aids off unless R3-R1 depending on car its TC onry then.
Shifty when I first joined here I was using manual with no clutch, When I changed to using the clutch it definitely made a difference. You can change the clutch from the LB button to the A button then it's just a matter of pushing the B and A button at the same time to change up and the X and A button to change down. It's actually not that hard to get used to. You should give it a go.
similar to the old handbreak speed slip glitchy thing in forza back in the day...
but do you actually get much benifit from it like how much per lap on average to you gain by doing it?