The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Tell Us Is Possible
The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Tell Us Is Possible
As some of you might have noticed, I've been away for quite some time, both from the forum and from online racing. The fact that Forza 4 sucks merely gave me a push in that direction :) Most od all I have worked on restoring my social life. Hanging out online is fun, but is no match for real human contact.
I have also done some reading. [url=]This book[/url] stands out in particular. It lays out how we got in this contemorary shit called "economy" and offers a vision of how to build a better world. To get a glimpse of what it's all about, check out this [url=]video teaser[/url].
Now, why would I post this information on a sim racing forum? The answer may not be obvious, but it comes very naturally once you read the book. I see this clan as a community, not just a meeting place for a bunch of dudes having fun. And I am not alone in this observation, it has been confirmed over and over again. Everyone is happy to give and look for nothing in return. More for you (the receiver) is also more for me (the giver). We have people giving away invaluable driving lessons, amazing video creations, fabulous paintjobs/artwork, mighty setups... and even help in real-life situations. If only we could behave like this in the real world, that would be a life worth living.
Well, we could! Maybe not tomorrow and not in all aspects from the get-go, but gradually we [i]will[/i] get there. Just listen to your heart. And remember, we are all in this together.
I have noticed your absense iprento and hope your sentiments do eventually come true, it certainly can happen, well after I leave this planet. Lets hope we get there before ignorance and greed destroys us all.

It's a good planet though...
Humans indeed.
Main issue we have is greed.
GREEEEEEEEEED...BIGOTRY...INCOMPETENT Leaders...POWER MONGERS...Less Compassion...Over Population!!!

Yes, but why are we greedy? No baby is born greedy, right? There must be something that makes us become like that. Greed is merely a symptom of a deeper problem. It reflects the perception of scarcity on our wonderful planet, which is [url= from reality[/url]. Scarcity is built into our (outdated) money system, a direct result of the way it is created and circulated. No wonder why research shows that rich people tend to be less generous than poor people. They have a lot more “invested” in their money and are less able to let go of it.
My personal experience is that this is indeed a vicious circle. The sooner you step out of it, the better. One has to draw a line and say "enough". I mean, you can't beat math - no matter how big a number you pick, there is always a bigger one.
Actually that is an interesting point, I think greed is built in, it's a survival tool. It manifests itself in many ways, sometimes benign, collectors, hoarders, some forms of business. A well stocked freezer, cupboards of stored food. It can also be damaging, banking, corporations, religion. So yes we are born greedy, but we are also born without language, the ability to walk, a sense of self or of others. Just a bundle of needs. Once that baby gets a sense of self it becomes self obsessed, some folk never significantly advance too far past that. Greed in itself is not a bad thing, how it is applied now there is the issue.
I don't want to be the depressing old fart, but greed drives the world forward. I couldn't even imagine a world where no one was trying to create a better life for themselves, and the ones they love.
If you truly believe that no one expects anything in return for a gift you may want to look up the term Rule of Obligation.
There's no such thing as a free lunch...
Heh a fellow realist...
We are born with two things. The fear of falling and loud noises...
As for greed, anyone who hasn't seen a baby snatch something from anothers hand ... many have to be taught to share...
I think self advancement without tha harming of others doesn't quite fall into greed...greed in itself seems to insinuate excessive behavior.
Kinda like Church always winning the damn race I'm in!!!!